New Sponsor Idea in Rising Tides


Jul 24, 2015
I need peoples thoughts on this, as I think it would make a more interesting Civilization to play as (I can make art but whenever I try to make mods they break so I can only think of concepts xL)

The Trait is the main important thing that I'm going to talk about but below it is my sponsor I've thought of.

Unique Personality Trait:
Level 1: Ocean Cities borders will expand with culture at 10% the rate of land.
Level 2: Ocean Cities borders will expand with culture at 25% the rate of land.
Level 3: Ocean Cities borders will expand with culture at 50% the rate of land.
(in Rising Tides Ocean City Borders don't expand with culture normally)
(Agreements I need to know more about to make)

Sponsor name: Sniperian Corporation.
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