Usually converted from a Steam Frigate, the most well-known of these was known as the "Merrimac" or, "C.S.S. Virginia", the Confederate ironclad in the famous battle with the Union's "Monitor". The Confederate navy built more than a dozen similar to this.
ACTUALLY this type of ship was also used in the Navies of France, Austria-Hungary, and Italy among others. An Austrian one rammed and sank the Italian Flagship "Italia" at the Battle of Lissa. Like the Monitor-style ironclad portrayed in Civ III, in reality it was slow and not very seaworthy, only suited for use along the coast and in inland seas.
Anyway, here's the default .flc file; I'll make ones for attack, death etc. if anybody wants it. I'll also attach some suggested snumbers for this and other naval units in another posting, plus a screenshot.
ACTUALLY this type of ship was also used in the Navies of France, Austria-Hungary, and Italy among others. An Austrian one rammed and sank the Italian Flagship "Italia" at the Battle of Lissa. Like the Monitor-style ironclad portrayed in Civ III, in reality it was slow and not very seaworthy, only suited for use along the coast and in inland seas.
Anyway, here's the default .flc file; I'll make ones for attack, death etc. if anybody wants it. I'll also attach some suggested snumbers for this and other naval units in another posting, plus a screenshot.