[C3C] News: COTM 169 - Arabs

More of my game, to the early IA:
Spoiler 1060 AD :

260 AD- Trade Persia Feudalism for Engineering and 4 gold

350 AD- Found Hama. My exploring Galley on the other continent, having mapped out a good chunk of the coastline, finally dies to a barb Galley. Oh well.

360 AD- Research Chivalry->Invention

370 AD- Start Sun Tzu’s in Mecca, probably as a Leo’s Workshop prebuild

420 AD- I finish a road to the Silks near Aydab, that extra luxury helps a lot. This also gives me a trade route with Greece, who has excess Ivory. I could just take it from them… but I’m not imminently ready to fight, especially not now that they have the Great Wall. I decide to trade them Wines, Literature, and 70 gold for their Ivory

490 AD- Research Invention->Gunpowder

500 AD- Switch my wonder build in Mecca to Leo’s

560 AD- Trade Chivalry to Egypt for Theology and 7 gold

610 AD- Egypt demands Iron from me. There’s other things I’d give them, but I’m not about to let them get their military stronger, so I tell them to shove it. They don’t declare. I research Gunpowder-> Chemistry

620 AD- And now that I can see where Saltpeter is, I see that the lone source I have hooked up right now is right next to Damascus, so sure is a good thing Egypt didn’t declare war on me. Luckily I also have a source in the middle of the giant Mountain cluster, so I’ll have to go get that one hooked up ASAP. Egypt currently has no Saltpeter, and Greece has two sources of it, but I alone have researched Gunpowder. I trade it to France and Korea for a bunch of money.

Over the IBT my Ivory deal with Greece runs out. I don’t renew it because it would be expensive and I want to actually fight him pretty soon.

630 AD- I trade Greece the Republic for all 13 of their gold, figuring it will probably get them to go into Anarchy immediately. Annoyingly, when I check next turn, they’re still in Feudalism.

650 AD- Finish Leo’s Workshop.

660 AD- With Leo’s Workshop finished I upgrade some old military units on the cheap. I’ll attack Greece, still annoyingly not a Republic, next turn.

670 AD- Declare War on Greece.

@Themopylae: Lose 1 Ansar but my remaining two kill 2 Hoplites, I take the city and get a GA!

@ARGOS: I lose 2 Ansars this time to kill the 2 Hoplites and take the city

690 AD- Research Chemistry->Education

700 AD- I kill 1 Hoplite in Knossos, but the other kills 2 of my Ansars (the second despite the Hoplite being at 1 HP), and I have to retreat, not having enough Ansars to attack with in the area

Trade Chemistry to France for Education, 37 gold, and 5 gpt, and to Korea for Printing Press, 3 gpt, and 55 gold, then start researching Astronomy, which I can do in 4 turns at 80% Science. I switch Mecca to Sistine as a Copernicus Prebuild.

710 AD- That one tough Hoplite takes out 2 more of my Ansar Warriors but the third finally kills him, along with the MGL he generated after killing the 2nd Ansar (the 1st one promoted him to Elite), and I finally take Knossos.

Greece will talk Peace now, but all they have to offer me is 14 gold. I’m not yet hit by WW and the “counterattacks” they’ve thrown at me have been pathetic, so I’ll continue to fight for now.

720 AD- France finishes Sun Tzu’s in Paris, and Persia cascades to and finishes Knight’s Templar in Persepolis.

730 AD- Research Astronomy->Banking

740 AD- Switch Mecca to Copernicus, due in 7 turns

750 AD- Found Tabuk, stealing a bunch of territory from Greece right outside Athens and leaving one isolated Marsh tile hilariously inside their territory.

@Athens: I lose only 1 Ansar in killing 5 Hoplites and the city is mine, along with The Oracle and The Great Wall! Greece is now out of money but won’t give me any of their remaining cities for peace, so the war will continue.

770 AD- Research Banking->Physics

780 AD- I lose an MDI and an LBM at Pharsalos but kill 2 Hoplites and an LBM and take the city. Sparta takes out two Ansars and I kill 3 Hoplites there, but one stubborn 1 HP LBM remains and I don’t have anyone close enough to kill it.

790 AD- I kill a newly built Hoplite in Sparta and the LBM, and the city is mine. Greece has two cities left. I build Sana’a, putting me up to 33 cities. I’m trying to take their last 2 as fast as I can but their bad roads and rough terrain are making it hard.

