New stJNES4 UN


Aug 29, 2003
I think it is time there was a new StJNES4 United Nations.
OOC: The old one is on page 4.

From Greece:
To the World:
In the intrest of world peace, we propose a new United Nations. Because Egypt shut down the old UN, Egypt will be banned from entering for two years.

Security cuncil that will be made from the 2 strongest Fascist alliance countries and 2 strongest Commintren alliance countries (strongest in the way of Miliatery) and another countries that will be choosed by the Whole UN every 8 years.
This 5 countries will be the ONLY countries able to Veto a vote.
If Voteod it can only be out up again by a vote in the Security council.
For example 5 countries are in the Council. 1 vote veto, another one wish for the Vote to continue. A vote among the 5 countries will choose if the Veto will take place or not. the Most win. (3 to 2 or 4 to 1)

Un Secure army.
This council will be made out of 10 countries chosen by the UN.
Each of the countries in this Council need to give 100 troops of it's army (It is welcome to give more) for sake of peace.
If a country aggresivly attack another one for no reason this Council will vote on if to aid the country on the defense or not.
If the vote will not have more than 60% of the 10 countries for it it will not go... Ofcaurse the countries choosing yes are welcome to aid the defensive country at any time.
Every 4 years a new vote will be take to rechoose the UN security army countries.

UN will be made of ALL UN countries.
ALL countries will be welcomed INCLUDING Egypt.
Countries that will not join could not have a vote to defende them with the UN army and could not suggest or say anything on the UN. They will be "half" explled from the World...
All counties will have to vote for every vote untill\unless the vote is vetoed. you can neather vote Nay Yay or Abstain.
Any country can offer a resolution.

UN Security Council:
1. Egypt
3. Britain
4. Denmark
5. To be voted upon

UN Secure Army:

UN Member Nations:
1. Greece
2. Spain
3. Prussia
5. South American Empire
Prussia would like to join and be a co-leader along with Greece of the UN. Prussia and Greece will decide the resolutions, which is fair becuase the two nations are in two different alliances.
Spain does not see Prussia as a fit co-leader given the current state of their country.

Spain will not join until some way of enforcing resolutions is put into place.
OOC: ANOTHER UN? damn! maybe this one will be at least successful (?)
From BURR:
Although we do not fully agree with Spain about Prussia not being a fit co-leader, the BURR does concur that a specific and solid way of enforcing resolutions is established. The older UN failed quickly because most of its proposed resolutions were never oficially passed or rejected, and the ONE that WAS passed was not enforced - it was a simple thing to just ignore it without any repercussions. How will this new effort for a successful United Nations actually succeed? Will it be all talk but no action, or will it actually be able to command members to respect and follow resolutions?
We will not join until we see some guidelines for resolutions and enforcement of resolutions.
Also, Greece has just recently invaded Sumer. Our question is: will Sumer be allowed to join the UN, too, or will it be denied membership by Greece (who is currently the de-facto leader of this organization) just to spite the Sumerians and to prevent them from having a say in resolutions?
If Sumer will not be allowed to join, then neither will BURR, because it would not be fair.
If StJNES4 is closed, then close this too.
If not, the way it will work is that there will be no leaders, and resolutions will be passed by the majority vote. Any nation that does not abide by the results of the resolution will be banned from the UN. Sumer is allowed to join this UN.
South American Empire offer this way to the UN to work:

Security cuncil that will be made from the 2 strongest Fascist alliance countries and 2 strongest Commintren alliance countries (strongest in the way of Miliatery) and another countries that will be choosed by the Whole UN every 8 years.
This 5 countries will be the ONLY countries able to Veto a vote.
If Voteod it can only be out up again by a vote in the Security council.
For example 5 countries are in the Council. 1 vote veto, another one wish for the Vote to continue. A vote among the 5 countries will choose if the Veto will take place or not. the Most win. (3 to 2 or 4 to 1)

Un Secure army.
This council will be made out of 10 countries chosen by the UN.
Each of the countries in this Council need to give 100 troops of it's army (It is welcome to give more) for sake of peace.
If a country aggresivly attack another one for no reason this Council will vote on if to aid the country on the defense or not.
If the vote will not have more than 60% of the 10 countries for it it will not go... Ofcaurse the countries choosing yes are welcome to aid the defensive country at any time.
Every 4 years a new vote will be take to rechoose the UN security army countries.

UN will be made of ALL UN countries.
ALL countries will be welcomed INCLUDING Egypt.
Countries that will not join could not have a vote to defende them with the UN army and could not suggest or say anything on the UN. They will be "half" explled from the World...
All counties will have to vote for every vote untill\unless the vote is vetoed. you can neather vote Nay Yay or Abstain.
Any country can offer a resolution.

And I might add more later.
From Greece:
To South American Empire:
This sounds like a great idea. We will use this as the offical UN constitution.
Britain, Mexico, Sahara, Johanites, Pacifica, Mozambique, and Argentina will join.

Mexico proposes UN Resolution 1:

Hold a referendum in Mexico to see if the population wishes to remain a vassal of Johanite or not. If no, then the Johanites must release Mexico.

Britain proposes UN Resolution 2:

China has no right to take Pacifican lands and then declare war on Britain for trying to invade them. This is clearly an act of warmongering to get the Fascists to be at war with the Committern, or it is a way to cheat Britain out of what she fully deserves.
SAF will join the UN
SAF Proposed UN Resolution #3
Due to the act of war with Congo A province of Angola was split in the peace treaty, and some comunities were split by the NEw border. It is our proposition that a referendum be held in Angola and the province re-united under the rule of either SAF or Congo, but spliting a united province with distict social and cultureal traditions is not a solution, and might lead to future problems.

Resolution #1
SAF fully supports this resolution. The will of the people is the most important aspect in making a desision, and should be followed by every government as closley as possible.

We believe that first of all a cease fire must be signed immediatley. After that a committee of the UN should be set up to create a fair peace resolution between the two countries. So we propose immediate cease fire, and a creation of a committee for creation of a fair peace treaty
Rebuttle to SAF's proposed Res.2:

From Britain

Why should the UN set up a peace treaty?! IT WAS OUR MEN WHO DIED TO FIGHT THESE WARMONGERERS. WE WILL SET UP TE PEACE. The world needs to learn when they are not wanted. Britain will set up the peace treaty between the two warring nations as soon as Britain wins, just like wars have been in the past centuries. Did we interfere when the SAF and Congo made peace? No. We expect the world to do the same for us.
We wish to add to UN res 3:
If the people of Angola wish to go not to SAF or Congo they will be free
If it is added we vote Yay.

If it's not added we vote Nay.
We change the Resolution #3 to include the proposed amendment

To Britain:
All we want is to secure peace, and stop this pointless conflict. We asure you that Britain's fight will not be in vain, and that the peace resolution will be fair. Howeven China and Britain seem to be getting nowhere this far, so we propose that UN act as a mediator in this crises, in order to preven more deaths.

We can not be sure that the UN wants what Britain wants, and after being attacked to start the war, and now winning, we will dictate the terms pending on the decision of Pacifica. This will include all of Pacifica's claims except for mainland Pacifica and the Japanese islands.
To Britain
We believe in the end to this war int eh shortest amount of time. Pacifica was the agressor, and they lost, and they WILL pay for it, but it is our strong beliefe that there are ways to make them pay other then continue fighting that will lead to deths. We believe that id the committee is made up of impartial countries, not involved in the conflict, and will hear Britain's and Pacifica's arguments, then both sides will be satisfied with the peace. Noone is trying to prevent Britain from acquring what is theirs, we are just trying to prevent more people from dieing needlessly
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