Hey all,
New version inbound. Contains essentially no balance changes, just new functionality and bugfixes. A special shoutout to @KungCheops and @Rekk for their major contributions in said new functionality and bugfixes, and to @axatin for fixing the gamebreaking hang/freeze bug (plus some other bugs).
We've begun working on the 4UC integration following the results of Session #8, but we don't yet have an estimated time of completion - it is a lot of work. While the previous release was intended to be the final one, it contained a gamebreaking issue, so I've decided I will do this release, and at least one other 2UC release just before 5.0 which deletes the three tables that were made obsolete here. I also remain open to releasing hotfixes in the interim if necessary.
Link: https://github.com/LoneGazebo/Commu...download/Release-4.16.2/Vox.Populi.4.16.2.exe
Online as of 12:33 AM CDT on September 7. Not savegame compatible.
Version 4.16.1 has been released. Link above has been updated.
Online as of 6:50 AM CDT on October 5. Savegame compatible with 4.16 versions.
Version 4.16.2 has been released. Link above has been updated.
Online as of 8:31 AM CDT on October 6. Savegame compatible with 4.16 versions.
New version inbound. Contains essentially no balance changes, just new functionality and bugfixes. A special shoutout to @KungCheops and @Rekk for their major contributions in said new functionality and bugfixes, and to @axatin for fixing the gamebreaking hang/freeze bug (plus some other bugs).
We've begun working on the 4UC integration following the results of Session #8, but we don't yet have an estimated time of completion - it is a lot of work. While the previous release was intended to be the final one, it contained a gamebreaking issue, so I've decided I will do this release, and at least one other 2UC release just before 5.0 which deletes the three tables that were made obsolete here. I also remain open to releasing hotfixes in the interim if necessary.
- Added Improvement_YieldPerXAdjacentImprovement table and made all VP improvements with adjacency bonuses use it
Improvement Yields are increased by other, specific, adjacent Improvements
Fractional Yields from different Improvement Types are added together
All improvements now GAIN benefits from adjacency, none of them will GIVE benefits
The vanilla CultureAdjacentSameType column is now directly added to anything specified in this table
Obsoletes Improvement_AdjacentImprovementYieldChanges, Improvement_YieldAdjacentSameType, Improvement_YieldAdjacentTwoSameType
These three tables will be removed entirely in the final 2UC release *before* the 5.0 release
I decided to add a short grace period here before breaking modmod compatibility due to how long the original adjacency tables have been a part of VP for
(This is not intended to set a precedent)
- Added SpawnsAdjacentResource building column
Resource is spawned in a random adjacent passable land tile which doesn't have an existing resource and isn't an Oasis
The tile is claimed if it is unowned
Resource can spawn within another civ's borders
- Added NoAdjacentCity improvement column
Forbids an improvement from being built next to a city
- Performance improvements and code cleanups
- AI will focus more on sending their spies as Diplomats if they're trying to achieve Culture Victory (prioritizing civs they are least influential towards)
- AI settlers will now only choose and try to reach tiles that they have a valid movement path towards
Prevents an issue where they would wander aimlessly due to the only settling plots being blocked
- Added AI support for the new columns (see the General section above)
- AI will no longer frivolously disband Workers, and the disbandment logic has been simplified and improved
AI will only disband Workers when there's more idle Workers than they have cities
Also improved the logic to spread out Workers when there's nothing left to build
- Improved calculation of yield adjacency bonuses
- Changed yield adjacency calculations to use the new Improvement_YieldPerXAdjacentImprovement table instead
This means that Worker recommendations and AI decisions will work fine for VP improvements, but modmod improvements that use yield adjacency will not be fully AI compatible
- Readded (fixed) unit fleeing to safety behavior to Homeland AI
- The relevant Civilopedia pages for improvements using the new Improvement_YieldPerXAdjacentImprovement table now have inputs ceiling'd to the second decimal place
Text Frames don't automatically resize unless pushed through UpdateNarrowTextBlock.
The Adjacent Improvement text can be pretty long between newlines, and the wrapping function doesn't seem to have hanging indents, so Rekk made his own
- Clarified that investments only reduce the Production cost of Wonders by 25%
- Clarified that purchase and investment costs increase slightly with the number of techs researched
- Victory Block opinion modifier has been clarified: "Your behavior infuriates them." -> "Your success infuriates them."
It triggers when the AI is mad at you for your progress towards a victory condition that isn't the one they're currently going for
- Project notifications are now shown when in Observer Mode
- Fixed a gamebreaking infinite loop that caused the game to hang
- Fixed Voluntary Vassalage being tradeable if the would-be master cannot declare war on everyone the vassal is at war with
- Fixed Route to Mode not working for Railroads, building Railroads in cities, and considering rivers as roads
- Fixed AI downgrading railroads they don't have to pay for into roads that they do
- Fixed MOD_GLOBAL_QUICK_ROUTES CustomModOption not working
- Fixed a bug in City-State ally change logic
- Fixed a bug where VP changes were intruding into Community Patch Only trade route yields
- Fixed a bug where clicking on certain instant yield notifications would cause the camera to leave its current position and head to the capital for no raisin
- Fixed resource spawning code deleting unrevealed resources
- Fixed bug where 4UC Celts would miscalculate the potential adjacency values for their unique GPTI
- Other bugfixes related to Worker AI
Link: https://github.com/LoneGazebo/Commu...download/Release-4.16.2/Vox.Populi.4.16.2.exe
Online as of 12:33 AM CDT on September 7. Not savegame compatible.
Version 4.16.1 has been released. Link above has been updated.
- Fixed two crashes
- Fixed crash when starting in a later era
- Fixed promises to other players never expiring
- Fixed puppet cities not being able to work tiles outside of the first ring (fix might not affect existing puppets)
- Caravans and Cargo Ships no longer take damage from Citadels or Splash Damage, but are instantly destroyed by any nuke
- City Governor now automatically updates tile assignments when a human player switches a tile from one city to another
- Fixed an issue that caused Great General points from Great Works not being given in the Afghanistan mod
- Added compatibility for new resources in the Additional Luxury Resources mod
- Fixed an issue with city banners in non-EUI observer mode
- Explained in Civilopedia that rivers now give city connections
Online as of 6:50 AM CDT on October 5. Savegame compatible with 4.16 versions.
Version 4.16.2 has been released. Link above has been updated.
- Fixed the map generation bug introduced in 4.16.1
Online as of 8:31 AM CDT on October 6. Savegame compatible with 4.16 versions.
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