New unit: Da Vinci's Tank


Jan 27, 2003
Planet Baal
One of the strange things ever designed by the great inventor & artist Leonardo Da Vinci: a tank :crazyeye:

Here are the files (roughly 1.8 mb)
Da Vinci Tank

Here is an animation preview of this baby (including Default, Fidget, Run, Attack A, Attack B, Attack C and Death):

And here's a civilopedia pic.


  • LDVTPic.gif
    5.5 KB · Views: 8,695
That has to be the silliest thing ever turned into a unit, but it's class anyway. I wonder how long it takes before someone making a 50's scifi scenario requests you turn that thing into a flying saucer. :lol:
I actually did a project on this thing. Very good job. Love Now just what to do with it...
awesome- please tell me yout going to make the Di Vinci ship next :D
@Drift - don't make fun of it.
It is clearly some sort of chaos magic unit... :p ;) :hammer:

@xen - No, I don't have any plans on doing those da vinci's ships. And I think that I won't do them at all.
There is some thought now that Da Vinci might have been autistic.
Cool :D what is there thrown out (in the fidget anim I think)?
I think the silly units are always better than the serious units.

People need happiness, laughter and silliness in their lives. That is why I made the "Cat" mod (AW:pP). Games are supposed to be fun and what's "fun" doesn't always have to be historically accurate or serious; silly is good too!!!!

Great unit aaglo :goodjob:! I especially like the rock they throw out for the first attack :lol:!

Now I have the perfect graphics for my Dwarven Battle Wagon (requires Metaleurgy advance) in my FF mod.... I may even add it to my Tweaked Out epic mod :p

Nice unit as always, aaglo.
Brilliant! I had seen the drawings, and always wondered what the thing would have been like if actually manufactured.
dude this could like come from Leonardo’s workshop!! I know I've asked many a times :D but how far down your list is that roman quinqireme?
I too wonder what they seem to be throwing out the back... Wonderful unit :D
Well, it looks like a rock to me, but perhpas it is a lazy guy who wouldn't push the tank?

Awesome as usual, Aalgo. What is next.
I already found a home in my mod for this. Great work aaglo.
All hail Aaglo!
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