New Unit: Suicide/homicide Bomber

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Oopps, Padma posted his note while I was writing my post. My bad. Cheers to all.
Originally posted by alireza1354
The Quran is a peaceful book. But it teaches mankind to fight back when opressed.

Bye :)

I have actually read it (well, hummm partly) and was amazed at the similarity with the bible (not that I really tend to take for truth what the bible contains). What keeps me even more amazed is the apparent ignorance of hundreds of millions of so called "believers"- of the holy writings of the Khoran (Quran). Often cultural particularities take overhand and are interpretet as having been written (wanted) by Allah...

But this is not at all exclusive to the Khoran but appears in all Religions- just look at the George Walker Bush admin. on its crusade (yet another) for democracy blahblah.

Love the unit, btw !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :goodjob:
I am not talking about you getting band T, but rather the unit.

Is there a tag to make this unit a true suicide bomber, ie disband after use, or does it have to be a cruise missle type unit?
It has to be a cruise missle, I have used the Guerilla as a terrorist before it works just fine, however you need a different graphic for the death and bombard because it looks like the unit is bombarding with bullets and dies like he got shot instead of being blown up.
Know I'm late, but good job, Ekmek! I like these simple mods.

Originally posted by Tathlum
The idea that the terrorist IRA are representative of Celtic or Irish civilisation is unfair and offensive.

Ireland being represented as a fascist Celtic state is also unfair & offensive. Difference is that fascism is available to all civs, no?

I'm not offended by the unit. But I'm gonna have a slightly different version in my mod. Will use the base animation of a normal worker.

What I'm thinking: suicide bombers try to blend in with the normal population. In fact, in May of '03 we saw a suicide bomber disguised as an Orthodow Jew.

Just my .02
I haven't read the Khoran, or the Bible, or the Torah; but I do know that all 3 are very similar in their beliefs. I.e: monotheistic, heaven/hell, universal god, etc... And no one really knows what any of their prophets/messiahs/leaders actually said or, more importantly, meant. It was all interpretation, written by their "buddies" who might have taken it differently they intitially intended. The idea is to keep peace among the people, and most religions teach this concept. But that's not what this thread is about ;)...

Though I don't find this unit personally offensive, I thinks it's unrealistic to give all the civs an Arab terrorist, unless they're mercinaries (which I would think is some racist, since that would imply only Arabs would be terrorist for money). But you can't just give the Arabs a terrorist unit, since that would unbalence the game. So I personally thinks it's a better idea to make a terrorist UU for each civ, just in the intrest of realism. Just my long, drawn out, 2 cents... :D
Originally posted by A Viking Yeti
no one really knows what any of their prophets/messiahs/leaders actually said or, more importantly, meant. It was all interpretation, written by their "buddies" who might have taken it differently they intitially intended.

Well thats a thought all started by the Age of Reason by Jefferson *i hope thats right* but anyways I'm a believer and well the writers had divine inspirations, or at least the most of them, almost like the pentacost, god speaking through them, and so it really isn't blasphemy like jefferson (non-believer) would claim, but thats just my two cents, everyone believes in what they want, nothing is fact
Yes we can see that by your sig, :). I'm actually an atheist, so I'm pretty nuetral when it comes to blasphemy, though. I'm sure most, if not all, of the people that wrote the Bible/Torah/Quran believed what they're "leader" was saying, just they might have interpreted it differently. Of course, if you're of strong faith, you might beleive that god was "telling" them what to write, and as such no interpretation was needed. I wasn't saying it was blasphemy, just maybe interpreted differently then intended. I appreciate the fact that you're more open minded, where as the people in my town just call me stupid or tell me "I'm going to hell." It's nice to see more acceptance then just resentment. BTW: Sorry, I don't mean to threadjack, guess I just got carried away :rolleyes:.
LOL its kewl man, it was my fault if ppl thing u were threadjacking, but i just wanted to point that out in case ur just if u looked toward the enlightenment thinkers for enlightenment on the issue,

but anways YEA I STILL HAVEN"T SAID THIS pretty interesting unit, but one think that made me laugh it would be pretty hard if ur playing arabs with mass regicide, was that a terrorist or an Abu Arbka (w/e his name is)

btw that could be another thing, saddam has disguise, if you made "disguise" units that would make regicide games pretty interesting if you could make "disguises" maybe that could even be a part of an 2nd Iraq War Scen
It would only work on human players though, and only some of the time. I pretty sure that you could just right click and know wether or not it was an actuall king unit, or a disguise. It would look cool though.

BTW: I guess this would make him a real suicide bomber, Abu just bombed Abu :lol:.
Originally posted by A Viking Yeti
But you can't just give the Arabs a terrorist unit, since that would unbalence the game. So I personally thinks it's a better idea to make a terrorist UU for each civ, just in the intrest of realism.

Tried this guy as a unique Arab UU. Got bombed by the Arabs.

"Gee, I wonder where that suicide bomber came from..." :rolleyes:

OTOH, one could make this guy available to barbarians. Might not be a bad idea. HEY! How about suitcase nuke bomber? Could you make those available to barbs? That'd be messed up! :nuke:

I'm gonna repeat my suggestion that you use the worker base animation. Otherwise its nearly impossible for them to sneak up on me. If you're not careful, that seemingly harmless worker can do some damage. YMMV.
I'm not trying to minimize the events of 9/11 or terrorism and I'm not saying arabs are terrorists, just tying to add this modern event to the game.

this is the Firaxis PTW abu bakr graphics, but then I took pesoloco's land mine explosion graphics and added them to the default. Yeah I'm a cut and paster.

Recommend flagging it as a cruise missile(destroy after attacking), have a short range (maybe 3), and hidden nationality. do NOT have ranged attack, that way the attack anim will show up on your unit. Invisible is up to you.

A good unit. Command & Conquer Generals has an excellent suicide bomber unit with great audio component to go along with it.
I normally do not object to resurrecting an old post, but this one was sick to start with, and should have been given a fast burial from the start. This is not the weekend I need to be reminded of an hellish 36 hours waiting to find out if two friends were still alive in the Pentagon. not trying to reassure my, at the time, 3rd grade daughter that some maniac was not going to fly a plane into her school, or dealing with my son's fifth grade class that Tuesday when they were scared out of their minds. The moderators can blast me all they want, but anyone who thinks that a suicide bomber unit is a good idea needs to see a psych doctor real quick.
Whereas, of course, nuclear weapons, tanks, bombers, and all the other units we have here don't have any dubious moral overtones whatsoever, do they?

Since it seems, after all, to be impossible for people to discuss this unit without threadjacking, even years on, I'm going to close the thread. If in the future someone has some legitimate question to ask or comment to make about it they can open a new thread to do so.
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