800 AD- I kill 2 Hoplites and an LBM in Corinth at no losses to me and take the city, one left!

I finish Copernicus in Mecca.

810 AD- I kill 2 Hoplites and an LBM in Delphi at no losses and take the city, and I have destroyed the Weak Greeks.


820 AD- Research Physics->Metallurgy

850 AD- Build Shihr in ex-Greek territory, which had enough gaps in it that I can easily fit three or four more cities in.

860 AD- Research Metallurgy->Theory of Gravity, England completes Sistine in London

870 AD- I very generously give my Egyptian buddies Metallurgy for 5 gold. Conveniently this also shuts off the Statue of Zeus and they get nothing from it because they have no Iron or Saltpeter and they can’t trade it to anyone else because they don’t know anyone else, but I’m just being nice! Also my GA ends.

910 AD- Research Theory of Gravity -> Magnetism

920 AD- Start Newton’s in Mecca, I’ve got it in 12 turns, no other AI even has Physics yet, and they’re not building any Wonders, so I’ve got it in the bag

Trade Physics to France for Navigation, 47 gold, 15 gpt, WM. I now see the entire other continent, plus a city the Dutch built on an island between the two continents that only they could reach with the Lighthouse. To my joy, nobody has any excess Saltpeter that Egypt could trade for (France has an extra Iron source, though), and the French and English both don’t have any at all while the Dutch have neither Saltpeter nor Iron, so none of them can build any of their unique units.

The French have a Korean city name and the English have a Dutch one, but I see no other signs of war over there, and the Dutch city the English have might have just culture flipped.

I trade Egypt contact with Korea for 17 gold, their world map, and a worker, and the only thing keeping me from doing any more contact trading is the AI all have literally nothing to trade right now.

930 AD- The game seems to now realize that I do in fact have sea trade routes to the other continent, so I trade for Furs from England, Incense from Persia, and Gems from France. The added happiness lets me drop the lux slider to 0%.

940 AD- Found New Mecca on the island with Bayt Ras and Taif

960 AD- Build New Medina on the border with Egypt

Research Magnetism and hit the IA->Steam Power

990 AD- Build New Damascus

1010 AD- A couple of AI’s finally got Military Tradition, all of whom can do nothing with it because they lack Saltpeter. Trade Physics to England for MT, 32 gold, and a World Map

1030 AD- Found New Baghdad. Finish Newton’s in Mecca.

1040 AD- Research Steam Power->Electricity. The obsoleting of the Hanging Gardens promptly makes one of my cities riot that I wasn’t paying enough attention to, but on the bright side I have two sources of Coal already hooked up, with two more in what used to be Greece that I can hook up later. Egypt has one source but I’ll kill them before they ever get a chance to use it. There, incredibly, is one source of Coal on the entirety of the other continent, right next to Persepolis, and Persia is conveniently the weakest and most backwards of the AI. I, meanwhile, have two separate places I could build the Iron Works in, but one (Anjar) can never get above size 5 and the other (Sparta) is too corrupt to make IW useful unless I switch into Communism or move my Palace. I start building it in Anjar, I guess.

1050 AD- Finish the Forbidden Palace in Aden, which sure took long enough.

1060 AD- Found New Najran. I’ve basically filled in all the gaps in former Greek territory aside from some tiny bits I can get with culture expansion, and I’ve also cleared out a fair amount of wetlands and built a lot of roads everywhere. I’m close to ready to conquer Egypt but I have a few more worker jobs to finish first. But it won’t be long.

Where I'm at now, with my new Greek land and the minimap of everything:


I acheived a histographic victory, which is probably something few of you have ever resorted to. The lack of water and resources in the south was frustrating, but up north was a cornucopia. I eventually got the Iron Works in the Greek city with Bach's Cathedral, and after I conquered the continent (in the 19th century) I was secure. It took me until the 20th century to get a secure tech lead, but even then there were techs I could trade for.
It was an enjoyable game. Thanks to Templar_X!

It's neat to see someone playing for a histographic victory. I believe there use to exist a few people who would play them for the first Game of the Month competitions back when they first started and before Jason score came around.

