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Already Looping
Dec 19, 2017
New version inbound. Lots and lots of bugfixes and backend improvements in this one, including fixes for several longstanding bugs.

Changelog, including a huge list of bugfixes midway through:
Community Patch is now v100, (2)-(5) mods' versions raised by 1
- Future savegame incompatible releases can bump the Community Patch's "savegame compatible" version number to prevent Civ V from loading an old save with a new version
- For clarity to the player & may also cut back on bug reports from old versions a bit :)

Massive code cleanup for global defines database
- Removed >10,000 lines by replacing all the icky Firaxis code with macros
- New defines only need to be added in 3 locations now (down from 5) and macros make it easy to read/understand
- Consolidated all inserted defines from (2) to (5) mods into CoreDefines.sql
- Fixed various bugs caused by incorrect defines
- Thanks to IanE9 for assistance

Major cleanup for Vox Populi mod files
- Removed annoying "directory already exists, are you sure you want to install here?" prompt from the autoinstaller ("Create Start Menu Shortcuts" was also removed in 1.1.3)
- Reverse engineered project files for (3) CSD, (4) C4DF, (5) More Luxuries mods, so they can now be modified and built as easily as the other mods
- Configured the autoinstaller to make creating it as easy as possible, fixed compiler warnings, added instructions to the repository
- Revised the descriptions / dependencies / blocks of all mods
- Standardized "Community Balance Overhaul" wording
- Added updated modinfo files for all mods to the repository for anyone doing a manual install
- Added manual installation instructions for the 43 Civs version
- Deleted a bunch of useless/duplicate files and cleaned up the folder structure, with more of this to come

Milae's Alternate Difficulty mod is now integrated as a CustomModOption
- No need to use a separate DLL anymore if you play with it

Lots of miscellaneous cleanup & performance fixes

- Warscore decay rate reduced slightly
- Venice can now raze puppet cities (currently EUI only, probably doesn't work with Improved City View)
- Damaged cities can now be traded outside of peace deals if they haven't taken damage in the last turn and no enemies are within 3 tiles of them

- Cathedral of St. Basil replaced with Karlstejn (no balance change, but frees up the Kremlin building)

- Order now unlocks Kremlin instead of Motherland Calls
    1 free Social Policy, -1 Distress and +33% to Armor Unit production in city

- Motherland Calls moved to Nuclear Fusion
    Free Police Station and +100% supply from population in city
    Building maintenance reduced by 10% in all cities
    Enemies can't gain gold or health from pillaging your tiles

- Destroyer now 5 moves (was 4)

- Discipline promotion (Hoplites) now correctly grants +15% CS for each adjacent friendly unit, not +15% if adjacent to a friendly unit
    Might be nerfed in future

- Foreign Legion moved to Rifling (better Fusilier)

- Gorill-I mean, Guerrilla Warfare now Patriotic War
    Loses +15% CS and +50% EXP gain in friendly territory
    Land units gain +20% CS when in or adjacent to a city
    All combat units are fully healed when conquering a city for the first time
    Now unlocks T-34 (better Tank) instead of Guerrilla Warrior

- Guerrilla Warrior removed
    Norwegian Ski Infantry now a City-State gift

- Tank now uses German Tiger I unit model (no balance change)

- Bonus religious pressure from master to vassals is now +100% as stated in the text (was +20%)
- Fixed broken "Happiness from vassals" mechanic; now grants (Vassal Happiness % - 50) / 10 Happiness (max. 5) to master (increased by Iron Fist), minimum 0
    May be adjusted in future

- Improved AI logic for DoF, DP, vassalage, requesting independence
    AIs a bit more likely to change their minds about civs they don't like
    Deceptive AIs can make Declarations of Friendship again

- Adjustments to war state & peace logic
    Better consideration of which cities are relevant to a war's state
    AI will hold out longer if nearby allies are providing effective support in the war (less so if losing)
    France, Japan, Assyria, Indonesia, Rome will prolong wars if they are winning and they are endangering the enemy's cities
    AIs are more likely to continue conquering rather than vassalizing if the last cities are valuable (capitals, Holy Cities, cities with Wonders)
    Particularly mean AIs - or those with bonuses to city conquest - may focus on eliminating players rather than vassalizing them, if it doesn't hurt them

