[BTS] News: BOTM 201 Results and Congratulations (2nd attempt)


Fear him of the pink tie
GOTM Staff
Dec 23, 2005
London, UK
OK - 2nd attempt to get these results out after our results parser defeated the first attempt by not recognising any victories! And with thanks to @AlanH for some quick debugging/fixing, hopefully these are now correct!

Seems this game proved a bit tougher than BOTM 200 - in which you were playing the opposite member of your team. But we still had some stunning victories, with @Pangaea taking fastest diplo (and gold) in 1775AD, @Powerfaker silver and the cow for a 1915 gomination, @Lawrence the fastest spaceship in 1903 AD, and Jovan Kukic bringing in the only other contender victory, with a fastest domination in 1860 AD - missing out on a medal due to having a lower final score. I should perhaps also mention @greatbeyond for being the only person to win on adventurer - 2004AD space.

Oddly, no-one submitted a challenger entry! Funny, that. Wonder why...

Summary of Medal Winners:

Pangaea: 1775 AD Diplomatic Victory, 145,831 points.

Powerfaker: 1915 AD Domination Victory, 84,922 points.

Lawrence: 1903 AD Spaceship Victory, 67,572 points.

Fastest Finish Award Winners:

Jovan Kukic: 1860 AD Domination Victory, 67,081 points.

Other Award Winners:

greatbeyond: 2004 AD Spaceship Victory, 19,637 points.

kcd_swede: 1923 AD Spaceship Loss, 5,350 points.

MarleysGh0st: 1946 AD Spaceship Loss, 4,237 points.

>> See the full results here.
>> See the updated global rankings here.
>> See the latest Pantheon of Heroes here.
>> You can see and compare graphic replays of all the submissions here.
>> Award symbols are listed here.
For the record... Once again our map-generator got completely confused by the unique game setup, and plotted where player 0 (the AI-controlled Zeus) settled its 2nd city (after the pre-settled New Olympus).

Here's where everyone settled Zeus settled in everyone's games. (Note, if the map below doesn't show any victories, that means it's showing an out-of-date map, and you'll need to hard-refresh this page in the browser to see the correct map)

The Small Print:
The numbers by each player's name indicate the turn settled on (starting turn is 0). Players are colour coded by game class (challenger=red, adventurer=blue). Symbols indicate victory condition, if there's no symbol then the player either retired or was defeated. The yellow border indicates the land that was visible at the start of the game.
Interesting that the AI was so consistent in where it settled, although there is great variance in the turns.

Thanks to @AlanH for looking into the results :)

I'm most impressed by @Jovan Kukic and @Powerfaker for winning military victories on this map, where the odds were so firmly against us. I really wanted to try that this time, knowing what the map looked like and who we were up against, but it simply wasn't feasible. Infantry++ very early, and the gap seemed to widen with time.
Did anybody find the Underworld?

I found it in BOTM 200 - and was quite amused when I did find it. IIRC once I had galleons and caravels, I did a huge amount of exploring to try and find it, but obviously it's impossible with those ships. But I reached the point where it was obvious where the block of ice was that it presumably lay in, so as soon as I had submarines I sent a couple off to find it. One of the first times I've ever had a serious reason to want to build submarines!

Annoyingly, IIRC I had a couple of paratroopers ready to invade as soon as I found it on the assumption there could be some proper land with something useful there, but obviously there wasn't, and my invasion plans were quickly scrapped :lol:
Oh yes, that's what Airships are for :D

Haha - that's funny. As I wrote my post, I was thinking, couldn't I have found it earlier with an airship. I'm not sure why I didn't, since I do normally make a few airships to help out with my invasions. I can't remember enough of the game now though - maybe I got to submarines before airships for some reason, or maybe I just didn't think.
Did anybody find the Underworld?
With Airships. A very helpful unit when facing an enemy with equal (or better) quality troops............
It never occurred to me before that ice didn't carry culture, so you had to make that one tile visible.

I would like to mention again this was a great game. Almost having it slip away, before it turned around in such a late stage was quite exciting.

Congrats to @Pangaea for the gold.

Nice that I got the cow. Didn't have it yet. Now I need a culture and religious award. Tough call for the next 2 games, which lean towards heavy expansion strategies.
Did anybody find the Underworld?

I know where it is by the end, but I don't really remember how. I definitely didn't scout for it. Maybe I traded maps with Arges/Brontes after they discovered it -- since in my game they finished Cronos/Atlas in the 1800s.

Congrats everyone!
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