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Newb question: Not gaining gold?


Jan 18, 2010
Hey guys, coming back to this amazing mod after six or seven years, and I have a newb question (probably related to my more recent experiences with civ 5 and civ 6). Recently started a new game and I'm wondering why my treasury isn't increasing/ not seeing an income in my top-left corner of the screen, even though, my income is positive if I look at my financial info.
You don't gain any gold income until the :science: slider is unlocked at Code of Laws.
I guess you only get initial science until then, too?

PS isn't this bad mechanic? no alternatives apart of rushing Code of Lows from start.
I guess you only get initial science until then, too?
you get locked to 50% science slider while it's not visible. Use the F2 financial advisor screen to keep track of total commerce and spending to make sure you aren't over spending.
PS isn't this bad mechanic? no alternatives apart of rushing Code of Lows from start.
enable tech diffusion when you are creating a game and go for techs that the AI is getting. That setting is a must have on immortal/deity to be able to survive at all so might as well start using it now.
also you don't need to rush code of laws just to adjust the tech slider a few percent its insignificant to do early game. The reason you get Code of Laws is for Caste civic to work merchants with village halls and grow your economy and build more units.
you get locked to 50% science slider while it's not visible. Use the F2 financial advisor screen to keep track of total commerce and spending to make sure you aren't over spending.

enable tech diffusion when you are creating a game and go for techs that the AI is getting. That setting is a must have on immortal/deity to be able to survive at all so might as well start using it now.
also you don't need to rush code of laws just to adjust the tech slider a few percent its insignificant to do early game. The reason you get Code of Laws is for Caste civic to work merchants with village halls and grow your economy and build more units.
Science was not locked to 50% in fact. I was playing at slowest speed, but to turn 400 I was only contributing 3 science per turn (I had 9 cities and economy advisers showed 29 science from cities, so it's nonsense). Later I was limited to 1 science point per turn. Imagine discovering Code of laws 1500 points worth. I still managed to discover it by capturing barbarian cities.
Science was not locked to 50% in fact. I was playing at slowest speed, but to turn 400 I was only contributing 3 science per turn (I had 9 cities and economy advisers showed 29 science from cities, so it's nonsense). Later I was limited to 1 science point per turn. Imagine discovering Code of laws 1500 points worth. I still managed to discover it by capturing barbarian cities.

There's a lot of factors involved in science calculations. I don't remember them all, but could it be because of difficulty?
There's a lot of factors involved in science calculations. I don't remember them all, but could it be because of difficulty?
It wasn't like this at start. It was worsening the more turns has passed and to turn 450 on snail it was 1 science person turn only.
One important notice - this was my first game in civil 4 AND after many years and I was save-reloading a lot, testing things. Sometimes game crushed on load. Might it be a corrupted game file? But why it was like a tendency? Could it be punishment for reloading?
It wasn't like this at start. It was worsening the more turns has passed and to turn 450 on snail it was 1 science person turn only.
I remember experiencing the same bug in the past when running AI autoplay. It usually happened during the late game: Modern os Transhuman era.
Since then I have a New dll thanks to @Inthegrave, and I don't recall seeing that bug ever again.
I remember experiencing the same bug in the past when running AI autoplay. It usually happened during the late game: Modern os Transhuman era.
Since then I have a New dll thanks to @Inthegrave, and I don't recall seeing that bug ever again.
Inventing Code of Laws fixed this. Not sure if this can repeat.
It wasn't like this at start. It was worsening the more turns has passed and to turn 450 on snail it was 1 science person turn only.
One important notice - this was my first game in civil 4 AND after many years and I was save-reloading a lot, testing things. Sometimes game crushed on load. Might it be a corrupted game file? But why it was like a tendency? Could it be punishment for reloading?

Usually a corrupted savegame cannot be loaded; definitely not something to do with saving/reloading. Just in case, try forcing a recalc should it happen again (ctrl+shift+T).
I remember experiencing the same bug in the past when running AI autoplay. It usually happened during the late game: Modern os Transhuman era.
Since then I have a New dll thanks to @Inthegrave, and I don't recall seeing that bug ever again.

If you don't mind, I'll have a look at your dll; I've been away for a long time but recently I played a few games with RAND and there are things I'd like to fix/add.
Science was not locked to 50% in fact. I was playing at slowest speed, but to turn 400 I was only contributing 3 science per turn (I had 9 cities and economy advisers showed 29 science from cities, so it's nonsense). Later I was limited to 1 science point per turn. Imagine discovering Code of laws 1500 points worth. I still managed to discover it by capturing barbarian cities.
It's locked to 50% of commerce remaining after deducting maintenance without providing leftover gold to the treasury. Spamming units/hoarding animals can cripple it. 1 science per turn is the barest guaranteed minimum, so you probably exhausted all the commerce you had. I adressed this for myself by increasing palace commerce with unscaling +10 basic science instead of +1. Also you can change tech that unlocks the slider.

Honestly, since you are not getting any gold, maintenance should be cut in half as well. Or even better - allow to get the other half of commerce as gold.
It's locked to 50% of commerce remaining after deducting maintenance without providing leftover gold to the treasury. Spamming units/hoarding animals can cripple it. 1 science per turn is the barest guaranteed minimum, so you probably exhausted all the commerce you had. I adressed this for myself by increasing palace commerce with unscaling +10 basic science instead of +1. Also you can change tech that unlocks the slider.

Honestly, since you are not getting any gold, maintenance should be cut in half as well. Or even better - allow to get the other half of commerce as gold.
Exactly what you said.
I experimented with deleting units and saw a miracle - Science got reanimated.
This also explained only negative cash flow. - All surplus commence after maintenance got invested into science
All surplus commence after maintenance got invested into science
Not all, 50%, other 50% is lost, unless I'm missing something. Gold "output" doesn't even offset the maintanence.
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BTW, there is an other thing that should be addressed in CoM too, that is printing an alert message on screen when a unit takes terrain/distance damage.
I wanted to try my hands on it but I'm still too busy and too noob for it. Couldn't even start it :crazyeye:

BTW, there is an other thing that should be addressed in CoM too, that is printing an alert message on screen when a unit takes terrain/distance damage.
I wanted to try my hands on it but I'm still too busy and too noob for it. Couldn't even start it :crazyeye:

Well, but in theory you should know when your unit is taking damage. Beside the obvious fact that you see it damaged, you have a notification in form of a tooltip on the damaging tile each time you move to a dangerous tile, both for terrain type and distance, IIRC. On the other hand, I think I remember for some reason distance damage wasn't working sometimes, and I didn't know why. Is it something that's been addressed in CoM?
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