New Version: 4.15.2 (August 7, 2024)

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Jul 24, 2022
Hi everyone,

new version inbound. As this will be the last version before the 4UC integration, we wanted to make it as stable as possible and fixed a lot of bugs and crashes. In addition, improvements have been made to the Worker AI and to AI Pantheon and Policy selection. Thanks to @azum4roll , @KungCheops and @L. Vern for their contributions.


Full changelog:
- Observer Mode ends automatically when a civ wins the game, and the player is given control of the winning civ
- If "MAX_TURNS_OBSERVER_MODE" in (1) CP/Core Files/Core Values/CoreDefines.sql is set to a non-zero value, observer mode will end automatically after the specified number of turns
- Multiplayer: Added "Force Resync" button in non-EUI

AI improvements:

    Worker and Improvement Planning AI:
        - Improved AI ability to plan adjacent improvements (for example Celts 4UC Oppidum, Incan Pata-Pata/Farm combinations)
        - Improvement planning much better at taking into account potential monopolies
        - Improvement planning takes into account puppet status when evaluating plot yields
        - Worker AI better at spreading out Shoshone Encampments to maximize the area in which the defense bonus is given
        - Workers less prone to move to a different area and to delay building improvements that take a long time to build
        - Improved strategic road planning
        - Automated workers perform all actions on turn start, instead of waiting until the end of the turn when building improvements
        - Fix AI not wanting to build Great Person improvements that weren't much better than the existing improvement
        - Fix AI Great Persons not doing anything when there's nothing they can build

    Pantheon Selection:
        - AI takes into account if a civilization has a Unique Improvement that requires removing forests (Goddess of Renewal)
        - AI understands that multiple cities can benefit from one mountain within range (Goddess of Nature)
        - Reduced AI valuation of Great Person Points (Goddess of Beauty, Goddess of Wisdom)
        - Pantheon selection for India rewritten: Instead of always taking Goddess of Beauty, India will now make a random choice between selected pantheons (namely Tutelary Gods, God of Commerce, Ancestor Worship and God-King)
    Policy Selection:
        - Fixed AI treating Shoshone as a warmonger, which caused Shoshone to take Authority in almost every game
        - Instead, Japan and Assyria are now treated as warmongers

Code Improvements / Modmods:
- Added code for extra yields from improvements when in a golden age (for 4UC Persia; database table "Improvement_GoldenAgeYields")
- Fixed policy column HappinessToScience not working correctly in VP
- Preparatory work for 4UC Tersane
- Bugfixes
    - Fixed several crashes
    - Fixed game sometimes freezing on AI China's turn
    - Fixed a multiplayer desync
    - Fixed some trade deals being canceled twice, and research agreements being completed twice
    - Fixed a long-standing bug that allowed land units to embark onto water plots with an enemy civilian unit on it, killing the civilian in the process
    - Fixed city governor not switching plots from one city to another for the AI
    - Fixed AI settling recommendations ignoring Fog of War, which was a cheat both for humans and the AI
    - Fixed incorrect vassal maintenance cost in the Vassal Overview
    - Fixed trade deals between vassal and master being canceled when an embargo is placed on the vassal
    - Fixed two errors in the city tourism tooltip
    - Fixed an error when loading the Squads mod
    - Fixed incorrect description for Mongolian Khan (the unit does deal damage to units in adjacent forts and cities)
    - Fixed CS alliance status not always being updated when influence decay caused another player to have more influence than the current ally
    - Fixed duplicate "A city was captured" notification
    - Removed notification "Peace with the city-state is now possible" when the CS was conquered

Online as of August 2, 2024, 4:53 PM CDT. Not savegame compatible.

Version 4.15.1 has been released. Link above has been updated.


Modding Tools:
- Added support for fractions to the DLL, including the ability to add, subtract, multiply, divide, and compare them (thanks, Rekk!)
- Added ConnectsAllResources column to Improvements table
- Unhardcoded "Great Person Tile Improvements = connects all resources", but added a trigger so that modmod GPTIs will connect resources by default (triggers on insertion into the table with <CreatedByGreatPerson>true</CreatedByGreatPerson>)

- When the "Shall we declare war against..." button is disabled, added a tooltip explaining why
- Updated outdated text for Naga-Malla and Landmark construction

- Fixed an uncommon crash when evaluating a tile's defensive value
- Fixed a nasty bug where the AI would misvalue Peace Treaties when winning, resulting in "Impossible!" deal offers and other problems
- Fixed Siheyuan connecting resources

Online as of 2:04 PM CDT on August 7. Savegame compatible with version 4.15.

Version 4.15.2 has been released. Link above has been updated.


- Fixed database errors

Online as of 11:45 PM CDT on August 7. Savegame compatible with 4.15 versions.
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Not a bug as such but I noticed two new entries in database.log:
[750334.812] column Type is not unique
[750334.812] column Type is not unique

I haven't investigated further, so I don't know if they have any real impact, but they are from 4.15 - wasn't there in 4.14.1.
I noticed that instant yields don't scale with game speed anymore. I play on epic, and I only get the base instant yields, instead of the 1.5x multiplier. Is this intended?
I noticed that instant yields don't scale with game speed anymore. I play on epic, and I only get the base instant yields, instead of the 1.5x multiplier. Is this intended?
It was recently changed, I noticed it a couple of patches ago when barbarian encampments yilded only 50 gold instead of 75
I noticed that instant yields don't scale with game speed anymore. I play on epic, and I only get the base instant yields, instead of the 1.5x multiplier. Is this intended?
If this applies to the authority city capture bonus on epic that would explain a lot as to why it feels so anemic mid game
What was the reason for the change?
Ah you're right, it's only the barbie camp yields. Makes sense.
Version 4.15.1 has been released. Link in OP has been updated.


Modding Tools:
- Added support for fractions to the DLL, including the ability to add, subtract, multiply, divide, and compare them (thanks, Rekk!)
- Added ConnectsAllResources column to Improvements table
- Unhardcoded "Great Person Tile Improvements = connects all resources", but added a trigger so that modmod GPTIs will connect resources by default (triggers on insertion into the table with <CreatedByGreatPerson>true</CreatedByGreatPerson>)

- When the "Shall we declare war against..." button is disabled, added a tooltip explaining why
- Updated outdated text for Naga-Malla and Landmark construction

- Fixed an uncommon crash when evaluating a tile's defensive value
- Fixed a nasty bug where the AI would misvalue Peace Treaties when winning, resulting in "Impossible!" deal offers and other problems
- Fixed Siheyuan connecting resources

Online as of 2:04 PM CDT. Savegame compatible with version 4.15.
Why? Then you'd need to do a manual action a turn before.
Workers have always performed move actions at the start of turns but while building improvements they wait until turn end. Changed them to continue building improvements on turn start so that roads will be finished before other workers decide to move, as well as I thought it would be nice to have consistency in all worker automation action instead of doing some of them on turn end and some on turn start.
Is it not possible to just set maxversion of community patch to 999 like with vox populi to not change it every time update comes out?
The reason I didn't do it that way is to make the mod automatically incompatible once any unit supply rework is integrated into the main mod. I wasn't anticipating that many savegame incompatible releases in between.
Hmm, from 4.15.1 database.log
[905509.437] near "WHERE": syntax error
[905510.968] column Type is not unique
[905510.968] column Type is not unique
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