1395 AD: I land my troops near Taejon in Korea and a destroyer bombards it, which triggers the Dutch’s MPP with Korea and they declare war on me. Neat, another target to destroy! And then on the IBT, Korea MA’s Persia against me. Guess it’s just you and me now, good ol’ English buddies!
1400 AD: @Taejon: Kill 2 Riflemen and an LBM with Cavs and Inf, capture it, build an airfield near the city
@Groningen: Cavs kill 3 Spears, and I capture the city and a worker
@Maastricht: Kill 2 Spears losing 1 Cav, capture the city and a worker
Despite my advances, France keeps pushing into England and burns a city of theirs.
1405 AD: @Delft: Kill 2 Spears with Cav + Inf, capture the city and a worker
My embargo against Korea with England runs out, which also included a bunch of gold payment, so to not lose all that gpt and help them out a bit militarily, I trade them Replaceable Parts for Nationalism, the 29 of that gpt they’re still able to give me, and MA’s against Korea and the Dutch.
1410 AD: My other landing party reaches France’s east coast, near Grenoble.
1415 AD: @Grenoble: My Infs and Cavs combine to kill a Pike, Spear, Rifle, and LBM to take the city, and I build an airfield outside
@Rheims: Cavs kill Pike+Spear+Rifle+LBM, losing one Cav in the process, capture the city
The Dutch capture Warwick from England, and with it, England’s Iron source. I annoyingly see they also have enough money to upgrade to at least one Swiss Merc. I make sure to sell England Iron and resolve to beat the Dutch faster.
Research Atomic Theory->Electronics
1420 AD: I bombard Amsterdam with Artillery and Bombers (the Bombers kill a Spear) and kill 3 Spears, 3 LBM, and a Swiss Merc, but it’s still not quite enough to take the city, and it didn’t help that the Spears killed a Cav and an Inf that were attacking.
@Avignon: Cavs kill 2 Rifles and an LBM, capture the city
@dijon: Cavs kill a Rifle and a Pike, capture the city
1425 AD: England gets their Iron city back, but also gets their lone Horses pillaged, so I sell them one of my spare sources.
I kill the last spear in Amsterdam and take the city, its lighthouse and colossus, and a worker
@The Hague: Bombers kill one spear and a Cav kills the other, take the city
@Utrecht: Cavs kill 2 Spears, take the city
@Eindhoven: Cavs kill 2 Spears, take the city
@Rotterdam: Lose a Cav, but kill 2 Spears and an LBM, take the city, the Dutch are down to two cities on an island
@Samaria: Cav+Inf kills 2 Spears, take the city
1430 AD: @Paris: Kill 5 Rifles and a Pike with Bombers, Tanks, and a Cav, and capture the city, which has Sun Tzu’s and the ToA! The free barracks are helpful for immediately upgrading the trebs I captured with the city and will help a lot with healing. And it has Spices, so I’m up to 5 luxuries, which is great because I’m starting to deal with happiness problems from all the war
1435 AD: @Orleans: Kill 3 Rifles, 2 Pikes, LBM, take the city and get some Gems
An elite Cav kills a French pike in some grass and I finally get my first MGL, Uthman! I’ll turn him into a Tank Army.
@Sidon: Kill 2 Spears, take the city and a worker, and cut Persia off from their Iron
France and England sign peace, so I’ll have to go sign that MA again
1440 AD: @Arnhem: Tank kills 2 Spears, take the city
@Middelburg: Cavs kill 2 Spears, take the city and a worker, and the Dutch are no more!
@Tyre: Kill 2 Spears and an LBM, take the city
Found New Fez
@Besancon: Kill Rifle, 2 Pikes, LBM, take the city
MA England against France again for Refining, also collecting a bunch more money and Communism
1445 AD:
@york: Kill 2 Rifles, take the city. It has Furs, so I won’t need to import that from England if my deal runs out before I win. I’m sure my English friends will understand my need to, uh, “hold on” to the city for a while.
