Made by request and Named after my Wife, Elizabeth is a Pretty Woman who grew up on a Farm out in the country and although she likes the high fashion she adopted while living as an adult in a big city, she prefers to go barefoot when possible.
Elizabeth's Father taught her how to hunt, fish, shoot and fight for a good cause as she grew up. She has always remembered what her Father taught her and she is willing to fight for a good cause with her Very Deadly double barrel Shotgun
Elizabeth Preview gif
This gif shows all flcs and some are in slow motion due to having to use only one speed for all.
Elizabeth Run gif
Shows more toward normal Run Speed.
Elizabeth Attack gif
Shows Attack in all directions
Included Files:
Civilopedia ElizabethLarge.pcx, ElizabethSmall.pcx, Elizabeth_units_32.pcx
Alternate and Extra Images:
Alt_ElizabethLarge.pcx has a White Background
Alt_ElizabethSmall.pcx has a Colored Background
Preview Images
Adjusted .ini file
Animations (flcs): ElizabethDefault.flc, ElizabethRun.flc, ElizabethFortify.flc, ElizabethFidget.flc, ElizabethAttack.flc, ElizabethDeath.flc, ElizabethVictory.flc
Sounds: ElizabethRun.wav, ElizabethFortify.wav, ElizabethFidget.wav, ElizabethAttack.wav, ElizabethDeath.wav, ElizabethVictory.wav
Remade the Default Flc to use Offsets so the Unit is seen inside the Bottom Right Game Unit Window Box with a better position.
All Game Tested.
Download the Zip File Here
Elizabeth's Father taught her how to hunt, fish, shoot and fight for a good cause as she grew up. She has always remembered what her Father taught her and she is willing to fight for a good cause with her Very Deadly double barrel Shotgun

Elizabeth Preview gif
This gif shows all flcs and some are in slow motion due to having to use only one speed for all.
Elizabeth Run gif
Shows more toward normal Run Speed.
Elizabeth Attack gif
Shows Attack in all directions
Included Files:
Civilopedia ElizabethLarge.pcx, ElizabethSmall.pcx, Elizabeth_units_32.pcx
Alternate and Extra Images:
Alt_ElizabethLarge.pcx has a White Background
Alt_ElizabethSmall.pcx has a Colored Background
Preview Images
Adjusted .ini file
Animations (flcs): ElizabethDefault.flc, ElizabethRun.flc, ElizabethFortify.flc, ElizabethFidget.flc, ElizabethAttack.flc, ElizabethDeath.flc, ElizabethVictory.flc
Sounds: ElizabethRun.wav, ElizabethFortify.wav, ElizabethFidget.wav, ElizabethAttack.wav, ElizabethDeath.wav, ElizabethVictory.wav
Remade the Default Flc to use Offsets so the Unit is seen inside the Bottom Right Game Unit Window Box with a better position.
All Game Tested.
Download the Zip File Here
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