News: 6otM25 Announcement

leif erikson

Game of the Month Fanatic
GOTM Staff
Feb 2, 2003
Plymouth, MA
Civilization VI - Game of the Month 25
Welcome to the 25th game in the 6OTM Series! These games will allow new and old GOTM fans to try out the new features in Civ6 in a friendly environment. Participants are encouraged to post questions, stories, advice, tricks and failures in the dedicated game threads (described below). Each game will specify the Civ you will play and the Victory Condition to strive for. We will be working to refine the 6otM concept as we move ahead with the series.

Must Read!
We would like to ask you to abide by our most sacred rule: Don’t replay any turns! If you make a mistake, accept it and try to recover. To ensure fair play and prevent results exclusions, please set your Autosaves to 1 turn. In the event of a computer crash while playing, just reload to the previous save and play it as closely to how you played it the first time. Please let Leif know (via Conversation (Private Message)) if you experienced a crash and how many turns you replayed.

Civ VI - 6otM 25 Details:
Player (You): - Gorgo - Greece (Sparta)
Victory Condition
: Science but all other VCs are enabled.
Difficulty: Immortal
(including player): 8/12
Map Type/Size: Continents/Standard Size
Game pace: Standard

Game options:
Start - Ancient Era
Enabled - Goody Huts, Barbarians

Game Version:
This game was created in Civ6 vanilla version
Game Requirements: vanilla version of Civilization VI.

Here is where you will start:


Greece's Unique Attributes:

Spoiler :
Gorgo's Special Ability: Thermopylae: Combat victories provide culture equal to 50% of the combat strength of the defeated unit.

Unique Ability
: Plato's Republic - Gives an extra, wildcard, policy slot no matter what government you choose.

Unique Unit: Hoplite: Greek unique Ancient unit that replaces the Spearman. +10 Combat strength if there is at least one adjacent Hoplite unit. Requires Bronze Working technology to build them.

Unique District: Acropolis: A district unique to Greece for culture sites. Replaces the Theater Square district and must be built on a hill. Awards one Envoy when completed. Requires discovery of Drama and Poetry technology to build them.

Information about threads associated with each individual 6otM -- Must Read if you are new to our Game of the Month!
Please note: If you wish to make a video of your game, please do not post any links to it until after the game submission date has passed. This is because of the potential spoilers that are created by posting before the end date. Thank you for your cooperation.

Spoiler :
Announcement thread (this one): This thread is used to announce the game and clarify the settings and rules (don’t be afraid to ask questions). It’s also used to discuss the game before you start, and post problems with opening the save. Once you have opened the save, DO NOT POST in the Announcement thread, even non game-related information. Instead use the next thread.

Opening Actions thread: This thread is used to discuss the game's opening decisions and strategies through the first 100 or so turns. Here you can post questions related to the game and share your achievements/anger/frustration/victories while you play. We encourage players to use the spoiler tags for screenshot. During the time the game is active, please do not post any information concerning the game outside of the spoiler threads including screen shots, videos, or recorded/live-cast Let's Plays on other websites.

After Actions thread: In this thread you can post the results of your game. Please state your victory/loss date and final score (preferably in the post title) and describe your path to glory in this post! Players are encouraged to provide feedback on the game. Some players like to replay the game, and although we will not record the results from a replay, you can still post your new experiences. The game will not be closed as such, but after one month, the results will be compiled, and will not necessarily be updated with reports coming in after the finish date.

Results and Congratulations thread: We will create a separate thread with the results at the end of the one month submission period (sorted by date and score). We will issue medals to the top 3 winners (based on earliest date finished). There are no long-term records kept for these results, they are just given out to top finishers to reward their efforts.

File Upload System
In development.

This game runs for a month and ends November 15th, 2017.

The save is attached below .


Some of our members that know more than I do have speculated that the next DLC, with accompanying patch, will be released sometime on or after the 19th of October. I decided to post this game now because our Mac and Linux brothers will probably not see a patch for several weeks after if history is any indication. It is up to you to decide whether to play now or wait for the patch, or play it twice? Just wanted to give you fair warning that you may start and then get auto-patched in mid-game.
Well, think I'll try to finish this before the patch - really wish there was an option to delay patch so I could take next weekend to finish on the same patch.

If you haven't done science before or much, Whacker and Lily Lancer have great posts in the 6otM 18 After Actions Report. I don't think I've ever done a SV in under 190 turns, but plan to use these posts to inform my strategy.

