New Star Trek Unit: Akira class Heavy Cruiser


Prussian Feldmarschall
Jun 10, 2003
Schleswig- Holstein. Germany
The Akira class heavy cruiser is one of the most modern and most deadly ships of Starfleet. Since 2365 25 ships of this class are built per year. 105 of these ships were active at the end of the Dominion war. However 62 had been destroyed by Borg or Dominion forces. These ships do not only have quantum, photon or even tri cobalt torpedoes and phaser arrays but are useable as planet attack ship or carrier for attack fighters, which were reintroduced due to the lack of ships after the Borg appeared.
This ship is my best so far. There are only two lacks: The phaser ray is still white and the explosion is a bit too big. But nevertheless: Have fun.

Akira class

And here are the animatiions. I also have to add my file is an integrated rar file in a zip file. If you don´t have rar, look in my other unit threads.



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1. Nice :goodjob: You are right this IS your best unit until now. And I really like what parts you made civ specific
2. Again, you are right, the explosion is really huge :lol:
3. One suggestion: I would make torpedo and phaser attacks different anims. If you got an attackA and an attackB anim, the game plays once AttackA, and then it rpeats attackB until the end. So I'd say torpedo attackA and phaser attackB.

EDIT: I tested it in game. The size is good, it's smaller than the sovereign, which indeed is about 1/3 bigger. But there are some wrong colored pixels around the ship, I think you should check the storyboard, and the death looked a but...weird, I think thats because of the pallet. Oh, and the phaser beam appears civ-specific, it was light blue in game.

EDIT2: Oh, and could you make the civilopedia pics too?
Kenta´arka I looked in the game but didn´t find any problems with the palette. Concerning the attack I will make two. My next project is a small surpise but then I want to make the Intrepid class. Or is anyone already making it?

Kenta'arka said:
If you got an attackA and an attackB anim, the game plays once AttackA, and then it rpeats attackB until the end. So I'd say torpedo attackA and phaser attackB.
If he has an attackC then the game will cycle through all three attacks until the combat ends. :D
If you don't have a third attack animation then just use one animation twice

I can tell from your amazing explosion that you're a fellow OpenFX user. :goodjob: Is that one great free program or what?
Kenta'arka said:
But there are some wrong colored pixels around the ship, I think you should check the storyboard, and

You can get around a "anti-alising blur" problem around a unit by putting all the off-magenta colours in the smoke or shadow region of the palette (last two rows in your palette). It makes these pixels invisible in the game but shows up as a white-grey line in FLICster when you turn the Alpha-shading on.
So, my surprise is gone. Damn defect mesh. The only problem I have is that my phaser beam is white because the program makes it nearly invisible so that the paint program sees it as a magenta making it like the underground.
Muffins, delicious name BTW ;), I use open FX. There is a programming thread by morpheus where you can get it and a programming course to make new units on your own.

Another defect mesh? What ship did you wanted to do? Oh, and it's not a good idea not to tell us, not that we work on the same ship ;) Oh, and noone is going to do the Intrepid, so pick that one if you want.

Oh, about what I said about the explosion's pallet: The outer parts look too red in game (because of the anti-aliasing on magenta background) I'd suggest you move those colors to the shadows part of the pallet, looks better I think. PM me if you need help with the pallet.
Did you see the magenta pixels around the ship I mentioned?

TheMorpheus said:
Very good work, the ship looks a little bit static you shoud add a little roll or hover effect to the ship.
I agree

@muffins: Yeah, OpenFX rocks ;)
I don´t see any problems with the palette. But if you think it is too read PM me to help me. I use a palette Morpheus used to improve my runabout death flic. Well and the mesh I wanted to use was a Nebula mesh by Whenever I wanted to make an animation of this ship it had an error message by openfx. Bad Luck. I knew you didn´t want it to make but I thought if I do this unit you had to introduce it ;).
But nevertheless I´m working on the Intrepid class.

And here is the death flic with a new palette. There should be no problems any more. Thanks to Kenta´arka. The file is unzipped and unrared 1.54 MB big. That was a big surprise for me and I don´t know why. However it worsk as well as the old one. You can play with the old as well as take the new one. The choice is yours.



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