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New Unit- Pack Mule - November 29, 2018


Dedicated to Excellence
Nov 14, 2001
By Request, here is a Pack Mule to help you carry and transport materials and or Goods where you want them to go.

Pack Mule Preview:

Pack Mule gif Preview:
This gif preview uses the same playback speed for all Flcs and they all differ and are better in Game.

Example of in Game Pack Mule Walk Speed:

This Unit is a Pack Mule, Not an Attack Mule :) No Attack or Victory Animations. It is meant to be a land transport for Human Players and you can set it as a Settler as well as able to build Colonies. I recommend a 0 Attack and Defense so the Unit can be Captured.
The Pack Blanket is Civ Specific Colored.

Here is the Run more toward in Game speed

Included Files:
Civilopedia PackMuleLarge.pcx, PackMuleSmall.pcx, PackMule_units_32.pcx

Alternate and Extra Images:
ALT_PackMuleLarge.pcx has a White Background
ALT_PackMuleSmall.pcx has a Colored Background
Preview Images

Adjusted .ini file PackMule

Animations (flcs): PackMuleDefault.flc, PackMuleWalk.flc, PackMuleFortify.flc, PackMuleFidget.flc, PackMuleDeath.flc. PackMuleCaptured, PackMule Settle.

Sounds: PackMuleWalk.wav, PackMuleFortify.wav, PackMuleFidget.wav, PackMuleDeath.wav, PackMuleCaptured.wav, PackMuleSettle.wav.

Remade the Default Flc to use Offsets so the Unit is seen inside the Bottom Right Game Unit Window Box with a better position.

I Made this Unit by request and for "The Old West" Game that has been a long work in progress but if anyone has a game where the Pack Mule can also find a home, you are most welcome to add it :)
Intentionally made it more generic so it could work well for World War 1, World War II, Vietnam, Western Games, etc...
Game Tested.

You can Download the Zip File Here
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Yes, the Walk Gate was a bit of a chore. More difficult than a Run. The objects in the Pack were made with primitives and the Mule is the Millennium Horse morphed into the Mule with a Texture Map I made. There are no 3D Mule Models for Poser available. I saw a few for 3D Studio Max and other programs. No Good Mule Sounds either. They say Mule Model or Mule Sounds but they are Donkeys, so I adjusted and used sounds I could find that are more Donkey sounds than Mule.
There have been posts in the past where people wanted a Pack Mule for different Games. They were important animals used in Wars and the Old West.
That's very nice unit Vuldacon :) and I want to add it to my mod. The only thing concerns me is how to use it to carry materials or goods? I understand it must be fake transport because is not possible to carry anything in civ3 apart from units.
register... Yes you can use this unit as a transportation unit for what ever you want. Flag it as a Transport Unit then set what you want for it to carry... for example, Tactical Missiles setting can be given to any unit and then that unit can be carried by the Pack Mule if set to carry only Tactical Missiles. Many ways to set how you want the Pack Mule to operate. That is a way of separating what the Pack Mule can carry what you want. You can set Units, Materials, Goods, etc... to be carried by the Pack Mule by simply setting that the Pack Mule is a Transport Unit (Transport Capacity = ? / how many?). Then Unload. This can be any Units, Materials or Goods. Play around with it. You will see how you can use it Your way.

The AI Will Not use any land transport unit (programing)... so land transport units are for the Human Player, however, the AI will pick up Flag Units.
@Vuldacon - so, to transport goods like silk or materials like timber or iron you have to create it as unit right? I don't see how else it could be done...

Yes, that is correct. If you have a Factory that makes Ammo or any unit you can load it into a transport just like ships. The only problem with land Units is the AI is Not programed to use them. Material Units do not have any attack or defense and can be "captured" Taken by other Civs.

There are many Material Units available and you can make them yourself. A Box or Barrel meant to be a certain Material or Goods. Probably use Gold, Chicken Eggs, Gun Powder, etc... to transport across land in a Western Game.

Wooden Barrel, Eggs for example, Here: https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/new-supplementary-units-may-19-2014.526453/#post-13229643

Cargo Box Tobacco, Sugar and Silk with included templates that also allows you to make the resource what you want: https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/cargo-units-december-14-2008.302461/#post-7548863

Generic Box to make your own resource or cargo Unit: https://forums.civfanatics.com/resources/box-cargo-unit-and-makings.11437/

Poppy : https://forums.civfanatics.com/resources/poppy.10835/

Use any Resource image to place on the Box and make a 1 frame Default Flc to have a Resource Unit. If you have a Factory, it could produce the Resource Unit you want to transport across land or sea.
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