Also, Jack, I'll mention here that there exist a large number of histographic tables with less than 10 spots on them, including at low levels in the Hall of Fame. And some of the lower positions have very low scores which get bested also. And some to many of the top placing scores aren't likely to come as near what's possible for such maps. So, if you enjoyed playing all the way to 2050 for score, and can get the settings right for the HoF (there's a special place in the Hall of Fame to check if you have the right settings... they are not modded settings such as flood plains having a greater probability of causing disease), I'm sure people over there including myself would welcome an entry of yours.

Also, any other table, of course also, but some of them are more difficult in terms of *finishing or winning* than Standard sized Regent Histographic.
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@templar_x Also, I had the ability to play the game this tri-monthly period, because @Più Freddo lifted the requirement against reading spoilers. I sometimes think and maybe have thought before "someone wrote this to get read... why should I not read it?"

Also, if I end up taking a medal (I doubt it for my entry), and there is someone else who did better than me without having read any of the spoilers, I will happily concede that medal or award to them. Because, I do think there's a point to not reading spoilers, and do want people to have as fair as a competition as we reasonably can. But the allowing of (at least some) reading helps with a better community atmosphere these days also.
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The idea was not that you're allowed to use spoilers to improve or even influence your game. You're not.

The idea was that players have a feeling of how far they have already progressed and so can themselves decide what spoiler posts are permissible for them to read, the reason being that with three months to play, there will be a large spread in when spoilers can be written.
More of my playthrough, to 1390 AD, almost to the end of the IA but not quite:

Spoiler Late IA :

1080 AD- I have almost enough railroads finished to get Cavalry from the core to the front in one turn, and I decide I’ve waited long enough. I demand 25 gold and a World Map from Egypt and they… accept. Well whatever, I declare war on them in any case.

@Buto: Cavalry kill 2 Spearmen and I take the city

@Hieraconpolis: Cavalry kill 2 Spearmen and I take the city

@Asyut: Cavalry kill 2 Spearmen and I take the city, but this time I lose a Cav in the process

@Heliopolis: Cavs kill an ACav and 2 Spears and I take the city

1090 AD- @Abydos: Cavs kill 2 Spears and I take the city

@Pi-Ramesses: Cavs kill 3 Spears and I take the city

After trading Magnetism for a bunch of money I decide to build an embassy in Paris. It shows France as having only one Iron source, which makes me a little worried Egypt just bought their other one. Between that and them currently paying me a crapton of money, I decide to MA them against Egypt for Saltpeter. I later realize that France is actually trading their extra Iron source to Persia, who actually has Iron in their territory but apparently hasn’t hooked it up yet.

1100 AD- Trade Korea Magnetism for Economics, 37 gold, WM, and start building Smith’s in Mecca

@Giza: Cavs kill 2 spears, take the city and 4 workers

1110 AD- Research Electricity->Replaceable Parts

1120 AD- @Thebes: I lose 2 Cavs, but kill 7 Spears and capture the city, and with it, the Pyramids and Mausoleum!

@Byblos: Cavs and MDI kill 3 spears and I take the city

Asyut flips, well, I can take it back without too much trouble…

1130 AD- I retake Asyut, but the Spear that spawned in the city kills one of my Cavs

Thebes flips, which I guess was inevitable. Man, if there wasn’t such a useful wonder there I’d just burn it.

1140 AD- 2 Cavs kill 2 Spears and I retake Thebes

@Elephantine: My 2 Cavs in the area both retreat on the city’s spears, and I’m not quite capable of reaching it with more

@Memphis: Cavs kill 2 Spears and an LBM and I take the city and a couple Trebs

1150 AD- @Elephantine: 4 Cavs kill 4 Spears and I take the city, the SoZ, and 4 workers

@alexandria: Cavs kill 2 Spears and I take the city

@El-Amarna: Cav and Ansar kill 2 Spears and I take the city and a Treb, Egypt has lost all their cities on the mainland and is down to 3 island cities.

