New strategic resources question


Oct 24, 2003
We've all run into the case where we've just finished researching, say rocketry or gun-powder - what have you, and none of the sources for the newly visable resource are within our cultural boundaries. Further, the most convenient one(s) are within a Civ that's lagging way behind on the technology curve. They may even have a few sources of the coveted resource. But, if I'm seeing things correctly, there's no way to trade with them for it.

Is this because it may not be hooked up via road to their trade network or is it because they don't recognize it as valuable because they don't have the required tech yet?

Oh, and you don't necessarily want to go to war to get the resource.

Now, if it's because its not hooked up, get a ROP and hook it up and trade for it. But, if it's that they don't have the tech yet, it seems to me that there should be some way for me to supply the work to develop the site and then trade with them for that resource.

Does anyone know the answer the question and or any thoughts on the rest of this ramble?
Is this because it may not be hooked up via road to their trade network or is it because they don't recognize it as valuable because they don't have the required tech yet?

It could be both, but in this case, them being behind in technology would be the deciding factor.

I don't quite understand the rest of your ramble... :p
Well, I guess the rest of the ramble is just me opining that I don't think it's a good state of affairs that the only options you have when this situations occurs are:
1) Go to war and take the resource (or some other way of getting that territory -- like trading for a city, hahaha)
2) Wait for them to develop the necessary tech, hook up the resource and then try and trade for it
3) Drag them kicking and screaming up the technology tree so they can now "see" the resource and begin to use and trade it.

There are lots of examples in the "real" world of developed nations exploiting the resources of less developed nations with the extremes of actually aquiring territory or giving away all of the necessary secrets to use that resource.

Should, IMHO, be a way of trading with a less developed nation for that resource. And, later, if you treated them fairly, all well and good. If you royaly screwed them over for the resource, your rep gets hammered.

That's all, and I hope it's a little clearer.
The AI cannot see a resource until they have the tech for it. This goes the same for friends when you play online. I mean REALLY sometimes when i am ahead in tech i complain that my friends have a SR that i want and he can't even see it. AGGGGGGHHH.
I have in the past just given the AI player the sufficient tech to be able to see the resource, if I really wanted the resource badly.

If they were that far behind, they probably were never going to have anything else to give me in exchange for the techs anyway, and besides, I will have made a friend. (Presently a weak one, but with all the new techs who knows...)

I agree that to hit that civ with a few horse units and take/hold the city. You have to withstand 5 turns and you may have to buy allies but war weariness is well worth having a key resource in your own territory.
I also find this extremely annoying, especially when my friends have SR's that I don't, and build all kinds of advanced units (The better to kill me with, my dear)
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