- Improved AI evaluation of which players are "easy targets"
    More flexible to circumstances, factors in whether cities have been captured by either player in the past

- Improved AI promise request logic (AI a bit less likely to be stubborn)

- Vassal Treatment mechanic reworked
    Thresholds are now lower: Disagree -1, Mistreated -25, Unhappy -50, Enslaved -80
    Removed different religion penalty (unfun and doesn't mesh well with increased passive pressure)
    Master trade routes to vassal can now give a stacking bonus (+15 for first, +10 for subsequent)
    Vassal trade routes to master no longer give a treatment bonus
    Added +5 bonus for giving Open Borders to your vassal
    Added -25 penalty for denouncing your vassal (what sort of monster would do such a thing?)
    Spying on your vassal, plundering their trade routes as Morocco or stealing their territory now counts as vassal mistreatment
    Penalty for making demands now decays gradually rather than disappearing suddenly

- Backstab timer for denouncing no longer applies if the other player has denounced/declared war on you
    AI understands this

- Non-Artistry AIs no longer get upset about artifacts extracted from Hidden Antiquity Sites

- Reduced penalty duration for breaking/ignoring religious conversion promise

- Units will upgrade more frequently

- Tactical AI improvements

- Advisors now give better advice for building choices in cities

- Deal equalization fixes from Milae
    Adjustments to acceptable deal range
    "What will you give me for this?" improved
    AI to AI deals now actually consider both AIs' valuation of the deal items (huge fix; see below!)

- FINALLY fixed AI making Defensive Pacts above the limit, this was happening because Firaxis's deal code for AI to AI deals functioned as follows:
    AI #1 asks for something and decides how much gold/stuff it's worth, without asking the other AI
    AI #2 accepts automatically, even if their value would normally be "IMPOSSIBLE!" or dramatically different
    This terrible "wild west" system has been fixed at last
    Thanks to Milae for fixing AI to AI deals
    Thanks to Aristos for finally providing the save that I was able to debug :D
- Fixed remaining cases of nonsensical bribed wars and other trades of impossible items (a side effect of this bug)
- Fixed AI making Defensive Pacts with civs they don't want to (another side effect)
- Fixed AI being unfairly more friendly to each other compared to the human (another side effect)
- Fixed AI rarely having resources available for trade (another side effect)
- Overall, diplomacy/trade should now be more dynamic and fair to human players!

- Fixed "don't settle near me, or really ANYWHERE" AI bug
    Rewrote all the logic for this from scratch and reduced memory consumption
    "Expansion bickering" now only counts for settled cities again, not conquered ones (text has been updated)
    AI will get mad about cities settled within 6-8 tiles of their cities, depending on Boldness/UA
    AI will avoid settling in the other player's "bicker range" if they've promised not to (7 for humans)
    Fixed a lot of issues with the code

