New Unit - Penguin Anti-Ship Missile


Jan 25, 2002
United States
For those of you who played Civ II, you know how the AI always used to use cruise missiles to attack your ships. Civ III has changed the cruise missiles so they have limitted range over water (They are land units and using bombard can only reach about 2 or 3 spaces)
Tstowe sent me a picture of a Penguin Anti-Ship Missle (see attachment) This is a missile capable of being maneuvered over water and attacking ships.
I have created the "Penguin Anti-Ship Missile" unit.

A/D/M: 0/0/2
Bombard Str: 16
Bombard Range: 2
Rate of Fire: 3
Abilities: Cruise Missile
Special Actions: Bombard

Special thanks to tstowe for lots of information on this and many other modern weaponry
here is the ZIP file:
(No city-view icon or civilopedia yet)

just unzip it into the "\arts\units\Penguin Anti-Ship Missile" folder
and use Hacked Civ Edit to add the "Penguin Anti-Ship Missile" unit (no quotes)
Once again Mr. Pesoloco you have done a great job. I have d/l'ed this one as well. Great work on the graphics as well.

I am still looking for a challenge for you ! haha
the engineer. this is a must unit. but flagging additional techs with the "increase worker rate" tag you can make a worker unit that works faster than the modern worker. This can help do away with the late game tedium of too many workers.


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great unit pesoloco (think thats what it is) you and Dark Sheer seem to be the 2 best unit creators for civ3, keep up the great work, loved the land mine.
thanks for your compliments support. Keep checking the forum periodically. I have more ideas on the way....
Originally posted by Kal-el
the engineer. this is a must unit. but flagging additional techs with the "increase worker rate" tag you can make a worker unit that works faster than the modern worker. This can help do away with the late game tedium of too many workers.

Ok, I think I understand what you mean, please correct me if I'm wrong
- you want a certain technology to increase worker's work rates
- then have a modern worker unit (the Engineer)

Here's how we can implement it:
- create a technology (or use an existing one) and give it the property of "Doubles Work Rate (of workers)
- then create the engineer unit with this technology as the prereq.
- I figure we can give it the following abilities
- Build City, Road, Railroad, Fort, Mine, Irrigate, Clear Forests and Jungles, Plant forest, Clear Polution, automate, and join city (since it is an advanced unit, i'd give it the ability to build cities too.)

- edit the Worker unit, make it upgrade to the Engineer

Now all we need is the unit animations for the engineer. I like your graphic. It is very good and this idea reminds me of Civ II. I will see what I can do with it, but it may take some time.

I think we should start a new thread for this unit.
I have been talking with tstowe about this and he is going to send you the discussion that we have so far. I am so glad that you are onboard.
Here is the idea so far:
- Just as you said, flag the doubles work rate for additional tech (yet to be determined)- While idle the engineer should be surveying – as in the pic
- Build roads should place down orange safety cones and then manually grade blacktop
- Deforestation he should pull out a chainsaw and start buzzing away
- Mining he should pull out a jackhammer and go at it
- Irrigation pull out a hose and rotate like a sprinkler.

I know it sounds like a lot of work, and it probably is, but I think we are agreed that this is a must unit for the game.What do you think?
Sounds like a ton of work, but I for one will install that unit immediately if you build it! It would solve a major flaw in the game (pollution 2-worker automation) with style and panache.
I will do it but please give me some time. That will be a lot of work and lately I've been a little short on free time. Sounds like a great unit idea and I'd be glad to help ya'll out.
or how can I upload here 4 files in one post ???
hm the normal units pictures have a white background
but I think blue is here better, becose the missle is white :p

what tech 4 the missle?
rocketly or other ?


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I hadn't really decided on a tech,
Rocketry sounds good or maybe satellites
thanks for the work on the civilopedia
Do you install this as a sea unit or as a land unit? Seems if a land unit it wouldnt overcome the issues of the other cruise missle. As a sea unit you can tag it as a cruise missle so they AI wont use it as such.
Originally posted by Umask077
Do you install this as a sea unit or as a land unit? Seems if a land unit it wouldnt overcome the issues of the other cruise missle. As a sea unit you can tag it as a cruise missle so they AI wont use it as such.

This is a sea unit. In the Unit Abilities list, select "Cruise Missile"
The only way to get the AI to use it as a cruise missile is to check "Cruise Missile" in the AI section of the Unit Editor. So far, I dont know how to check it because it is always grayed-out.
The AI Cruise Missile ability "lights up" if the unit is marked as a land unit with cruise missile ability. I wouldn't worry about checking the AI stuff. If they don't know how to use it, oh well. I can still take out their ships with it.
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