[BTS] News: BOTM 280 - Alexander, Emperor - Results & Congratulations


Jag är Viking!½
GOTM Staff
Jun 21, 2007
Stockholm's B.F.C.
Congratulations to all!
I'd write up some more congratulations, but I am guessing most of you would prefer I spend my limited time prepping BOTM282. :sheep:

BtS BOTM 280 Results:

Summary of Medal Winners:

ariosto: 1774 AD Domination Victory, 177,750 points.

Jimmy Thunder: 1820 AD Domination Victory, 127,594 points.

Bemep42: 1720 AD Domination Victory, 103,978 points.

Fastest Finish Award Winners:

Jovan Kukic: 1760 AD Conquest Victory, 91,564 points.

Other Award Winners:

smiregal: 1861 AD Domination Victory, 83,309 points.

KingQotan: 1888 AD Conquest Victory, 62,584 points.

Falabello: 1964 AD Diplomatic Loss, 4,866 points.

MarleysGh0st: 1993 AD Spaceship Loss, 2,650 points.

>> See the full results here.
>> See the updated global rankings here.
>> See the latest Pantheon of Heroes here.
>> You can see and compare graphic replays of all the submissions here.
>> Award symbols are listed here.
Here's where everyone settled.

The Small Print:
The numbers by each player's name indicate the turn settled on (starting turn is 0). Players are colour coded by game class (challenger=red, adventurer=blue). Symbols indicate victory condition, if there's no symbol then the player either retired or was defeated. The yellow border indicates the land that was visible at the start of the game.
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