Hey all,
New version inbound, to celebrate the beginning of summertime (for anyone in the northern hemisphere, anyway).
Features a long-awaited rework of the spy system by Gazebo and some other cool stuff.
Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PigpajKyIF-nx3x-6A7NbcfJUyhIJR39/view?usp=sharing
Online as of 4:00 PM CST. Not savegame compatible.
Version 2.2.1:
Link has been updated.
Online as of 2:06 PM CST. Partially savegame compatible; updating won't crash the game, but existing air units won't gain the ability to attack (newly built air units will).
New version inbound, to celebrate the beginning of summertime (for anyone in the northern hemisphere, anyway).
Features a long-awaited rework of the spy system by Gazebo and some other cool stuff.
- Spies now earn experience for actions, making their leveling process more gradual.
Leveling speed and XP gain is all editable in XML so we can tweak the speed.
- Removed all the instant yield stuff from spy actions as-is.
- Removed the potential scaling for event potency, as it caused UI inconsistencies.
- Fix for espionage potential calculation (ilteroi)
- Overhauled the notification system for spies, fixing a bunch of missing text and making the pop ups/notifications provide better info.
- Added a new unique icon for spy missions (no longer the generic exclamation mark)
- Added another spy mission, ‘Stoke’, which makes your spy increase a city’s yield unhappiness for a duration after the event completes. Useful for targeting cities that are already unhappy or on the edge.
- Counterspies are more effective at identifying spies.
- Added a new spy yield system: siphon yields. Instead of arbitrary yield amounts, there are now spy missions that siphon and steal Tourism, Science, or Gold.
Currently at 15% of target city production for Gold and Science, and 25% for Tourism (30 turn duration, with a minimum of 1 per turn).
At the end of the mission, the siphoned yields are stolen from the city and given to the spy owner.
So yes, it actually steals, but the % nature means it is always proportional to the target city’s output.
Siphons are limited to 1 per yield per city.
Defensive Pacts
- AI and humans are now limited to 2 Defensive Pacts, plus 1 for every 10 living non-vassal civs (that aren't on your team)
- Each civ on a team counts as 1 Defensive Pact
- Your limit is displayed on the Defensive Pact's trade item tooltip
- The limit is dynamic and can go down as players are conquered or vassalized
- These values are customizable in CoreDefines.sql for both the (1) and (2) mods, and you can give the AI a lower number if you wish
- The Palace of Culture and Science (Order NW) removes the Defensive Pact limit (for both humans and AI)
- This equalizes the rules for humans and AI players.
- Ceremonial Burial nerfed: 15 Culture/Faith -> 10 Culture/Faith
Reformation Wonders
- Now actually give 1 vote per X cities as displayed (had an undocumented minimum of 1 and maximum equal to the # of religions)
- Automated cities and units now have a gear indicator to show that they're automated
- Moved the World Congress session countdown timer to the World Congress icon
- Time Victory overview now includes the added score elements from VP
- Capturing a city that can be liberated with OCC now has a "Destroy the City!" button instead of a "Raze the City!" button
- Integrated "condensed help texts" into VP (trimming down a few tooltips)
- Trimmed Brazilwood help text
- Added auto-resize for unit panel promotions
Trade Deals/Deal UI
- The 75 warscore threshold required for third party peace is now customizable (DiploAIOptions.sql), valid values range from 1 to 100
- Cleaned up a lot of the awful UI code
- Peace Deals now display the "Min Value" the AI needs to accept peace when it's winning
- Tooltips will now always display accurate information about why an item can't be added to the deal
- Changed "Demand" button to "Request" when requesting help (unfortunately the leader animation is hardcoded...)
- Removed tooltip from blacked out Demand button while at war
- Fixed several bugs
City Production
- AI is smarter at building Settlers
- AI now has more leeway for peace willingness if it previously agreed, for less flip-flopping
- Added sanity checks on AI gifts (won't gift if you recently refused to make a promise, broke a promise or requested help)
- Improvements to tactical AI
- AI can now upgrade units that are on missions or in armies
- Fixed Indonesia's UA being unable to spawn its unique luxuries in owned territory, so it should actually be useful again
- Fixed automated cities removing World Wonders from the production queue
- Fixed Culture and Faith not working for "Yield From Yield" conversion
- Fixed Border Growth Points not appearing in city expansion timer (they were counted, just not displayed)
- Fixed killing Barbarian units with city bombardment not granting Influence
- Fixed being able to steal Natural Wonders (and possibly Mountains) by settling cities next to them
- Fixed bug where the AI would consider a "no settling" promise to be broken if you settled on the same turn that the promise ended
- Fixed AI players defending wilderness areas
- Fixed bug with Bandeirantes unit panel (EUI)
- Fixed some Great People and Work names being switched around
- LUA hook for city captures has been changed so that it always triggers before the city's fate is chosen, and before NumTimesOwned is incremented
- CanMoveAllTerrain enables doing a ranged attack anywhere
Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PigpajKyIF-nx3x-6A7NbcfJUyhIJR39/view?usp=sharing
Online as of 4:00 PM CST. Not savegame compatible.
Version 2.2.1:
- Fixed air units not being able to attack
- AI assigned specialists can now be locked in place by clicking on them with Manual Specialist Control disabled
- When a custom name is added to a unit, the "(Base Unit Name)" which follows the name is now removed in the tooltip
Link has been updated.
Online as of 2:06 PM CST. Partially savegame compatible; updating won't crash the game, but existing air units won't gain the ability to attack (newly built air units will).
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