New Succession Game: Training Day

ChrTh, you might want to start forming some of the team lists soon, trying as much as possible to put the true rookies who are used to chieftan/warlord and those just new to succession games in equal numbers on each team. I'd also suggest that you not exclude Slave simply because he/she has only won one game on cheiftan; I'll take Slave on my team if nothing else! :D
Hello folks
nother newbie if you have room for me

vetran civ2 player...civ3 though only a few games under my belt..and a rabid SG reader

no worries on how we play but want to give it a shot

only caveat is i cant play on weekend (opposite of the norm i
and i cant start until this monday (australian time) if you let me in move me down the rostor accordingly
Wow, this thread really picked up. I am so glad that some of the players whose reigns I've been reading about in other threads have decided to sign up.

I would just like to throw my vote for game style to be:

Standard Map Size
Raging Barbarians
Medium Continents
Max Players (1 less is fine)
Random Civs all around

I also prefer culturally link starting positions off and respawn of AI players off.

But, I'm so excited to be able to play a organized SG game that anything is fine at this point.


One more thing, I think it would be cool to actually play the same game on all teams, like the RDB players are doing so that we can go look at the other threads (when the game is done of course), to see how they progressed. Maybe we call our selves the SGDL for Succession Games Developmental League..

Can't wait to start
I too think the same map for all games would be interesting.....probably even more so than how it ended up in rbd23 because with us..the games are going to go widely different right from year one im guessing..since most of us will have VERY different playing styles
that combined with the amount of "unfortunate" dicisions that are going to be made (including by yours truly) should lead to very interesting "what if" situations
I am another relative newbie (I played in EX1, but then I got busy), but I am doing well on single player; I'm moving up to Regent soon. (Ok, so well is very relative ;) ) My schoolwork is getting much lighter, and so I've time again. I have no preferences for game style, except that I like Readylander's basic idea, so we can all get criticized and the :smoke: :goodjob:
Ack! Uncle! Uncle! :)

Alright, we have 4 games to set up -- no more accepted! (But feel free to watch and learn!)

Sullla, LKendter, Zed-F, and Readylander are the veterans

The Rookies:
Erik Mesoy

Veterans, here are your ground rules:
You start the game by playing 20 turns, then one full rotation of your team, then 10 more turns. After that, the rotation continues WITHOUT YOU, unless you feel the need to take some turns (the group is in dire straits, you really want to play, etc.). Note that your place outside the rotation does not excuse you from the game--you'll be needed even more.

Each Veteran starts his (or her; on the Internet, no one knows you're a dog) own game with the following settings:
Regent Level
Random Civ
Standard Map
Roaming Barbarians
All Opponents should be Random, with one NONE (one less opponent than typical)
The Geography should be fully Random
Play 20 turns, and if you feel the game is workable, start your game. (If it's a really bad start, say, you're on a four square island, then it's ok to start again).

I thought about each group playing the same game, but then it would just be 4 simultaneous discussions of the same scenario. Every rookie should be watching every game; that way you'll learn a lot more (and it'll increase the variety of situations). In addition, even if it's not your turn, you should be downloading the save file (for your own game) and seeing what is going on.

Standard SG rules apply! (No worker automation, etc.) I'm not going to list them, it's up to the Vets to alert us to them all! (especially since I only know about half) Other things the Vets may want to clue us in on is the lingua franca of the SGs. For example:

Something is considered 'Weed' if it elicits one of the following four questions:
WHAT were you smoking?
What WERE you smoking?
What were YOU smoking?
What were you SMOKING?

Also explain terms such as MMOW, or 'fire all the animators'

Each game will its own thread; Vets are free to start their own thread after the Rookies have been assigned (the name of the thread should be "SG Training Day -- Zed-F's Team" (obviously, if you're not Zed-F, you should use your name :) ). This is basically as far as I go gentlemen...the rest is up to you.

Vets, how do you want to divy up the Rookies? Draft? RSG?
Originally posted by Mardoc
I am another relative newbie (I played in EX1, but then I got busy), but I am doing well on single player; I'm moving up to Regent soon. (Ok, so well is very relative ;) ) My schoolwork is getting much lighter, and so I've time again. I have no preferences for game style, except that I like Readylander's basic idea, so we can all get criticized and the :smoke: :goodjob:

Mardoc, we're full on players, but feel free to watch, and if anyone drops out, you're first on reserve :)
I can't start my game -
which 3 rookies are mine?

We need a division of players BEFORE we can start the games.
Originally posted by LKendter
I can't start my game -
which 3 rookies are mine?

We need a division of players BEFORE we can start the games.

Uh, the end of my last long post:
"Each game will its own thread; Vets are free to start their own thread after the Rookies have been assigned (the name of the thread should be "SG Training Day -- Zed-F's Team" (obviously, if you're not Zed-F, you should use your name ). This is basically as far as I go gentlemen...the rest is up to you.

Vets, how do you want to divy up the Rookies? Draft? RSG?"


Just make some assignments before folks wander off thinking it will never start :egypt:
Mardoc we could use a player in French Icy Islands if u'd like to join us there instead of bystanding :)
Here are the team assignments:

Sullla's Team:
Erik Mesoy

Lee's Team:

Zed-F's Team:

Readylander's Team:

Veterans, start your games!
Hey sulla, stick me last.

I got a few important exams tommorrow and Thurs. don't worry though even if I have to sacrifice an hour of sleep I'll still play ( I usually do good on those things)
I don't know if it was mentioned or not.

Standard succesion games rules are proposed -
No worker Automation (except pollution cleanup)
No goto orders crossing to the next players turn.
Don't fortify units in the middle of nowhere.

@ChrTh -
You want relaxed turns, I agree -
But we still need some rule for ovedue -
I don't want to wait 2 weeks for a player.

Mabye at least a certain # of hours for a got it notice?

If you didn't see/read my earlier post...i wont actually be able to play untill Monday mornign (Australia time) i guess put me last
(didn't think this was going to start up this quick actually..oops)

Alternately...if we get going on the actual game...i am free for about 6 more if you get the start up soon ill go first
(make up your mind Ziggy!
Originally posted by LKendter
I don't know if it was mentioned or not.

Standard succesion games rules are proposed -
No worker Automation (except pollution cleanup)
No goto orders crossing to the next players turn.
Don't fortify units in the middle of nowhere.

@ChrTh -
You want relaxed turns, I agree -
But we still need some rule for ovedue -
I don't want to wait 2 weeks for a player.

Mabye at least a certain # of hours for a got it notice?

Lee, cover the SG standard rules in your team's thread, there may be some discussion on it

Communication/discussion should be happening relatively non-stop, so there really shouldn't any serious downtime between turns. If there's no word from the player within a couple days, I'd PM him (or something) to see if he (or she) is still around. I leave it in your hands, though--you're the veteran, not me. Most of the time when I read a SG thread, I don't even keep track of the dates so I'm not following how much time is passing.
Its only half the normal turns isnt it? So normal turnarounds should be reasonable I would think and exceptional situations can be dealt with in the game thread as per normal. :egypt:
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