New Unit: Kandori (Jan. 7, 2005)


Uncle Cam
Feb 4, 2004
St. Louis

Download Kandori

Fidget, Attack A, Attack B


Notes: Kandor lies between the nations of Arafel and Saldaea, along the Blightborder. Though the martial arts are as highly developed here as in any border nation, the Kandori have also developed a skill for trade and alone of all the Border nations have established a highly respected guild for merchants. Though Chachin's nearness to the Blight prevents it from being a center of commerce, the merchants have established a strong reputation and have brought much wealth back with them. Kandori men are easily spotted by their distinctive forked beards, as well as one to three silver chains worn over their coats. Kandori also usually wear an earring, and the earrings of some successful merchants, guilds are quite ostentatious. Members of the nobility also wear chains over their coats and earrings.

Credits: Many thanks to Kinboat for his paperdoll figure along with his clothing models. Thanks also are due to Cyber Dreyk and Steph for their wonderful programs.

This is an awesome unit. Can be used in many medieval settings. Awesome. Wish I would still play Civ3 to add this unit.
Kandor has to be the most generic fantasy/medieval kingdom name. Its like, you make up an entire world, this huge backstory, and then run out of good names for things so you just throw out the first thing that comes to your head. Its like naming your kid John. (yeah, I know you didn't write WoT, just saying)
Anyway, good lookin fella ya got there. You've managed to keep the attacks different from the dozens of other sword weilding units. Also most appreciative of the consistancy among your units. No size, palette, or animation issues. I guess size is kinboat's doll. Its a good doll.
Anyone think this could pass as a generic oriental swordsman? Like chinese or something? might be a bit of a stretch...
awesome :D what are you doing next from WoT?
really awesome, cam. although there's work to go still to get WoT done, i for one am greatly appreciating the fruits of your labours - every unit you've produced has made it to my home mod. (and i'm truly picky, so that's high praise!) :)

one question - all the animations in the preview are cut off on the west facing (last move seems truncated). is this safe to assume it was just in the preview?

Great artistry, CamJH! :goodjob:
Bungus said:
Anyone think this could pass as a generic oriental swordsman? Like chinese or something? might be a bit of a stretch...
I'll probably use him for some sort of East Asian unit.
Wow it looks like an Egyptian-Roman-Japanese-Medieval Infantry unit!

Great anims too;)
Excellent job :D

This is the Otomo Swordsman drawing by ShiroKobbure, hes quite good is he not? We may use the Kandori(with some recoloring) in Battlefield Asia as a true Otomo Swordsman kinboat, and the Otomo Swordsman from before we could use for something else(perhaps a Shinobe Swordsman)
Sorry Bungus, I didn't choose the names. ;) But I appreciate the compliments.

Xen, the Domani will most likely be my next creation, but there are a couple others on my soon-to-do list.

Thanks Enkidu, and yes it's only a glitch in the preview. The unit itself has no problems taking on foes from the west. :)

I think you guessed them all Yoda. :lol:

And thanks everyone else for all your kind words. :D
@all those who woudl misuse this unit as an east asian one

he actually best fits the middel eastern Palmyran semi-Roman empire style infantry, sans his sheild- he would, thierfore, be bes tplaced under the Byzantines, Greeks,Egyptians, Hittites, and possibel th ebabylonians and SUmerians. -hell, a reguler european sword, and he woudl be essentially a 3rd century legionary, without his sheild.
also, feel free to use that Dervsh idea o mine if it shoudl ever be of aide for your project :mischief:
Good call, Xen. I thought he looked positively Persian, myself, but you did a little more thinking on the subject than I did, obviously.

CamJH...what can I say? I'm not a big WoT fan, but your units are great. I keep trying to find places to put them in most my games. Great work again.
Xen said:
@all those who woudl misuse this unit as an east asian one

he actually best fits the middel eastern Palmyran semi-Roman empire style infantry, sans his sheild- he would, thierfore, be bes tplaced under the Byzantines, Greeks,Egyptians, Hittites, and possibel th ebabylonians and SUmerians. -hell, a reguler european sword, and he woudl be essentially a 3rd century legionary, without his sheild.

We aren't using him as is, we are going to do some alterations(Shiro has somebody doing color, and helmut alterations, so it looks Japanese). Although Kinboat's Otomo Swordsman is a great unit, and I love using it in my own epic mod, I do have the wishes of other Battlefield Asia teammembers to consider, hense the decision to not use the existing Otomo Swordsman as the Otomo Swordsman(The Otomo existed at a time which was pre-Katana, and the Otomo Swordsman by Kinboat has a Katana)
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