New unit: Mayan macaw galley (sep 8th, 2005)


Jan 27, 2003
Planet Baal

Here is a Mayan macaw galley (fictional ship) which is based on a scetch made by Sword_of_Geddon (thanks :) ). Enjoy :)

Here are the files:
Macaw galley

Here are some animation previews:

Attached is a civilopedia image preview.


  • MacawCivilop.gif
    16.1 KB · Views: 1,585
Colourful little thing, I'm guessing you'll be doing a whole armada of native american vessels now? You're off to a great start so far!

Decided my thumbs needed a rest, so i just put in a smiley...
Ares de Borg said:
Nice! Were these actually in use?

In the first post aaglo said "Fictional".

Still Awesome, though.
Ares de Borg said:
Yep, already read it. My bad. Nice ship, nonetheless.

Galley type ships seem a natural, inevitable development in civilizations. I think its highly likely that if the Mayans were to develop into a copper or bronze age society, they more than likely would have built something like this.

Left: If Aaglo isn't making the Quezalcoatl ship, then his Templeship would work great, in fact, its similiar in design to what I imagined for the Mayan/Aztec ship. The only difference is that the Quezalcoatl ship is more of a Galleass type vessel, with multiple, three layer sails, while the Templeship is more of a war barge, and it has the cool temple too.

R8XFT: Honestly, id probably give your africans middle eastern style ships, like the Corsair for example, at least islamic african civs. Probably Ethipia to, from industrial espionage.

Aaglo: Your welcome, but I think I owe you a bigger thankyou for making this, love the changes to my orginal design btw.
Way too much fun, man, way to much fun. :bounce:
Yes, Ethiopia would need Arabian-style ships (as they really were a major naval power), but I see nothing wrong with giving (say) West African civs ships like this (although Mali, at least, did build ocean-going ships, but I don't know what they looked like).

These are great ships, and this one is very cute!
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