New Unit: Belgian Resistor


Conan the Librarian
Apr 18, 2002
I'm home, where are you?


  • belgian_preview.gif
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Oh man this is so cool, i can use that in the MEM! Thank you very much Kinboat.
Nice unit Kinboat! :)
Can you make some more fantasy units now [I badly need some undead units]...damn Im soooo selfish!!! :D
"Picked up a Gutentag?"

Picked up a 'good day'?"

If that Gutentag should land on your head, your day wouldn't be so good after that... ;)

Cool Mace-man (or whatever that Gutentag is)... :D
Well the preview isn't the same speed as it shows up in Flicster (since I do the previews in a different program)... I thought I had him scaled decently compared to the spearman but if there is a major problem I'll look into it.
The 'Gutentag' was basicly a large wooden hammer with metal spikes sticking out in all directions. And yes the Normans really didn't have a good day when they were confronted by the peasants with this thing :)
Kinboat, you are the man! At last, we have a proper maceman/clubman!

I have a question, depending on the amount of work involved, could you "redress" this fella in say animal skins and fur, to give him a more primitive look? Id love to see a variation of this lad preceed the stock warrior as a sort of Village Militia.
If someone could explain how and where to upload them, I have some sound files that could possibly be used for this unit's actions. That is, if ya dont mind some creative help, Kinboat. I dont know much about unit art creation, but I can sure whip together sounds for anyone needing them. Gotta help a little I figure hehe
Here is the link for some suggested sound files to be used with the Belgian Resistor.

The .zip file contains a sound for each action including:

AttackA, AttackB, AttackC, Death, Fidget, Fortify, and Victory.

Simply download the zip and extract to your Belgian Resistor unit folder, etc etc.

Feedback appreciated.
Great unit, Kinboat! :thumbsup: This is just what I've been wanting, a militia-type unit to serve as a last ditch defense. I'll call him a Resistor, use him in the ancient age, and he'll cost 2 pop, 0 shields, and have a mediocre attack and defense.

I hate to ask, but do you suppose that you could make some other animations of him using 1) a pitchfork, 2) a musket and 3) a submachine gun? His outfit already looks fine for a partisan or militia unit, all he needs are the right weapons. This is if it's not too much work, I know you have other units planned.

I plan to have a line like this:


Each would cost the same and be used for last ditch my-empire's-crumbling defense. Also the Kryten's new Minuteman would replace the militia as and American UU.

Thanks again Kinboat! :goodjob:
Guten Tag! :undecide: :hammer:

Thanks kinboat. I remember this discussion way back about a belgian UU. Thanks for pickin up this unit.
I would second GE's motion to give the fella a pitch-fork at some point.
Well I'm reluctant to agree to more versions of him because I'm swamped but I will try on one condition... How is this unit in terms of size and speed. If I was to make variations I would basicly just rip off the rendering and paste over without testing and such... so if this unit really looks ok size wise to people I'll try some of those changes. I'm doing this mostly because this was one of the shortest render times of any of my units :)
Thanks for the sounds COAtlantis1745.
Hmm I can use this unit as a maceman! Woot! :)
Happy to help Kinboat. The Resistor's three attack flcs inspired me to study the models movements fairly close in the game and actually mix the sounds in coordination with that movement. Id be happy to supply sound mixes for any future units you come up with.
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