New Unit: Viking Swordsman


Dec 17, 2001
Toledo, Ohio
Well, I hadn't made anything for awhile so I thought that'd I sit down this weekend and pump out a unit. Anyway, this isn't anything special. It's just a medieval swordsman. Anyway, I hope that y'all'll find a nice use for it.


Swwwweeeeeeeeeeet!...hmm looks like with a little work, you could cross the cataphract with him to make a late roman infantry man.... :D ;)
Another great unit from utah :goodjob: Now I just need to wait for Conquests so I can add this to the Vikings. :D
This really looks nice, utahjazz!:goodjob: Now if only I'd make a Viking scenario...;)
many thanks for the unit - the attack is indeed superb :)

just a little request - could you please do the same unit, but without the beard?
Thank you Utahjazz7. I’ll save a space in Valhalla for you :beer:

Poor guy could use a new Longship :mischief:
Originally posted by [Ant]Wimp
Its Absolutly Fabulous!!!!! Very nice anim. Give m an axe and hed be a perfect dwarf ;)
I thought about shrinking him with SSB (I think this is the right TLA) a tiny bit, and use him as a dwarf. Remember in the Hobbit, when Thorin Oakenshield gladly used that old elvish sword. :)

utah: It's great! :thumbsup:
Poor guy could use a new Longship :mischief: [/B][/QUOTE]

A profesionally made one is coming with the conquests expansion pack.

As for the unit, great job Utahjazz7.

Swordsman or medieval infantry... and if one, then what would be the Viking equivalent of the other... that is the question.
I was actually working on a Longship animation in early September based on a cool model I got from Daz3D, but I stopped once I found out about the one in Conquests... still it could be good to have multiple ones for the different eras. Like one for the Galley, another for the Caravel, etc.

But we also need a lot of other ships as well... I'm STILL waiting for some Indian and Japanese ships. Unfortunately, I can't make them myself until I really master 3DS Max, and there are no models out there for those kinds of ships...
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