Newb question - Civs aggressive tendencies


Jan 29, 2016
Fountain Valley, CA
Are there certain civilizations who have warlike dispositions and trying to play for a diplomatic or science victory is futile? In the past couple of games, I've shared a border with the Aztec and the Zulu, and both declared war early and without any provocation. Should I be on guard against certain civs?
Probably should just let someone else tackle this, but the answer is yes. In addition to Civilization specific bonuses, each civ has values on a scale from 1-9 (?) influencing their "flavor" in several categories like declaring war, backstabbing, tendency to build nukes, tendency to use nukes, and tendency to try to found a religion.

It's all on an excel spreadsheet. Hoping someone else has a link.
Both of the civs OP mentioned have some of the highest aggressive flavors in the game.

Note that before every game starts, an RNG roll takes place for each and every flavor and so a given civ may be as much as 2 points higher in aggressive than normal or conversely two points less aggressive than normal.
Huns, Zulu and Aztecs Coke to mind. I also believe that civs get a bonus to their warmongering score while they have access to their unique unit, so Rome, Greece and Persia are also aggressive early.

Often you can pay them to war someone else instead for a few gold while you establish your own standing army.
Both of the civs OP mentioned have some of the highest aggressive flavors in the game.

Note that before every game starts, an RNG roll takes place for each and every flavor and so a given civ may be as much as 2 points higher in aggressive than normal or conversely two points less aggressive than normal.

Flavour, not flavor. Kind sir, learn to spell. It's English we're speaking here.

Moderator Action: Please do not troll other users by commenting on their choice of spelling conventions.
Kind of sad to see that you are trying to correct a moderator from US with British English. I would suggest you to have a look at the next page, you will be enlightened :

Creep. Notice I did not highlight the incorrect spelling of criticise in his message to me. Well we did raise Washington to the ground, so I'll let him off.

Stop being so pedantic my Dutch friend.

Oh and it's from the US, not from US. I'll excuse the rest of the grammatical errors.
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