NEW - Spanish Civil War ToTPP v2.0


SLeague Staff
May 9, 2005

I finally found the time to finish off the last few tweaks today and get Spanish Civil War ToTPP v2.0 uploaded to the Scenario League Wiki. Also available at the Scenario League Archive.

I would like to thank the members of the Scenario League for their invaluable help in getting this scenario to this point, you guys rock!

Pablostuka for creating the excellent MGE original. I hope this latest version does justice to his vision. I will e-mail him to let him know his scenario lives on over a decade since it first saw the light of day.

Thanks to Fairline for the inspirational units, they're a real driving factor for keeping us designers inspired.

Of course this version would not be possible without the excellent Test of Time Patch Project from TheNamelessOne. I look forwards to my next project and Lua scripting!

I would like to dedicate this scenario to our dearly departed friend Agricola. Memories of his ruthless playtesting continues to inspire me to make the toughest scenarios I can manage.

I hope you enjoy playing this scenario as much as I have during my playtests. Although it has taken a while to complete this new updated version it was a joy to make and test fully for the second time. I have always tried to create the scenario I want to play whilst taking into consideration feedback and I hope you guys will give it a crack. It's not an easy scenario to win, but with a solid plan and courage the course of history can be altered.



YUS! You made fine use of the new features, I see! I look forward to taking this baby for a whirl over the hols...That creep Franco is going to eat some prole boot sole!
I will also certainly give a try! The past iterations were very good as it was, but this should be spectacular!
I'd love to give this and bitterfrost a go but it seems totpp is not compatible with the civ2.exe I have. I no longer have my install disk and I guess the civ2.exe is prbably the low cpu usage modded one. Any chance someone could send me their original please?
I can e-mail it to you. I have just checked and I don't appear to have your e-mail since I swapped to using Gmail a few years back. Message me your e-mail address and I'll send you the fully functioning files. If you can think of an easier method to send the files over I will do that instead.
Have you made this with version .14 of TOTPP, MM?
Because it is rumoured to have problems with unit home cities...
I used the 0.13 version. I would recommend using that until any issues are ironed out by TNO.

I have sent the ToT files over via an e-mail link to my Google Drive. Should just DL but let me know if you have any issues. Its a big old file!
I can e-mail it to you. I have just checked and I don't appear to have your e-mail since I swapped to using Gmail a few years back. Message me your e-mail address and I'll send you the fully functioning files. If you can think of an easier method to send the files over I will do that instead.

Cheers mate, thanks for that - that's got it working. :goodjob:
You're welcome Fairline. I hope you enjoy!

Here are a few tips for the scenario:

*Ideally you will want to gain a technology per turn. This gets increasingly difficult as the scenario progresses. Some hard rationing will probably be required ala Dr Negrin's Resistance Pills (Lentils)!

*Your Miliciano units are brave to a fault but stand little chance when charging into Nationalist machinegun fire. Perhaps a more conservationist policy would be advisable early in the scenario. You will need everyone capable of holding a rifle to resist the Army of Africa's onslaught!

*Keeping the science rate high is only half the battle. Soviet Aid will be vital to the Republican cause. Your Aid Ships will have to negotiate perilous sea routes patrolled by Italian Submarines and Aircraft. Remember that Aid Shipments can only offload their cargoes inside cities with a Port unit next to them and no units from Odessa can go into action until they have been unloaded in a friendly port.

*Be careful when destroying the Soviet Aid ships against the Ports. Land units can drop off their cargo and go back out to sea empty but the Air transports will pick up any aircraft present in a city!

*Nationalist air power can be devastating. An effective air defence plan will be critical for the Republic.

*The Nationalists do not have Paratroopers, so rear area cities don't necessarily have to be garrisoned at all times. When manpower is in short supply the Civil Guard can be a vital stopgap. Beware amphibious landings (they have a few transports) and Anarchist or P.O.U.M. uprisings behind your front lines though!

*Despite the new technologies being introduced the SCW still had a lot in common with WWI tactics. There will be a time for Blitzkreig, but in the early years it's all about gaining control of key territory and straightening your lines. Beware of leaving enemy pockets behind your front lines. Events will replicate the Nationalists airlift capacity. Crush these pockets of resistance before moving on!

