[BTS] News: BOTM 115 Results and Congratulations (Deity!!)


Fear him of the pink tie
GOTM Staff
Dec 23, 2005
London, UK
Quite a few people won this deity game. Clearly I didn't make it hard enough :mischief:

All but one of the victories was a conquest. The one exception was neilmeister, who picked up the only cultural win, in 1645 AD. Of the many (well, actually, 6) conquest victories, Rusten proved fastest, winning in 820AD for an astonishing final score of 390K. It wasn't enough to win gold though - BornInCanteloup managed that achievement with an 1050 AD conquest, very closely followed in date by shakabrade's 1090 AD conquest.

The remaining conquests were by shulec, bcool, and Xcalibrator. Considering the difficulty, these are amazing achievements.

As for the other brave players who attempted conquest. kcd_swede got beaten by the UN, Pious_Pete by culture, ub40 by the apostolic palace, and greatbeyond by conquest. Most of those defeated out until the 1800 AD's which on deity is also arguably something of an achievement! Well done everyone!

Summary of Medal Winners:

BornInCantaloup: 1050 AD Conquest Victory, 442,118 points.

Rusten: 820 AD Conquest Victory, 392,716 points.

shakabrade: 1090 AD Conquest Victory, 274,059 points.

Fastest Finish Award Winners:

bcool: 1660 AD Conquest Victory, 209,222 points.

neilmeister: 1645 AD Cultural Victory, 65,357 points.

Other Award Winners:

Xcalibrator: 1635 AD Conquest Victory, 200,625 points.

kcd_swede: 1882 AD Diplomatic Loss, 4,610 points.

greatbeyond: 1876 AD Conquest Loss, 1,528 points.

>> See the full results here.
>> See the updated global rankings here.
>> See the latest Pantheon of Heroes here.
>> You can see and compare graphic replays of all the submissions here.
>> Award symbols are listed here.
Here's where everyone settled. I'm intrigued that quite a few people decided to head West, despite that doing so delayed settling AND lost the extra hammer from the plains hill start.

The Small Print:
The numbers by each player's name indicate the turn settled on (starting turn is 0). Players are colour coded by game class (challenger=red, adventurer=blue). Symbols indicate victory condition, if there's no symbol then the player either retired or was defeated. The yellow border indicates the land that was visible at the start of the game.
Congrats BiC, Rusten and everyone else. Especially to those who submitted games which didn't go smoothly.

I actually wanted to get the fastest win and fastest win (as in wall clock - time). However, Neil beat me even to that, leaving me with nothing an goes to my black book. :p
Bloodthirsty gang! Winning by conquest means that you could've won any VC -- so well done!
Also, no cheesy AP wins! :clap:

Thanks for hosting DS. Doubt I'll be playing civ 6 until a big sale or major overhaul, so I really appreciate these games. :)
Hej Rusten,
I definitely thought about some cheese, but disregarded the thought. Religious victory is about the only way I beat the Deity AI in a BOTM, so I was really strecthing my limits here. I wANTED to see how many Deity AI cities I could conquer, and if I could eliminate any AI- That may not sound like much to a Deity level player, but for me it was a challenge. I conquered one AI and captured three or four cities total, which is pretty good in this kind of set-up (HOF is a different environment altogether). I ended up voting for the AI who won the UN, because it was that or watch my cities get rolled. So.. in the end I am happy to have acheived my limited goals of killing some AI and taking some territory by force, and reasonbly satisfied that I was able to keep enough of my own at the end to actually get a GREEN ambulance, which as far as I can recall, is the best outcome I've ever had on a Deity BOTM without doing the cheesy religious thing. (Yes, even though AP win is somewhat of my only "superpower", I play these games to challenge myself - and may the global rankings be dammed). Had a lot of fun anyhow, for which I thank the mapmaker and the community at large for keeping civ4 games a joy to compete in.

BTW- I will try Civ6 and hope it can keep my interest as long as Civ4 has, but probably it won't and like the Terminator... I'll be back.
Congrats [...] and e[...]specially to those who submitted games which didn't go smoothly.
Yes, absolutely ! And thanks for hosting.

Rusten's game stands out to me : latest to DoW and first to finish.
That's a very efficient capitulation chain for you, started off the holy trifecta of Civil Service, Machinery & Feudalism. If we compare with BC wars, it's also the absence of downtime that makes it so swift : once built, the units are useful every turn.
It seems only the war against the Khmer has been a real war but I suppose that's the way the map was, unless one would DoW Korea first.

DoW Korea first.
I'm still wondering about that. Green land, wonders, luxury resources. Might just be the fastest way to victory for an Ancient/Classical Era war.
And I mean with DoW initiative, not being DoWed like Nocho has been.
Rusten's game stands out to me : latest to DoW and first to finish.

Well, I cursed Pacal for the reason he made me DoW way too soon and that delayed my game significantly. First part of early conquest is racing to the tech with which you will conquer the most, then you slowly tech and wage total war in parallel if the map is big enough that the AIs have time to get efficient counters (you tech next thing that will kill them and can be deployed to the battlefield very fast e.g. if you go for Cuir rush on a big map you tech Cavs to beat pikes and other Cuirs and then go to Airships to beat Rifles). Ofcourse, Engineering is enough for Small map, although I think my initial idea of Knights would be even faster. They worked for my late win and would work much better 600 years earlier without Pacal and Khmer Dowing in BCs. :( Rusten with his micro and warring would do even better than he did if he used Knights (actually I only assume he used Trebs :)).
Argh! Forgot to finish this one, and was at a point of unleashing a Cur holocaust on the map. I had a pretty good start.

Very impressive wins here!
I actually wanted to get the fastest win and fastest win (as in wall clock - time). However, Neil beat me even to that, leaving me with nothing an goes to my black book. :p

Sorry shakabrade.... a lot of my game was pressing 'End Turn'.... Conquest however is almost never fast.

DS, my warrior moved SW and I saw 2 forest deer, corn, 2 fur & PH... my decision was made where I settled. In hindsight maybe wasting a turn to move onto the forest was bad, but those furs seemed like the only commerce available.... and nearly all tiles only needed Hunting.
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