1160 AD: Elephantine flips

1170 AD: @Elephantine: Cav kills Spear, retake the city

@Edfu: Cavs kill 2 Spears and an LBM, take the city

Research Replaceable Parts->Industrialization. I have two sources of Rubber, there’s a third hiding under Lisht (one of Egypt’s last island cities), and there’s three on the other continent (England has two and France has the third)

1180 AD: @Lisht: Cavs kill 2 Spears and an LBM, take the city

Alexandria Flips

1190 AD: Cav kills Spear in Alexandria, retake it

1200 AD: @Avaris: 2 Cavs kill 2 Spears, take the city just ahead of a French landing party, and Egypt is destroyed!


1220 AD: Build New Kufah

Research Industrialization->Corporation

1230 AD: Build New Basra and New Khurasan

Trade Steam Power to Korea for Medicine, 73 gold, 34 gpt, and WM, then trade Medicine to England for a crap ton of money, and then get annoyed that France is completely broke and nobody has bothered to research Nationalism yet, not that I really need it

1240 AD: Complete Smith’s in Mecca, it will build a Factory and a Coal Plant next, followed by a pre-build for ToE if I haven’t already researched Scientific Method by that point

1255 AD: Research The Corporation->Refining

1270 AD: Build New Anjar

1275 AD: England finishes Magellan’s in Canterbury

1280 AD: Build New Fustat

1285 AD: Build New Aden

A Korean Galley unloads a single MDI next to Athens. So I guess Wang Kon has chosen death…

I research Refining->Sci Meth. There’s one source of Oil on my entire continent, directly under Alexandria. Every AI on the other continent has exactly one Oil as well.

Anjar finishes the Iron Works

1290 AD: I wanna tell Korea to move or declare but can’t because the Galley and MDI have both only been in my territory for one turn, so I just stick some Infantry in Athens and wait for their sudden but inevitable betrayal. Scared off by the Infantry, the MDI instead runs to the Northeast while the Galley leaves my territory.

1300 AD: I could ask Korea to remove or declare now… but they’re paying me 34 gpt for the next 8 turns, and they don’t seem to actually want to attack my Infantry, so I’ll let them be… which they respond to by immediately declaring war on me and having their MDI suicide against my Infantry, but not before they sign an MPP with France. Well that’ll make fighting Korea harder. Could always just ignore them, collect the free War Happiness, and go fight the weaker, more backwards other AI first…

1305 AD: Amusingly, despite their MPP, I can get France to embargo Korea for nothing. England won’t do it for free but will do it as part of a bigger deal of me trading them Electricity for a lot of gold, the embargo, and, because why not, Democracy.

Research Scientific Method -> Steel, switch my prebuild in Mecca to ToE, will finish in 8 turns, which is convenient, because I can 4-turn a lot of techs right now.

1310 AD: Build New Yamama

France also declares war on me, not even waiting for their MPP with Korea to trigger. Rude. And their 2 Knights next to Avaris kill both of my Cavalry in the city and capture it! So I guess this is the way it’s going to be, huh?

1315 AD: Mainly to ensure I don’t end up at war with the one AI civ currently paying me hundreds of gpt, I trade England Industrialization for MA’s against Korea and France and even more gold on top of the gobs they’re already paying me.

1325 AD: Kill the 2 Knights and a rushed Rifle in Avaris with Cavs, Inf, and some Artillery, and retake the city

Build New Muscat

Research Steel. Sadly can’t quite 4-turn Combustion at 100%, so I research Sanitation next instead.

1330 AD: The Dutch declare war on England, presumably from an MPP or MA with France/Korea, which is very funny because I saw the Dutch sign an MPP with England all of 2 turns ago.

1335 AD: Build New Mansura

1345 AD: Research Sanitation, and build ToE. Normally I’d grab AT and Electronics with the free techs and go for Hoover, but I don’t have a city that can build it in fewer than 100 turns, so I’m probably only building it if I get an SGL at some point, so I instead grab Combustion and Flight, to accelerate my ability to conquer the other continent, and then start researching Mass Production.

1355 AD: Build New Bukhara

1365 AD: Research Mass Production->Motorized Transportation

1375 AD: I notice France has captured the English city of York. I need to get over to the other continent and help my allies out. It’s taken me some time to build up the needed ships and soldiers, but fear not, England, help is on the way before too long, just a little more buildup and I’ll have some soldiers headed to both Korea and France.