I think these simple pointers will help make the game more enjoyable.
Yes, I've been switching between it, Warlords of Bitterfrost and working on Burma. The first Nationalist turn takes a long time, so I saved it and start from there. I suspect that in a confused and attritional war such as this, tactics more than strategy make the difference, especially when you're playing defense. So for starters, I'm trying to establish strong defensive positions, while trying to take out Franco's artillery units. I'll try to ramp up a similar tactic against his aircraft, particularly bombers as I build up my airforce. I've only gotten to turn 3, so no unexpected developments yet. More later. It looks like a fine piece of work, btw.
Thanks Tech. Tactics do indeed need to be thought out in terms of tactical doctrines. Strategy is also important though. Identifying where to move reinforcements to and getting them there at the right time in the right numbers will be vital, not only to holding the line but also to going over to the offensive. If you're too cautious you will be vulnerable to powerful Nationalist offensives, if your to aggressive you can leave yourself vulnerable to powerful counter attacks. It's all about balance, anticipation and solid planning. Enjoy!
A while ago I finished my 10th or attempt at this scenario and... had my best result yet.
I managed to achieve Decisive Victory with 99 points (sorta). I cheated a bit by removing 6 of the original Italian sub spawns as I always totally lost control of the shipping lanes, so that helped a lot. I also did some reloading to the test the waters on the feasibility of a major siege.

I'd say 2.0 is easier and much better than v1.
I was able to do this well because having played several times I knew when the Nationalist assaults were coming, it is absolutely critical to know what to prepare for and where to focus defenses and offenses.

First off it was crucial to send a couple of decent fighters to Bilbao to blunt the offensive, I'd stack em over trenches letting some aircraft impale themselves and confusing the bombers so they don't annihilate the defense in concert with the ground forces. Also in that sector I fully retreat to the Trench line and Guernika asap, holding Guernika is feasible as its got defensible terrain. Later some aircraft come from the West (could never hold Asturia) so gotta be ready for that but by then it's easy.

First fighters gotta go to Cordoba region which I found fairly easily to hold, rush a lot there to absorb the african infantry, make sure the fighters are positioned well to defend, when you got spares stack 2 or 3 on mountains to absorb or block some routes. Holding Guadix against Granda is pretty easy and it was my first counter offensive, after they run out of Italian troops there capturing cities there becomes quite feasible. Sevilla I found impossible because thats where troops spawn/moveto, but I managed to snag Cadiz.

Talavera, W of Toledo is on a river a better spot to hold up and will be subjected to some air attack so mass infantry and a couple of fighters is enough though.

Madrid was often tricky, in the earlier plays I thought it was fine and then bang massacre. Holding Guadalajara is vital, if it falls Madrid can be a real mess. Didnt counter there until late ingame. Also knowing the Barbarian uprisings was critical, like the Cartagena one caught me off guard couple of times and man its a disaster, you lose ships, a vital artillery production and port. Defending against barbs in Barcelona and Bilbao was easy as I always had lots of stuff in the area to spare for a couple of turns. I always took Teruel as early as possible, before the first major offensive from Zaragoza. Then after absorbing the two major offensive which are nuts and require the most prep in terms of fighters and tanks. After thats mopped up sieging the cities becomes feasible.

One thing that bugged the :) :) :) :):) :) :) :):) :) :) :):) :) :) :) out of me earlier plays was that after capturing a city there's a counerattack but if you lose the city and then retake it again, same counter-attack, I feel its unfair, can there be a JUSTONCE flag or something?

And yeah I played super meticulous this time, super micro managing everything. You gotta be at the top of your game to win this scenario. But generally I just built as much 155s as I could and its all about protecting and using your fighters. Taking out units on riverbeds with fighters is important but not if youre losing em to Nationalist fighters, so don't.

Countering from Bilbao was hella hard because of the Requetes that spawn there, but I was able to take Pampalona eventually but luring em all out so therd only be the 4 that spawn when I initiate the siege with superior numbers of 155s.

Anyways I have like no damn criticism, I've had 10 or so attempts, spend maybe 100 hours with this Scenario and loved it.

This is easily one of the best Civ2 scenarios ever! Thank you McMonkey.
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