- Fixed longstanding CTD bug when opening the advisor panel
- Fixed AssignStartingPlots.lua
    Now functions correctly for 43 civs, including Mountain bias (for Inca) and Snow bias
    Simplified overcomplicated start positioning algorithm
- Fixed Austria AI repeatedly marrying the same City-State
- Fixed a bug preventing air units from intercepting on consecutive turns
- Pledging to Protect a City-State via "can trade with City-State" now requires player to have > 0 trade route slots
    No more Turn 3 PTPs from the AI
- Fixed a bug where AI combat units would not be formed into armies properly
- Fixed city governor not assigning laborers
- Fixed humans being able to buy plots before selecting a city's fate
- Fixed Venice selling buildings in cities they are razing
- Fixed humans being able to make peace with each other instantly even if they agreed to a coop/bribed war
- Fixed overflow bug for endgame tech cost that could reduce it to a negative value
- Fixed AI breaking off Declarations of Friendship and then agreeing to one again immediately (human only bug)
- Fixed AI offering to vote Nay on a human's proposal
- Fixed broken vassalage overview for humans in multiplayer
- Fixed LUA runtime error at game start
- Fixed Giorgio Armeier & Civilized Jewelers HQ having different maintenance costs
- Fixed an issue with the Air Ambush promotion
- Fixed spy success notification being sent to wrong player
- Fixed inability to make Peace Treaty with AIs who are willing to make peace
- Fixed AI not updating peace willingness correctly after losing a city
- Fixed Incan movement bonus ignoring rivers under certain circumstances
- Fixed Iroquois movement bonus applying in Community Patch only
- Fixed era scaling quest rewards applying to Community Patch only
- Removed undocumented +15% Influence bonus for completing City-State quests while already friends
- Fixed captured Holy City notification revealing the identity of unmet players
- Fixed missing EVENTS_PLAYER_TURN option in CustomModOptions.xml
- Fixed an issue blocking humans from asking the AI to move their troops
- Fixed military deployment not intimidating vassals correctly sometimes
- Fixed a bug blocking most global backstabbing penalties from being applied
- Fixed wonder spammer penalty not scaling properly
- Fixed wrong opinion weight for liberating Holy City
- Fixed divergent Social Policies penalty not applying properly
- Fixed ignoring/breaking some promises using the wrong penalties/durations
- Possibly fixed AI not improving Bananas
- Possibly fixed empty "I want to become your vassal" offers from the AI

- All met majors' current Happiness can be viewed in the Culture Overview at all times (no more unfair AI advantage)
- Founder belief text now lists the special ability first and then the unlocked Wonder for a cleaner display
- Vassal Overview modified to list new treatment factors
- Corporations' Civilopedia description now explains the "random franchise" mechanic
- Observers can now see unmet players in Demographics

Online as of 8:14 PM CST.

Not savegame compatible.



Version 1.2.1 Changelog

Trained Units can now move immediately again
Spy success notifications are now only sent to the city owner and the spy owner, not everybody else
Expansion bickering "pissy range" reduced by 1 tile across the board (now 5-7)
Cities closer to the other player's capital than the AI's closest city are ignored for expansion bickering
Karlstejn now uses a regular s in the name since the game doesn't render the special one properly - also corrected "Orders" to "Order"
Fixed a database error
Fixed typo in Motherland Calls text
Fixed typo in Raider promotion text

Online as of 5:09 PM CST. Savegame compatible.
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Special thanks to @Milae, @Rekk, @ilteroi, @pineappledan and IanE9 for their assistance in the various bugfixes and improvements for this version :)

Also shoutout to @Aristos for that bug report which solved a ton of AI diplomacy/deal issues when it was finally debugged.
Wonderful work from all of you! May the Age of Sweeping (and Weeping) soon come to an end. :D

Spoiler It's basically Christmas in advance! :

Also, that wall of fixes is a thing of beauty. :king:
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- FINALLY fixed AI making Defensive Pacts above the limit, this was happening because Firaxis's deal code for AI to AI deals functioned as follows: AI #1 asks for something and decides how much gold/stuff it's worth, without asking the other AI AI #2 accepts automatically, even if their value would normally be "IMPOSSIBLE!" or dramatically different This terrible "wild west" system has been fixed at last Thanks to Milae for fixing AI to AI deals Thanks to Aristos for finally providing the save that I was able to debug :D - Fixed remaining cases of nonsensical bribed wars and other trades of impossible items (a side effect of this bug) - Fixed AI making Defensive Pacts with civs they don't want to (another side effect) - Fixed AI being unfairly more friendly to each other compared to the human (another side effect) - Fixed AI rarely having resources available for trade (another side effect) - Overall, diplomacy/trade should now be more dynamic and fair to human players!
This bug has had some pretty big side effects, glad its fixed. But, we might need to adjust to it as now it's possible the AI has been trained to very rarely take DPs or other deals when it should.

Great changes overall.
Did this also fix the AI always offering deals to other AI before the human player?
Amazing stuff, love all the bugfixes!