1385 AD: My first attack fleet is finished and I send it out, it will reach Korea in a few turns. I research Motorized Transportation -> Atomic Theory

My core, new and improved with railroads and irrigation, thanks to Electricity:


My new Egyptian lands:


Soon, Korea and France shall also fear my wrath.

choxorn, why you have made your avatar so dark ?
I don't think it's any darker than it's always been?
I've had it so long I honestly can't remember if it was originally me or one of my old DYOS collaborators (most likely GenMarshall, if not me) that made this specific image
Yes, at some point
The remainder of my playthrough, up until the end:

Spoiler End Spoiler (1480 AD) :

1395 AD: I land my troops near Taejon in Korea and a destroyer bombards it, which triggers the Dutch’s MPP with Korea and they declare war on me. Neat, another target to destroy! And then on the IBT, Korea MA’s Persia against me. Guess it’s just you and me now, good ol’ English buddies!

1400 AD: @Taejon: Kill 2 Riflemen and an LBM with Cavs and Inf, capture it, build an airfield near the city

@Groningen: Cavs kill 3 Spears, and I capture the city and a worker

@Maastricht: Kill 2 Spears losing 1 Cav, capture the city and a worker

Despite my advances, France keeps pushing into England and burns a city of theirs.

1405 AD: @Delft: Kill 2 Spears with Cav + Inf, capture the city and a worker

My embargo against Korea with England runs out, which also included a bunch of gold payment, so to not lose all that gpt and help them out a bit militarily, I trade them Replaceable Parts for Nationalism, the 29 of that gpt they’re still able to give me, and MA’s against Korea and the Dutch.

1410 AD: My other landing party reaches France’s east coast, near Grenoble.

1415 AD: @Grenoble: My Infs and Cavs combine to kill a Pike, Spear, Rifle, and LBM to take the city, and I build an airfield outside

@Rheims: Cavs kill Pike+Spear+Rifle+LBM, losing one Cav in the process, capture the city

The Dutch capture Warwick from England, and with it, England’s Iron source. I annoyingly see they also have enough money to upgrade to at least one Swiss Merc. I make sure to sell England Iron and resolve to beat the Dutch faster.

Research Atomic Theory->Electronics

1420 AD: I bombard Amsterdam with Artillery and Bombers (the Bombers kill a Spear) and kill 3 Spears, 3 LBM, and a Swiss Merc, but it’s still not quite enough to take the city, and it didn’t help that the Spears killed a Cav and an Inf that were attacking.

@Avignon: Cavs kill 2 Rifles and an LBM, capture the city

@dijon: Cavs kill a Rifle and a Pike, capture the city

1425 AD: England gets their Iron city back, but also gets their lone Horses pillaged, so I sell them one of my spare sources.

I kill the last spear in Amsterdam and take the city, its lighthouse and colossus, and a worker

@The Hague: Bombers kill one spear and a Cav kills the other, take the city

@Utrecht: Cavs kill 2 Spears, take the city

@Eindhoven: Cavs kill 2 Spears, take the city

@Rotterdam: Lose a Cav, but kill 2 Spears and an LBM, take the city, the Dutch are down to two cities on an island

@Samaria: Cav+Inf kills 2 Spears, take the city

1430 AD: @Paris: Kill 5 Rifles and a Pike with Bombers, Tanks, and a Cav, and capture the city, which has Sun Tzu’s and the ToA! The free barracks are helpful for immediately upgrading the trebs I captured with the city and will help a lot with healing. And it has Spices, so I’m up to 5 luxuries, which is great because I’m starting to deal with happiness problems from all the war

1435 AD: @Orleans: Kill 3 Rifles, 2 Pikes, LBM, take the city and get some Gems

An elite Cav kills a French pike in some grass and I finally get my first MGL, Uthman! I’ll turn him into a Tank Army.

@Sidon: Kill 2 Spears, take the city and a worker, and cut Persia off from their Iron

France and England sign peace, so I’ll have to go sign that MA again

1440 AD: @Arnhem: Tank kills 2 Spears, take the city

@Middelburg: Cavs kill 2 Spears, take the city and a worker, and the Dutch are no more!


@Tyre: Kill 2 Spears and an LBM, take the city

Found New Fez

@Besancon: Kill Rifle, 2 Pikes, LBM, take the city

MA England against France again for Refining, also collecting a bunch more money and Communism

1445 AD: @york: Kill 2 Rifles, take the city. It has Furs, so I won’t need to import that from England if my deal runs out before I win. I’m sure my English friends will understand my need to, uh, “hold on” to the city for a while.

