New unit: Manbot (June 3rd, 2005)


Jan 27, 2003
Planet Baal
Here is a manbot (partly man, partly robot, partly mech) based on a drawing by Kal-El. It's quite futuristic compared to most things I've done in the recent year or so :) Enjoy :)

Here are the files:
Manbot (~1,4 Mb)

Here are animation previews: Fortify, AttackA, AttackB and Death

Attached is the xl-civilopedia image.


  • ManbotCivilop.gif
    19.6 KB · Views: 3,104
Me very much likey, it's nice to have a change in style on occasion. The shots are particularily neat, they sorta look like miniature stars.

And now the community again is left wondering what masterpeice aaglo will do next:

Simply awesome!! :D

@CamJH: Ask your mother, she'd tell you he's all man! ;)

But seriously, he's a scientist/engineer who had an experiment go sout, crippling most of his body. So, now basically only his head and torso remain functional, and even there he requires the suit for basic life support. (Sorta like Darth Vader) :)
Looks very cool. I feel if you had given it a human face it would fit the Manbot description better.
The attack is just cool... But then so is the explosion... :D
Hey this unit's great! It just so happens that he looks almost like a Gesper, one of the robots that Estar used in Final Fantasy VIII, so you've basically given Estar its very first UU. :lol:

This is what a Gesper actually looks like, BTW:
Cool Unit aaglo...I think the "man" aspect of the name fits the Run because he is one "lose" Cool moving Bot :lol: but with Ominous Power that one Dare Not Trifle with. Love the Fantasy Units and Art Somewhere between Vincent van Gogh, Salvador Dali and Leonardo De vinci :lol:
What a wonderful unit!

Very creative ammunition and an excellent death. I can't fathom how a unit like this comes into existance, but I am glad it did. Thanks Aaglo, and thanks Kal-el for the conception art.
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