@Tours: Kill 2 Rifles and a Pike, take the city
Found New Shiraz
@Gordium: Kill Musket + Spear, take city
@Pusan: Kill 3 Rifles + LBM, take city
@Antioch: Kill Spear + Crusader, take city and two workers
Korea somehow captures Warwick from England. How did they even get there?
I research Electronics and reach the Modern Age->Amphibious Warfare, to deal with a one-tile-island-city Persia has.
I briefly contemplate switching into Communism to boost the production of my cities near rivers enough to build the Hoover Dam, but decide that even if I did it would still take long enough to finish (at least 20-25 turns) that I’d probably win first anyway. If I get an SGL I can rush it, if not, it’s not getting built. (After I wrote this note I realized SGL’s were actually turned off in this game, which I maybe should have remembered)
Complete the Heroic Epic, about as late as I’ve ever finished it
1450 AD:
@warwick: Tank kills Rifle, take city, which clearly needs my benevolent protection.
@Persepolis: Kill 4 Muskets and a Pike, take the city and a treb, and Knight’s Templar, which doesn’t help me, but was getting Persia free Crusaders every few turns because they’re still in the Middle Ages
@Pyongsong: Kill 2 Rifles, take the city
1455 AD:
@pasargadae: Kill 2 Spears, take the city, and I now have Incense
@Bactra: Kill 2 Spears, take the city
@Inch’on: Kill 4 Rifles and an MDI, take the city and destroy some H’Wacha’s, and it has Dyes so I now control all 8 luxuries. Half my empire erupts in We Love The Caliph Day celebrations in the next interturn.
Found New Merw
@Lyons: Kill 3 Rifles and a Spear, take the city
1460 AD: @P’yongyang: Kill 3 Rifles, capture the city and a worker, and get my second MGL
@Marseilles: Kill Rifle, Guerilla, Spear, capture the city
Found New Balkh and New Mosul
Inch’on flips. Well I figured I’d have some revolutions sooner or later…
1465 AD: @Inch’on: Kill 2 Rifles, retake the city
@Cheju: Kill Rifle + Guerilla, take the city
Found New Aydab and New Bayt Ras
@Chartres: Kill Rifle + 3 Pikes and take the city, but annoyingly one of the Pikes beat one of my Tanks
Research Amphibious War, and turn off science because I’m going to hit the Domination limit before I can research another tech, I’m pretty sure
1470 AD: @Hyangsan: Kill 2 Rifles, capture the city
@Arbela: Kill 3 Spears, capture the city and a worker, Persia is down to just a one-tile-island city
Kill most of the Rifles defending Seoul, and get a third MGL, but don’t quite take the city
Found New Suhar and New Taif
@Amiens: Kill Rifle + Pike, take the city and a treb
@Rouen: Kill Rifle + Guerrilla + Pike, take the city and a treb, and France is dead!
Warwick flips back to England. Okay, fine, you can have it back, I don’t need it
1475 AD: @Ulsan: Kill 2 Rifles, take the city
@Wonsan: Kill 3 Rifles, take the city and capture 5 workers
@Seoul: Kill 3 Rifles, take the city
@Namp’o: Kill 3 Rifles, take the city and 2 workers, and Korea is dead!
I make an attempt to also kill Persia, but I only was able to get one Marine to the city, my two bombers in range of their final city couldn’t kill either of the Spears in the city, and the Marine also died to one of the Spears anyway. Ah well. I still conquered everything else but that one city and my English friends in less than 20 turns from the time I first landed troops on the other continent.
Found New Hama. I was already over the domination limit, but why not eke out every last tile anyway?
A couple of my cities riot over the final interturn, I assume because I must have still had war happiness from Korea and not realized it. I guess that might cost me a few points but again, ah well. None of my cities flip so I still comfortably win.
Some final images of my new vastly expanded empire on the other continent: