New Unit - Security Bot - June 11 - 2020


Dedicated to Excellence
Nov 14, 2001
Want an Advanced Robot to take out your Enemies?
The Security Bot can handle the dirty work for you.

This is an advanced Sci-Fi Robot that uses a new powerful "Circle Laser Technology".
The "Circle Laser Technology" is much like "Ball Lightning". It was developed from the "Maser-Soliton Theory" by gaining the ability to amplify the energy to extreme levels with laser technology and have the ability to control and direct the circular impulse laser energy.

Security Bot Preview Images

Security Bot Animations Preview
The .gif animations in this preview all had to use the same speed and are better in Game.

Security Bot Attacks

Included Files:
Civilopedia SecurityBotLarge.pcx,SecurityBotSmall.pcx, SecurityBot_units_32.pcx

Alternate and Extra Images:
Alt_SecurityBotLarge.pcx has a White Background
Alt_SecurityBotSmall.pcx has a Colored Background
Preview Images

Adjusted .ini file

Animations (flcs): SecurityBotDefault.flc, SecurityBotRun.flc, SecurityBotFortify.flc, SecurityBotFidget.flc, SecurityBotAttack.flc, SecurityBotDeath.flc, SecurityBotVictory.flc

Sounds: SecurityBotRun.wav, SecurityBotFortify.wav, SecurityBotFidget.wav, SecurityBotAttack.wav, SecurityBotDeath.wav, SecurityBotVictory.wav

Remade the Default Flc to use Offsets so the Unit is seen inside the Bottom Right Game Unit Window Box with a better position.

Updated September 11-2020
- Adjusted the Attack flc and Sound to help prevent the Attack sound from playing after the Unit shoots.
This is when turning from battle and also at the Death. This happens more toward the Coast or outside the center of the Map as with most Unit Attack sounds. Also Run sounds.
The Unit Attack sound will occasionally play again but the correction is much better.

You can download the Zip file Here
Last edited:
This unit really looks great and can be a good addition for SciFi mods, too. :goodjob:
when the Cylons joined the Confederacy of Independant Systems
Unit Updated September 11-2020 - Adjusted the Attack flc and Sound to help prevent the Attack sound from playing after the Unit shoots.
This is when turning from battle and also at the Death. This happens more toward the Coast or outside the center of the Map as with most Unit Attack sounds. Also Run sounds.
The Unit Attack sound will occasionally play again but the correction is much better.
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