New Units: 9 futuristic infantry units

Yep, without SBB I would be lost in a cut&paste orgy ;)

That new feature sounds good - how would it work? Wouls you move the unit two px to the left? Or deleting two px next to the right border? I´d prefer the last option - if that is possible ;)
Simple. SBB does a pixel per pixel copy from the individual frame bitmap to the storyboard.
Instead of copying every pixel, I just need to skip the two last column of each frame and let them be magenta.
That would be cool. :) Then we wouldn´t have to worry about this problem :)
...for the Guy with the Missile Launcher:

Fixed attack anim attached here. I´ll fix the attack anims of the tanks from the other thread over the weekend :)


cool units
In game preview anyone???
Oh Hell Yeah!! Cool Looking Unit

Great job !! :goodjob:

Would it be possible for you, BEBRO, to post the units separately...
I'm interesting in the green version and it takes a lot of times to load 2,9 MB for my PC ...

Thank you

pssst ... check the date of the last post before yours. Kindly serve us not SPAM.
Originally posted by gorn
pssst ... check the date of the last post before yours. Kindly serve us not SPAM.

1. the irony of warning against spam by spamming

2. Nothing wrong with giving props to someone who created nine good units.

3. these units are awesome BeBro!
If not warned, how will they learn?
Originally posted by gorn
If not warned, how will they learn?

There is nothing wrong with giving a compliment, it is the currency of the C&C people. No matter how long the unit has been out.

What is the cut-off date? Are you not allowed to post on a unit that is over 2 months old? Maybe it's 2 weeks?
These units aren't that old but if people comment on too many units from two years ago its inconvinient because the new unit threads get bumped off the recent page. People usually look on the first page for somewhat recent units. People also tend to get suspicous that people are just trying to boost their post count by saying "great unit" to Tie Interceptor made 2 yrs ago.
Originally posted by GrandAdmiral
People also tend to get suspicous that people are just trying to boost their post count by saying "great unit" to Tie Interceptor made 2 yrs ago.

Would just be wonderful if the people who went after the *spammers* took three seconds to look at the data of the poster and the other *spammed* treads on the forum before getting suspicious, wouldn't it... ;)
Except for that I fully agree with the honored NeoMega (especially point #3) though I don't see much point of making a fuzz over the post. Gorn didn't explode like many earlier posters, just respectfully notify, and his point is valid...
Neomega said:
There is nothing wrong with giving a compliment, it is the currency of the C&C people. No matter how long the unit has been out.

What is the cut-off date? Are you not allowed to post on a unit that is over 2 months old? Maybe it's 2 weeks?
Sorry, but thread reviving just to praise the work done has ALWAYS been considered as SPAM in the Units and Graphic Modpacks forums. One should revive a thread of such age ONLY if there is something valuable to comment on (such as link being broken, flics giving errors, etc...)

(Considering for how long you've been a user of CFC, you should have learned this by now...).
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