BtS BOTM 271 Results:
A Deity game, amazing I managed to eke out a victory. A lot of truly impressive games from everyone else. I hope it was fun for all!
Summary of Medal Winners:
MirrorGuard: 1370 AD Conquest Victory, 319,635 points.
Powerfaker: 1605 AD Domination Victory, 304,651 points.
Bemep42: 1655 AD Domination Victory, 283,770 points.
Fastest Finish Award Winners:
antimony: 1575 AD Domination Victory, 203,047 points.
Xcalibrator: 1876 AD Diplomatic Victory, 104,093 points.
kcd_swede: 1912 AD Cultural Victory, 14,321 points.
Other Award Winners:
MarleysGh0st: 1929 AD Spaceship Loss, 5,940 points.
donsig: 1848 AD Diplomatic Loss, 3,764 points.
>> See the full results here.
>> See the updated global rankings here.
>> See the latest Pantheon of Heroes here.
>> You can see and compare graphic replays of all the submissions here.
>> Award symbols are listed here.
End of BtS BOTM 271 results.
A Deity game, amazing I managed to eke out a victory. A lot of truly impressive games from everyone else. I hope it was fun for all!
Summary of Medal Winners:
MirrorGuard: 1370 AD Conquest Victory, 319,635 points.
Powerfaker: 1605 AD Domination Victory, 304,651 points.
Bemep42: 1655 AD Domination Victory, 283,770 points.
Fastest Finish Award Winners:
antimony: 1575 AD Domination Victory, 203,047 points.
Xcalibrator: 1876 AD Diplomatic Victory, 104,093 points.
kcd_swede: 1912 AD Cultural Victory, 14,321 points.
Other Award Winners:
MarleysGh0st: 1929 AD Spaceship Loss, 5,940 points.
donsig: 1848 AD Diplomatic Loss, 3,764 points.
>> See the full results here.
>> See the updated global rankings here.
>> See the latest Pantheon of Heroes here.
>> You can see and compare graphic replays of all the submissions here.
>> Award symbols are listed here.
End of BtS BOTM 271 results.