New unit: Dark Elf Black Guard (mar 23rd, 2005)


Jan 27, 2003
Planet Baal
Here is a warhammer Dark Elf unit called Black Guard. This unit is completely based on the Phoenix Guard I did earlier - with some edits (colouring, weapon, helmet). I did it just for the kicks :p ;) Enjoy :)

Here is some civilopedia info taken from the games workshop website.
If you are called upon to fight directly for the lordly Malekith, he may deign to send you a contingent of his personal guard. These are the Black Guard, the soldiery of the Dark Elf capital Naggarond, and they are the fiercest fighters in all the Land of Chill. Wondrously ruthless and efficient on the attack, and immovable in defense, the Black Guard are the terror of the Dark Elf enemies.

Here are the files:
Black Guard (638 kb)

Here is BlackGuardAttackB-animation - a serious swing with the halberd.

Preview in this post

Attached are some animation and civilopedia previews.


  • BlackGCivilop.gif
    14.7 KB · Views: 1,395
  • BlackGuardDemo.gif
    37.8 KB · Views: 2,002
But, you know the great thing with halberds? They're not only spears, they're great big axes too. ;) So a AttackB would be nice too. :)
mrtn said:
But, you know the great thing with halberds? They're not only spears, they're great big axes too. ;) So a AttackB would be nice too. :)
Well, damn :lol:
I thought that nobody would want a whacking attack for these. Okay, I'll do one for both this and the phoenix guard, but It may not look very good (there may be some awkwardness due to the stange position they are standing in :mischief: )
The armour isn't black enough for me, but it's still cool as it is. :D
A very nice suprise. I just finished up a game as the Dark Elves, and this is definately on the list of units needed for their army. Great job, and thanks. :)
Here is an addition to this unit. BlackGuardAttackB -animation is a serious swing with the halberd.

Here's the file:


  • BlackGuardAttackBDemo.gif
    15.6 KB · Views: 2,157
It will always (at least for a very long time) perplex me as to how you figured out the formula's for these awesome attack movements.

Halberd's are great, evil elf with a ginourmous Halberd is un-worldly awesome.

:D Surprise! I decided to give my thumbs a rest and give a smiley for this one.
vbraun said:
I would actually use that as AttackA and the original as AttackB. But thats me...
I agree, it seems better to let the stab loop. :)

@aaglo: thanks for doing these new attacks! :thumbsup:
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