New Unit: Yamato Class Battleship


Jan 21, 2002
My second unit, The Yamato Class Battleship. (should be a special unit to Japan). In real life, these were the biggest, baddest battleships ever made, and more powerful than any of their contemporaries. Sure, an Iowa class with ship to ship missiles could take one out easily, but during WW2, no ship could engage one of the two Yamato classes and expect victory. They sported 9 18 inch guns, and armour as thick as 16 inches in some places.

You'll need to create a new unit called "Yamato Class"

As when I posted my "Chinese Junk" unit a few days ago, I have no idea how to put a screenshot or a preview of the animation up. Sorry. The zip includes a run, attack, and default animation. I'll post the death one right after this. You'll notice that the unit looks very scary when up against a regular battleship, as it appears significantly larger in-game than the regular battleship unit. Enjoy all!

NEW VERSION: To the untrained eye, it may look the same, but I've worked hard to make it less jumpy, and the transitions from one flc to the next ie default to run or attack is much smoother as well. As this was the second unit I made, I've learned some tricks to make it look better since then, and I've just cleaned up the animation for anyone who's interested.. Now it's on par with my battlewagon and bismark.


In order to make an animation, go here

Download animation shop.

Once the download is complete, open the flc that you want with animation shop, save it as an animated gif file and attach it to a post. Simple, if you have the right tools.

By the way, great unit. It makes a great battleship upgrade.


  • yamatoattack.gif
    187 KB · Views: 10,596
TVA22, nice mod. But don't be so sure of the Yamato's "supremacy". Check out the thread "Stupid Naval Warfare" toward the end, and check out the specs and facts I posted. THe Iowa's had smaller main guns, 16"/50 cal, but the 16" projectiles had a higher velocity rate than the 18" shells, this resulted in deeper armor penetration. Test were done after WW2 using some confiscated 26" Japanese armor plating, identical to the face plate of a Yamato 18" turret. A 16"/50cal AP shell was fired at the 26" faceplate, upon contact, the 16" round shattered the armor on the faceplate. Only thing the Yamato had going for it was it's size, then again, it's size made it slower and less maneuverable. The Yamato was built using very poor armor, and along the lines of Japanse tradition, the crews weren't taught damage control like their American counterparts,they were taught to fight until death.
The Iowa's had superior armor quality, better damage control, higher speed and maneuverbility, high velocity guns and superior fire control radar. No doubt the Yamato would give them a good fight, but guarranteeing a Yamato victory, is presumptious, given the facts. Check out link below. Look under Mk8 Armor Piercing Projectile.
I dunno, you may be right, but I've read otherwise. I've been a fan of battleships my whole life, and most books I've read have said that the Iowas at the time of their launching were lucky not to have run into a yamato. But who knows, the yamatos never had the chance. Thats why I made one for civ3! :)
I have added the files to the game as one file. added unit in the game
when I select the unit in the game, the game cashes! help!
Good lord, it's a behemoth! Looks rad. About the greatness of the Yamato, say what you'd like-- it took alot to sink her.
Originally posted by Hawkman
I have added the files to the game as one file. added unit in the game
when I select the unit in the game, the game cashes! help!

It's because the game's having a problem accessing the graphics files. Doublecheck everything in the floder and in the .ini file to make sure there are no errors.

And what do you mean by added the files as one file? There should be several in the folder. Look at the Battleship for a comparison.
Great unit TVA22, but I humbly suggest you add some limited animation to the default animation. Maybe the ship could rock gently left and right, a wave builds up, or a seagull flies by. Absolute motionlessness is disturbing because in the game, no unit is ever completely still (or so I recall, I may be wrong).

Hawkman: I think the folder name, the name of the .ini file, and the name in the Civ3 Editor must match exactly for a unit to work. In this case the ini file is named 'Yamato Class' which is an odd name for a unit. I'm going to call it Yamato Battleship.
:( There is some animation in the default, but it's very subtle-- some water laps up against the side of the ship. It looked fine to me, but then again, I was looking for it. Just look at the water line.
I guess not many people here saw that animated series when they were kids :)
Loved it, would love to see again.
Could someone tell me how to put this unit into my game---in layman's terms?
Originally posted by Madeira
I guess not many people here saw that animated series when they were kids :)
Loved it, would love to see again.

[Totaly offtopic]

It was originaly called Starblazers :)
Got it on video, check a good anime/manga store, they still sell it :)
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