If my warrior doesn't find anything super interesting, I'll settle 1SW on the plains hills. Scout to start.
Joint wars are okay. Making GPT deals and then breaking them are exploitive and not in the spirit of the GotM.

edit - Joint wars are also a problem, so no joint wars.
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Joint wars are okay. Making GPT deals and then breaking them are exploitive and not in the spirit of the GotM.
I thought joint wars were broke right now to give you tons of stuff and not have to do anything. Did they fix that?
I thought joint wars were broke right now to give you tons of stuff and not have to do anything. Did they fix that?
Not that I know of, so we should then not allow them either. Sorry, wasn't aware they were still a problem. Post above edited.
As an update, the First Look video is out for the new DLC, it will be Khmer. You can see it here.

Prediction seems to be the patch should arrive around Thursday, late day? No one knows for sure.
Will definitely do it post patch.

That's what I'm thinking too... however, I hope they fix the issue where loading a game saved with a previous version makes warmonger penalties and some district adjacency bonuses disappear. I noticed this when playing some of the earlier 6otM released before the Summer Patch.
That's what I'm thinking too... however, I hope they fix the issue where loading a game saved with a previous version makes warmonger penalties and some district adjacency bonuses disappear. I noticed this when playing some of the earlier 6otM released before the Summer Patch.

Yeah, the current patch is broken. There're too many trade bugs and not sure if anyone made use of them.
Well, think I'll try to finish this before the patch - really wish there was an option to delay patch so I could take next weekend to finish on the same patch.
You can, but you need to switch steam to offline mode and stay offline until you have finished your game. If missing steam ads and not knowing when your friends are online isn't an issue this option is in the Steam menu.
If my warrior doesn't find anything super interesting, I'll settle 1SW on the plains hills. Scout to start.
I was also seriously considering settling that hill for increased production. Not sure about the scout start thought, i like to get a couple slingers ASAP, if only to deal with early barbs.
Fall patch is out, for both Windows and Mac!

edit - Patch notes available.
Spoiler :

  • Khmer
    • Civ Unique Ability: Grand Barays - Farms provide +2 Food if adjacent to an Aqueduct. +3 Faith and +1 Amenity to each city with an Aqueduct.
    • Jayavarman VII Unique Ability: Monasteries of the King - Holy Sites provide +2 Food and +1 Housing if placed on a river. Holy Sites provide a culture bomb.
    • Domrey: Unlocks with Military Engineering technology. Unique Medieval era siege unit. Can move and shoot in the same turn and exerts zone of control.
    • Prasat: Same yield as Temple. Missionaries purchased in this city receive the Martyr promotion. +1 Relic slot.
  • Indonesia
    • Civ Unique Ability: Great Nusantara - Minor Adjacency for Coastal tiles to Holy Site, Campus, Industrial Zone, and Theater Square. +1 Amenity to each Entertainment Complex adjacent to a coastal tile.
    • Gitarja Unique Ability: Exalted Goddess of the Three Worlds - Naval units can be purchased with Faith. Religious units pay no movement to embark or disembark. +2 Faith to City Centers that are adjacent to Coast.
    • Jong: Replaces Frigate. Unlocks with Mercenaries civic. +1 Movement. All units in formation inherit movement speed. +5 to combat when in a formation.
    • Kampung: Unique improvement placed on Coastal tiles that are adjacent to a sea resource. +1 Housing. +1 Production. +1 Food for each adjacent Fishing Boat. More Housing, Production, and Tourism as you advance through the game.
  • Angkor Wat Wonder
    • +1 Population in all Current Cities when built. +1 Housing in all cities. Must be built adjacent to an Aqueduct district.
  • Ha Long Bay Natural Wonder
    • Two tile natural wonder that can be found on coastal terrain and provides +3 Food, +1 Production, and +1 Culture. +15 Combat Strength when defending in this tile.
  • ‘Path to Nirvana’ Scenario
    • The lands around the Indian Ocean flourish with many religions and many people. Heaven has chosen you to bring the light to all these lands. Is your faith up to the challenge? Can you convince the people of Southeast Asia to follow your religion? In this 50 turn scenario, compete to have the most followers of your religion, the most faith per turn, and the most foreign cities following your religion.

