New Unit - Giant Crab December 25, 2018


Dedicated to Excellence
Nov 14, 2001
Want or Need a Giant Crab for your Game?

Made by Request, this Giant Crab is a Vicious, Hungry Monster that can be loyal to you and help you Kill your enemies or added as an enemy unit for you to try to conquer.

Preview Images:

Animation Preview:
Note that the animations speeds differ from this gif preview than in Game because the gif preview uses the same Speed for all animations.

More Accurate Run Animation in Game:

Included Files:
Civilopedia GiantCrabLarge.pcx, GiantCrabSmall.pcx, GiantCrab_units_32.pcx

Alternate and Extra Images:
Alt_GiantCrabLarge.pcx has a White Background
Alt_GiantCrabSmall.pcx has a Colored Background
Preview Images

Adjusted .ini file

Animations (flcs): GiantCrabDefault.flc, GiantCrabRun.flc, GiantCrabFortify.flc, GiantCrabFidget.flc, GiantCrabAttackA.flc, GiantCrabAttackB.flc, GiantCrabDeath.flc, GiantCrabVictory.flc

Sounds: GiantCrabRun.wav, GiantCrabFortify.wav, GiantCrabFidget.wav, GiantCrabAttackA.wav, GiantCrabAttackB.wav, GiantCrabDeath.wav, GiantCrabVictory.wav

Remade the Default Flc to use Offsets so the Unit is seen inside the Bottom Right Game Unit Window Box with a better position.

Game Tested

You can Download the Zip File

Merry Christmas to you all

Here is a Size Comparison:


  • Size Comparison.png
    Size Comparison.png
    30.9 KB · Views: 320
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In time, as usual, comes a gift for CivFans ! Thanks a lot !
I really like the eating fidget! Shame he doesn't walk sideways, but I can imagine that looking bad in game. Great unit!
please , please an alien tank with turrets and beams , awfully nice as it's already .
Man, I don't know if I like the texture or the animation better. Both are so well done. One thing I always love about your units is how crisp the lines are even when in motion.
Awesome Giant Enemy Crab unit, Vuldacon!

The only question I have is if it takes massive damage if you hit its weak point? :p

Seriously, though, it would probably be useful for the Fallout mod or something like that.
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