@Tours: Kill 2 Rifles and a Pike, take the city

Found New Shiraz

@Gordium: Kill Musket + Spear, take city

@Pusan: Kill 3 Rifles + LBM, take city

@Antioch: Kill Spear + Crusader, take city and two workers

Korea somehow captures Warwick from England. How did they even get there?

I research Electronics and reach the Modern Age->Amphibious Warfare, to deal with a one-tile-island-city Persia has.

I briefly contemplate switching into Communism to boost the production of my cities near rivers enough to build the Hoover Dam, but decide that even if I did it would still take long enough to finish (at least 20-25 turns) that I’d probably win first anyway. If I get an SGL I can rush it, if not, it’s not getting built. (After I wrote this note I realized SGL’s were actually turned off in this game, which I maybe should have remembered)

Complete the Heroic Epic, about as late as I’ve ever finished it

1450 AD: @warwick: Tank kills Rifle, take city, which clearly needs my benevolent protection.

@Persepolis: Kill 4 Muskets and a Pike, take the city and a treb, and Knight’s Templar, which doesn’t help me, but was getting Persia free Crusaders every few turns because they’re still in the Middle Ages

@Pyongsong: Kill 2 Rifles, take the city

1455 AD: @pasargadae: Kill 2 Spears, take the city, and I now have Incense

@Bactra: Kill 2 Spears, take the city

@Inch’on: Kill 4 Rifles and an MDI, take the city and destroy some H’Wacha’s, and it has Dyes so I now control all 8 luxuries. Half my empire erupts in We Love The Caliph Day celebrations in the next interturn.

Found New Merw

@Lyons: Kill 3 Rifles and a Spear, take the city

1460 AD: @P’yongyang: Kill 3 Rifles, capture the city and a worker, and get my second MGL

@Marseilles: Kill Rifle, Guerilla, Spear, capture the city

Found New Balkh and New Mosul

Inch’on flips. Well I figured I’d have some revolutions sooner or later…

1465 AD: @Inch’on: Kill 2 Rifles, retake the city

@Cheju: Kill Rifle + Guerilla, take the city

Found New Aydab and New Bayt Ras

@Chartres: Kill Rifle + 3 Pikes and take the city, but annoyingly one of the Pikes beat one of my Tanks

Research Amphibious War, and turn off science because I’m going to hit the Domination limit before I can research another tech, I’m pretty sure

1470 AD: @Hyangsan: Kill 2 Rifles, capture the city

@Arbela: Kill 3 Spears, capture the city and a worker, Persia is down to just a one-tile-island city

Kill most of the Rifles defending Seoul, and get a third MGL, but don’t quite take the city

Found New Suhar and New Taif

@Amiens: Kill Rifle + Pike, take the city and a treb

@Rouen: Kill Rifle + Guerrilla + Pike, take the city and a treb, and France is dead!


Warwick flips back to England. Okay, fine, you can have it back, I don’t need it

1475 AD: @Ulsan: Kill 2 Rifles, take the city

@Wonsan: Kill 3 Rifles, take the city and capture 5 workers

@Seoul: Kill 3 Rifles, take the city

@Namp’o: Kill 3 Rifles, take the city and 2 workers, and Korea is dead!


I make an attempt to also kill Persia, but I only was able to get one Marine to the city, my two bombers in range of their final city couldn’t kill either of the Spears in the city, and the Marine also died to one of the Spears anyway. Ah well. I still conquered everything else but that one city and my English friends in less than 20 turns from the time I first landed troops on the other continent.

Found New Hama. I was already over the domination limit, but why not eke out every last tile anyway?

A couple of my cities riot over the final interturn, I assume because I must have still had war happiness from Korea and not realized it. I guess that might cost me a few points but again, ah well. None of my cities flip so I still comfortably win.


Some final images of my new vastly expanded empire on the other continent:




My histographs, and some assorted notes:

Spoiler Histographs :

A fun couple of notes from watching the replay: Thanks to how little the AI’s were fighting, they generated almost no MGL’s, the lone one being that one Greece got while defending Knossos from me that I immediately killed. Fittingly, his name was Pyrrhus, making it a very pyrrhic victory when he was generated. They also mostly didn’t get Golden Ages- Greece did the same turn I did, Egypt and England got theirs from wonders, but nobody else got one. In the case of the French and Dutch, they had the resources to make their UU’s for such a short time they weren’t able to create more than one or two, and I’m not surprised the AI wouldn’t know how to use Korea’s UU to get lethal bombardment. Persia’s a bit surprising though, I didn’t even notice none of their Immortals ever scored a victory against me and they must have also gotten no wins against England.

