[PTW] News: GOTM 196 Japan Deity

old core:
gotm196_old core.png

2nd core:
gotm196_2nd core.png

Hello all. Please accept my sincere apologies for having failed to set up the xOTM server for this game and GOTM 169 on 1st October. Thanks to più_freddo, Blake00, and leif erikson for your efforts to cover for my delay.

I have now set up the server to provide the information and files . I have set the closing date to 31 December. If players believe it should be 7th January, please let me know.

Please enjoy the game.
Yes, I think 7 days extension is a good idea. I vote for this. Ivan
I'd second that - currently in the Industrial Age and the turns are very time consuming in order to achieve my pursued victory condition. Not sure I'd make it before Jan 1.
I have changed the finish date For this game by a week, to 7 January 2025
Thanks. It just loks like you've changed the finish date for Cotm 169 rather than GOTM 196 :)

Went for 100K in this game. The plan: get Pyramids ASAP, conquer AIs, ICS lands and rush culture (either in Despotism - switching between Republic/Despotism or Communism)

As we were Miltaristic, initial plan was to try and build Pyramids myself via MGL, but Babylon built it in 1225 BC - few elite victories were not enough to get MGL.

Research: Republic 1000BC, Military Tradition 30 BC, Magnetism 210 AD, enter IA 310 AD (no sci civs with Steam Power), Steam Power 370, Communism/Rep Parts 480 (via ToE) - research stopped. AIs supplied us with 3 techs in Middle Ages.

Wars: start early against Indians for the sake of getting early MGL, but no luck - leave Indians with few towns. DoW Korea ~400 BC to get their lands leaving them 1 town.
Next wars are to conquer the other continent and get Pyramids: start moving cavalries and DoW Babylon in 190 AD - capture Pyramids in 230 AD.
DoW Rome in 300 AD, Persia in 370 AD, Greece in 390 - conquests are swift due to large number of cavs and low numbers of AI units.

Other things: got 11 MGLs in total. 1st one in 775BC was used to rush Forbidden Palace, 2nd in 130BC to rush Leos, 3rd one in 230 AD to rush new palace in Babylonian lands.
Initial 1st ring was at 5 around palace. Trigerred GA in 150 BC to help with research and horse->cav upgrades

Culture: hand-built 222cpt before switching to Communism in 480 AD. Every town got rushed temple/lib/cathedral and some got Colosseums.
Finished with 282 towns and 2521 cpt. 100K victory achieved in 990 AD
So it looks like Communism is a valid alternative strategy to the standard Feudalism strategy?
Or does it work only, if the AI provides enough techs?
Yeah, valid for 100K on PTW: either despotism (switching between Republic for rounds of rushing) or Communism. If on lower levels - I'd probably stop research after learning Monotheism and save all the gold for the buildings upkeep and rushing settlers.
On Conquests definitely Feudalism is much better and no need for Communism. Total corruption in Communism, while you still have sort of productive core in Feudalism.
I created this game with a particular, perhaps at this level unexpected, victory condition in mind, which I also play tested. Can you figure it out?
Results are there, so I think you can solve the puzzle... my bet was 100k ;)
I actually had 20k in mind. The location on the Dyes had loads of resources, Hills, Mountains. It had Iron and Coal for Iron Works.
I actually had 20k in mind. The location on the Dyes had loads of resources, Hills, Mountains. It had Iron and Coal for Iron Works.
now that you say it, it seems just so very obvious! ;)
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