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New Unit: V-Wing (August 15 2006)


Aug 2, 2004
Flooded Missouri!!!
Well, here is another addition to the Star Wars: Return of the Mod shipyard: a V-Wing, as seen in Episode III. Enjoy!



Those bombard effects look great!

Nice work :thumbsup:
Nice! :goodjob:

I understand where Lucas gets V-wing, though it has nothing to do with the wings. More like the body is shaped like a V, and it has wings. :crazyeye:
"I'm George Lucas! I have no regard for the thousands of books and such of the extended Universe! I like to invalidate as muchs as I can with each stinking movie! And I wouldn't Let Samuel L. Jackson Say Mother____er in my movies!"("I am so sick of these Mother____ing Sith on this Mother____ing Star Cruiser!")
Actually it is called a V-Wing suprisingly its a bomber unlike the ARC-170, if u've played Star Wars BattleFront II(I thought bombers where bigger dan Fighters;))
When you hop in it tells you what ur drivin, or when u change guns it tells u what ur killin with.
It's kind of weird, but the V-Wing is a bomber in Battlefront II, but according to its Star Wars Databank entry, it is canonically a fast, strike fighter, while the ARC-170 is a heavy fighter. :crazyeyes:
Chris85 said:
Yeah it's not a bomber, I don't know why they made it like that in BF2. The ARC-170 much more of a bomber than the V-Wing, because the ARC-170 can actually carry Proton Tropedoes and Proton Bombs, while the V-Wing can't.

Well They needed a bomber...
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