New Unit mod


May 26, 2010
This project started several years ago, i.e., in 2005.

Combination of mech and Civ is something I have been dreaming for the last 5 years.

Originally done for Civilization 2 Test of Time with 2D graphics. Then Civ 3 and 4 came along and it took me a while to learn 3D modeling. The alpha version was first made in late 2008 using blender. It was terrible. Then in 2009 I picked it up again and gave up. Late 2009 I discarded the alpha version of it and restart from scratch, and gave up again. Early 2010 I finally able to gather all my time and effort to sit down and finally created. It was not colored for along time. It is now done.

Here is the link

In early summer I've done several of them but they have yet to be colored.
Several more will be coming when and after Civ 5 comes out.

Disclaimer: This model resembles the gear (mech) named Xenogears from the famous PSX title Xenogears. This was NOT ripped from the PSX disc as you can see this is much better than the in game version of the model. I build this model from the original design as well as taking some coloring element from the in-game model. Neverthelese I build this model MYSELF and with help of a friend in the coloring process.

However the idea of this model still belongs to Square-Enix. That said while I plan to create these units (all the omnigears) as mod for Civ 5 I do not, cannot and will not release the mod into public. This is for my personal enjoyment only.

Just want to share :)

I also posted this over at Civ 2K Forum. Sorry for the double post but there might be some people who doesn't know the other forum or this one.
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