New Succession Game: Training Day

I'm prepared to start another game if we get another three rookie latecomers. Although I wouldn't go as far as to consider myself a "Veteran" like Lee or Zed (actually I'm really stuck in that no-man's land where I've played plenty of succession games, but not enough RBD or LK ones to be considered a true Veteran).

I pretty much trash the game on Regent, and normally play at Monarch.
Originally posted by Arizona_Steve
I'm prepared to start another game if we get another three rookie latecomers. Although I wouldn't go as far as to consider myself a "Veteran" like Lee or Zed (actually I'm really stuck in that no-man's land where I've played plenty of succession games, but not enough RBD or LK ones to be considered a true Veteran).

I pretty much trash the game on Regent, and normally play at Monarch.

You're free to start your own if you can acquire enough rookies :) ... I think there's one waiting (Mardoc)...but to be honest, I think you should wait until the first wave finishes. My goal was to have several 'waves' of Training Days, with different Vets each time (I was planning on play 3 waves of Training Days myself before starting my own game as a Vet :) )

If you do start one up, I do ask that you follow the setup specified below (random civ, etc.)
Something I wanted to clarify for the training games:

"I get the impression that ChrTh's idea is to let the rookies muddle their way through without a lot of up-front advice (so the vet doesn't dominate the decision making process) and then simply provide constructive feedback on what choices were made. So, I'm not going to post my own dotmap once we start the game -- I'll let you guys take care of that yourselves. "

Well, I expect some guidance at the end of your turn; for example what we need to concentrate on, where we should be building towards. The one thing I want to avoid is mid-turn discussion; I'd rather let the Rookie make a mistake on turn 4 when he gets a GL (rushes the Colossus instead of forming an army, for example) or suddenly gets a demand from Catherine for some gold. I do want extensive discussion both pre-turn and post-turn. My fear is only that the rookies will get paralyzed in their turn if they keep looking for help (making the game run forever).
I think that I will sign up over in Sirian's Training Day game, and since I've not got enough time for much more than one game at a time, I'll wait on this one until after his is done. Thank you very very much for developing this idea! :goodjob: :D :goodjob:
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