Download Kandori
Fidget, Attack A, Attack B
Notes: Kandor lies between the nations of Arafel and Saldaea, along the Blightborder. Though the martial arts are as highly developed here as in any border nation, the Kandori have also developed a skill for trade and alone of all the Border nations have established a highly respected guild for merchants. Though Chachin's nearness to the Blight prevents it from being a center of commerce, the merchants have established a strong reputation and have brought much wealth back with them. Kandori men are easily spotted by their distinctive forked beards, as well as one to three silver chains worn over their coats. Kandori also usually wear an earring, and the earrings of some successful merchants, guilds are quite ostentatious. Members of the nobility also wear chains over their coats and earrings.
Credits: Many thanks to Kinboat for his paperdoll figure along with his clothing models. Thanks also are due to Cyber Dreyk and Steph for their wonderful programs.

Download Kandori
Fidget, Attack A, Attack B

Notes: Kandor lies between the nations of Arafel and Saldaea, along the Blightborder. Though the martial arts are as highly developed here as in any border nation, the Kandori have also developed a skill for trade and alone of all the Border nations have established a highly respected guild for merchants. Though Chachin's nearness to the Blight prevents it from being a center of commerce, the merchants have established a strong reputation and have brought much wealth back with them. Kandori men are easily spotted by their distinctive forked beards, as well as one to three silver chains worn over their coats. Kandori also usually wear an earring, and the earrings of some successful merchants, guilds are quite ostentatious. Members of the nobility also wear chains over their coats and earrings.
Credits: Many thanks to Kinboat for his paperdoll figure along with his clothing models. Thanks also are due to Cyber Dreyk and Steph for their wonderful programs.