By Request, here is a Pack Mule to help you carry and transport materials and or Goods where you want them to go.
Pack Mule Preview:
Pack Mule gif Preview:
Note: This gif preview uses the same playback speed for all Flcs and they all differ and are better in Game.
Example of in Game Pack Mule Walk Speed:
This Unit is a Pack Mule, Not an Attack Mule
No Attack or Victory Animations. It is meant to be a land transport for Human Players and you can set it as a Settler as well as able to build Colonies. I recommend a 0 Attack and Defense so the Unit can be Captured.
The Pack Blanket is Civ Specific Colored.
Here is the Run more toward in Game speed
Included Files:
Civilopedia PackMuleLarge.pcx, PackMuleSmall.pcx, PackMule_units_32.pcx
Alternate and Extra Images:
ALT_PackMuleLarge.pcx has a White Background
ALT_PackMuleSmall.pcx has a Colored Background
Preview Images
Adjusted .ini file PackMule
Animations (flcs): PackMuleDefault.flc, PackMuleWalk.flc, PackMuleFortify.flc, PackMuleFidget.flc, PackMuleDeath.flc. PackMuleCaptured, PackMule Settle.
Sounds: PackMuleWalk.wav, PackMuleFortify.wav, PackMuleFidget.wav, PackMuleDeath.wav, PackMuleCaptured.wav, PackMuleSettle.wav.
Remade the Default Flc to use Offsets so the Unit is seen inside the Bottom Right Game Unit Window Box with a better position.
I Made this Unit by request and for "The Old West" Game that has been a long work in progress but if anyone has a game where the Pack Mule can also find a home, you are most welcome to add it
Intentionally made it more generic so it could work well for World War 1, World War II, Vietnam, Western Games, etc...
Game Tested.
You can Download the Zip File Here
Pack Mule Preview:
Pack Mule gif Preview:
Note: This gif preview uses the same playback speed for all Flcs and they all differ and are better in Game.
Example of in Game Pack Mule Walk Speed:
This Unit is a Pack Mule, Not an Attack Mule

The Pack Blanket is Civ Specific Colored.
Here is the Run more toward in Game speed
Included Files:
Civilopedia PackMuleLarge.pcx, PackMuleSmall.pcx, PackMule_units_32.pcx
Alternate and Extra Images:
ALT_PackMuleLarge.pcx has a White Background
ALT_PackMuleSmall.pcx has a Colored Background
Preview Images
Adjusted .ini file PackMule
Animations (flcs): PackMuleDefault.flc, PackMuleWalk.flc, PackMuleFortify.flc, PackMuleFidget.flc, PackMuleDeath.flc. PackMuleCaptured, PackMule Settle.
Sounds: PackMuleWalk.wav, PackMuleFortify.wav, PackMuleFidget.wav, PackMuleDeath.wav, PackMuleCaptured.wav, PackMuleSettle.wav.
Remade the Default Flc to use Offsets so the Unit is seen inside the Bottom Right Game Unit Window Box with a better position.
I Made this Unit by request and for "The Old West" Game that has been a long work in progress but if anyone has a game where the Pack Mule can also find a home, you are most welcome to add it

Intentionally made it more generic so it could work well for World War 1, World War II, Vietnam, Western Games, etc...
Game Tested.
You can Download the Zip File Here
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