I personally wish the Tiger went to Authority, but I can live with the T-34. And if not I'll just mod mod it haha.

The elephant in the room has to be the spy system though. I've been turning it off and playing with @Tomatekh's excellent Great Spy mod, but unfortunately it doesn't mesh with diplomacy.

What's the master plan for the spy game?
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Did this also fix the AI always offering deals to other AI before the human player?

No, that issue is quite a bit more difficult to fix.
Amazing stuff, love all the bugfixes!

I personally wish the Tiger went to Authority, but I can live with the T-34. And if not I'll just mod mod it haha.

The elephant in the room has to be the spy system though. I've been turning it off and playing with @Tomatekh's excellent Great Spy mod, but unfortunately it doesn't mesh with diplomacy.

What's the master plan for the spy game?

I would love a Tiger Tank in the classical age as well. :)
Thanks a lot for this new version !

Just noticed that you can't move an unit during the same turn you built it. I may be wrong (haven't played for a while) but I don't think it was the case before.
I would love a Tiger Tank in the classical age as well. :)


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Wow, looks like a ton of fixes and cleanups, very impressive all. Seeing the alternate difficulty mod made a core option is also a very nice touch.

Balance wise most of these seemed in line with the various polls and discussions going on the last few months, with I think the following exceptions.

- Order now unlocks Kremlin instead of Motherland Calls
1 free Social Policy, -1 Distress and +33% to Armor Unit production in city

- Motherland Calls moved to Nuclear Fusion
Free Police Station and +100% supply from population in city
Building maintenance reduced by 10% in all cities
Enemies can't gain gold or health from pillaging your tiles

- Destroyer now 5 moves (was 4)

I personally think the Kremlin is pushing us too all in on Order's armor with the other changes that just came out, but testing will tell.

The new motherland calls is interesting. The free police station and supply bonuses are honestly ribbons to me, they are going to do nothing for me that late in the game. The 10% building maintenance removal may not seem like much, but its actually a fair amount of gold. That said, the really neat part here is that enemy can't pillage to gain benefits. Is it wonder worthy now, especially that late in the game?.... I honestly don't think so. I think for it to be viable as a late wonder, it needs another kick.... like you are immune from pillaging (and TR pillaging). Even with that....not sure I would build it, but at least it would be a really distinctive benefit.

Destroyer change....this feels a bit out of left field from me, as I haven't seen any real discussions about it. Destroyers are already pretty darn good, what was the thinking on that one?

Last question, what are the actual T-34 stats in this version?
Destroyer change....this feels a bit out of left field from me, as I haven't seen any real discussions about it. Destroyers are already pretty darn good, what was the thinking on that one
Ironclads have 5 move, Missile Cruisers have 6. Is there a good reason for Destroyers being slower than Ironclads at 4 move?

Battleships also have 5 move. Cruisers have 4.
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Cool, got to try this version, some issues I've been waiting to get fixed for a loooooong time.
Great job, a lot of coders struggle to keep their own stuff in order, being able to sort out someone elses junk code is a real showcase of skills.
"Non-Artistry AIs no longer get upset about artifacts extracted from Hidden Antiquity Sites"
Oh, good

Looking fwd to trying Winged Hussar > T-34's.
Last question, what are the actual T-34 stats in this version?
T-34 (Tank)
Unlocked at Combined Arms
requires Oil

82:c5strength:CS (up from 75)
5:c5moves: (6 with Mobility)
No Defensive Terrain Bonuses
Can Move After Attacking
Armor Plating I
Armor Plating II

In light of the kremlin getting a bonus to armor unit production, I removed the proposed T-34 production cost reduction. No other changes from the policy proposal.

re: the kremlin being too all-in on armor. The bonus to armor was the vanilla bonus, but I reduced it from 50% to 33%. If people can think of a better minor bonus for the Kremlin to have then let’s discuss that in its own thread in general. For now, I thought the vanilla bonus could serve as a placeholder — it’s at least an improvement over the motherland calls’ free police station and -1 unhappiness.
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