From the VSS and Histograms, I finished with 95% of the world’s population in my empire, to England’s 4% and Persia’s one island, and the power graph has mostly long stretches of me slowly increasing power with a few satisfying short bursts of me suddenly massively increasing my share of the graph by rapidly killing the AI’s in war.





Really, gotta say it was some good fortune that the AI’s were both so resource-poor and uninclined to fight- I got to fight tons of 3 HP units because of that and regularly encountered cities defended solely by Spearmen, only had to defend against attacks from 1-move units most of the time (aside from the odd French Knight or Egyptian Chariot or ACav), and never fought against an AI that had any railroads- as I noted at one point, there was only one source of Coal on the entire other continent and it belonged to Persia, who never reached the IA. And that goody hut popping a city turned out to help a lot with the “resource poor” part of that because it stopped Egypt from getting Saltpeter (well, that and the fact that they never attacked me to conquer the city when they pretty easily could have, it was defended by a couple Warriors and they had tons of 3/2/2 units to throw at it).

For fun, I played one more turn so I could actually capture Sardis with a Marine (my Bombers killed both spearmen in the city so it went down without a fight). As long as I’m playing an extra turn for fun I decide to also see how fast I could finish Hoover Dam if I switched into Communism. As it turns out, under Communism my most productive river city would be Sparta, at 24 spt (as opposed to the 8 it had under Republic) which means it would still take over 30 turns to build. And despite the fraction of my income I’m losing to corruption going down significantly thanks to my immense size, my net gpt is actually slightly lower because of the loss of the Republic commerce bonus, which I guess just serves as a reminder of how much better Republic is than every other government in the game.


I don't remember having gotten one.
Great game! Sadly I ran out of time and couldn't finish it, so I submitted an incomplete save. :sad:

Its very cosy to play on regent for a change! :cool:

I decided to go for 20k culture victory. Although other vc would also be possible.

Spoiler Rough timeline :

Built a very early temple in the capital.

Did pyramids and mausoleum.

Blocked the choke point with warriors so greeks couldn't infest my lands with those annoying hoplites.

Decided to go monarchy for the military police due to the lack of luxuries early on. Religious Arabs make switching very easy anyhow. Stayed in monarchy for a bit too long. But eventually switched to rep and then dem.

Destroyed the greeks with catapult and swordsman spam in late classical/early medieval

Took a couple of cities from Egypt, just to clean up the border-gore. They had statue of zeus so it was slightly annoying.

Republic switch then my pace picked up. While AI got distracted with late medieval shenanigans rushed some wonders (JS Bach, Newton, Suffrage, Theory of Evolution)

Got tech from ai on the cheap and switched to democracy.

At the point of the submitted save I was pretty much the leader in everything, victory would be certain if time permitted it :cool:


As mentioned in an earlier post, I did better in this one than the previous COTM. One it was an easier difficulty, but also the stock unmodded stats were fresher in my mind from playing COTM 168 right before. I am sure well off the pace of the elite players since I play fast and don't get too much into the micro-managing weeds of each city on each turn.

Spoiler Screenshots :


The core of my vast empire. Those early mountain ranges to the NE slowed things a bit, as did the pollution, but those Ansar Warriors were great in expanding into the next territory and conquering my home continent. I am not fan of Pangea maps. I like when you have to "sail the seas" so this was fun invading the second continent.


I made the decision early to go for a domination victory with the Ansar Warriors. I am usually a builder at heart so I don't usually play "optimally" in order to excel at HoF/COTM type games. I focused on building more units and being more aggressive in expansion and wars than usual.


It took a couple of extra turns to win since I can't play with COTH games with C3X to see diplomacy lines on the advisor screen. I was a few percentage short of domination, so I declared on the next Civil right after a war that depleted my troops a bit. Only to discover they were in a MPP and the other Civ had troops in my territory so I had to scramble to defend on one front while trying to take a couple of quick cities for the domination victory.

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