New goals


Jul 18, 2018
In exception of that cenário that is in Australia, all of the others have as main goal, aniquilation. Im not very good war strategy but better is managing and comerce. Will be nice if we could have more cenarios with diferent goal, like:

- First Civ reach the moon
- First Civ achive some sport goal
- First Civ reach some gold value
- First Civ have more diferent resorces

About the ressorces i think thar all of them should to be used in something, most of them are unuselless. Only worth to sell to otheres Civs.

Is just some ideas, i wouldnt leave this comment if i wasnt a fanatic of the game, and i want to help the devolepments.Congrats for what you have done until now.

Keep up the good work
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