  • Overhauled “Religion Lens”
  • All religious units move on their own layer (similar to Trade Units and Spies)
  • Switched to unique unit flag backing for religious units
  • Display religion (if applicable) for a unit to be purchased with Faith
  • Added the ‘Condemn Heretic’ unit action to allow military units to eliminate religious units in their tile, similar to pillaging a trade route
  • Added Religion indicators to unit flags
  • Religious units now exert Zone of Control and receive Flank and Support bonuses in religious combat
  • Added two new Pantheons, two new Founder Beliefs, two new Follower Beliefs, two new Enhancer Beliefs, and two new Worship Beliefs (with new buildings)
    • Follower Belief “Warrior Monks” unlocks the new Warrior Monk unit, a medieval land combat unit with its own promotion tree that is purchased with Faith
  • Added the Guru religious support unit, which can heal nearby religious units
  • Improved long-term usefulness of Missionaries by giving their spread religion ability 10% eviction of all other religions
  • Gave nine existing leaders the LOW_RELIGIOUS_PREFERENCE trait so they are unlikely to push hard for a religion, making it easier for players to get one on high difficulties
  • Added Unit Action tooltip to show you how many followers you’ll have in a city after you spread religion there
  • Adding religious pressure to both ends of a trade route:
    • Destination city gets 1 pressure per turn of the origin city's majority religion (if it has one). This is the same amount as if that city was close by.
    • Origin city gets 0.5 pressure per turn of the destination city's majority religion (if it has one)
  • Added 8 new Relics

  • Updated Diplomacy screens to improve readability and usability
  • Trade Overview: Available Routes tab will now show all possible routes between two cities regardless if the origin city has a trader located at it
  • New medallion style art for Great People
  • Capital icons now appear on city banners in espionage chooser menu
  • Rest & Repair actions inform you if you can’t heal due to a missing Strategic Resource
  • Changed sort order for gossip so most recent messages are shown first
  • Ensure plot tooltips show up after mousing over 2D icons in same plot
  • Trade route chooser now sorts routes when filtered by a yield
  • Lots of changes to make assorted UI screens more moddable/extensible

  • Improved AI’s naval gameplay, including protection and healing of naval units, building a proper navy, and assaulting coastal cities
  • AI will attempt to re-convert its holy cities
  • AI will no longer commit to battles they cannot win
  • Improve AI city and district placement
  • Improved AI’s valuation of great works
  • Improved Scout’s drive to explore Tribal Villages
  • Improved siege attacks
  • Adjusted religious strategies, preventing large hordes of units going to the same, distant city
  • New AI support for Religious Heal and Condemn Heretic actions
  • Improve AI use of Inquisitors
  • Money Grubber agenda is no longer as sensitive to fluctuations in income

  • Ongoing stability improvements

  • Removed some of the least useful Gossip messages to improve signal to noise:
    • Buildings constructed if from 2 eras earlier than the constructing player's current era
    • Civic cultivated if from 1 era earlier than developing player's current era
    • Influenced city-state if not tied or higher than all other players
    • Land unit promoted if only to Level 2
    • Naval unit promoted if only to Level 2
    • Policy slotted if unlocked from a Civic that is 2 eras earlier than slotting player's current era
    • Tech researched if from 1 era earlier than researching player's current era
  • Move +1 embark speed from Cartography to Square Rigging
  • Allow friendly or allied spies to escape just before a nuke is detonated on a city they are in. All other spies are still killed.
  • Add Guilds as a prereq for Humanism so you have Theater Square before Museums
  • Change the Civic prereqs between Industrial and Modern so Zoo is required before Stadiums
  • Religious Idols Pantheon belief is now +2 Faith per mine instead of +1
  • Persian Immortal unit now behaves primarily as a melee unit with a ranged attack ability

  • AI will now recruit Great People when they take control of a human's game in MP
  • Fixed an issue where AI would trade invalid items
  • Fixed issues where AI appears to refuse their own deal proposals
  • Corrected an error that made the AI very unlikely to agree to alliances
  • Added missing description text for Broadway (+20% Culture for the city)
  • Fixed Colonial Taxes to be the listed 25% boost
  • Fix player being able to make peace with city states while at war with the suzerain
  • Pillaged districts no longer provide adjacency yields and they drop adjacent Appeal
  • Fixed the Hanging Gardens not granting Appeal
  • Archery tech boost earned by a Slinger on defense
  • Unique districts don’t count twice for Mathematics tech boost
  • Fix Housing from Monarchy to properly be +1 for each level of Wall
  • Culture Bombs can no longer steal National Park tiles
  • Conquering a city with a spaceport under sabotage no longer redirects that mission at yourself
  • Captured spies are immediately returned when a player is defeated
  • Gold costs of delegations is correct at all game speeds
  • Properly compute foreign followers of a religion for beliefs that use this stat. Followers from cities that didn’t have this religion as a majority were not counted previously
  • Embarked combat units can no longer capture enemy embarked civilians
  • Additional bug fixes

  • Changed Jakarta City-State to Bandar Brunei
  • Added Motion Blur to leaders
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Think we should lift restrictions on game play issues from the old patch to determine what has been fixed. Please note in the spoilers what you think has been fixed and what you think are still exploitive. Thanks.
I'd say Joint War exploit has been fixed now. I won't use it anyway.
Time to try this one - tempting to move toward the horses.
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