Next Warman NES

What should I mod?

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NES Grandpa
Aug 26, 2002
I think I'd like another stab at moderating an NES. The only problem is I don't know what to mod. I currently have three possible NESes I'm working on which I could moderate. I'd like you to vote for each!

1) Early Modern Age NES
-This will be a direct decedent of WNES11 - - taking place only a couple years after the last turn. There is already an updated rule set. Also I have expanded the map to include the entire eastern hemisphere, though I may keep it centered on Europe to allow exploration.

2) Red Alert 2
-This has been on the back burner for years. It is a sequel to Red Alert NES - - which has arguably been my most successful NES to date. It would have an updated rule set, and I already have a map (which I should note includes the world not just Europe). The game would start in 1960 with about OTL tech equivalence. The Cold War has already flared up once and may do so again, this time with potentially catastrophic results. Colonial powers be warned, this is the age of decolonization!

3) WowNES redux
Another stab at WoWNES, this time with an updated Northrend and the potential of Outland. I am open to consolidating the old world of Azeroth, simply merging smaller countries together with each other or with larger ones both to ease myself and to match more updated lore. While you may not get to relive the joy of killing Van Cleef, it should still be an enthralling experience (pun intended).

Any additional information can be supplied at request.
I am open to consolidating the old world of Azeroth, simply merging smaller countries together with each other or with larger ones both to ease myself and to match more updated lore.

Care to be more specific? ;)
Doh!! I accidentally clicked the wrong one... I wanted the 2nd one. But the first one works too.
Care to be more specific? ;)

Just some examples. Rebelling areas of stormwind, tiny areas near horde, consolidation of desolace centaur.
i'd love to return to Red Alert... one of my first Nes'god old romania

wow and after rereading bits of it i can safely say i've come a long way...
WoW NES, because I still have a zombie fix. I don't care about any of Warcraft's storyline after III.
Think we could instead do a red alert 3 NES warman, if that gets selected? I personally want to get my hands of the forces of the Rising Sun :p
Just so you guys know the Red Alert 2 NES wouldn't be anything like the command and conquer series. No tesla coils or dolphins, etc. Its an alt-hist where Hitler and Germany never rose, with the USSR starting WW2 in the early 50s.
Voted for #1, seeing as I'm France in that.
Would go for #2.
Looks like Red Alert is in the lead but I still can't decide for sure. Reading my history books for class makes me want to do the early modern, playing wow makes me want to do wow, and I would love to finally do a sequel to the popular choice of red alert.
Old lists set up have nations list numbers as such:

About 74 countries in Red Alert with potential of independence movements to make more.
About 81 countries in Early Modern with potential of knocking some off/combining a few.
Easily over 100 countries in WoW with large potential of combining many.
Red Alert 2, I'd like to return to the not as commie Mediteranean state. That was probably the most fun I've ever had playing in an NES.
I think a lot of people voting for Red Alert expected the popular PC game.

I think an open pol, so people could have said what they would play in (several options selectable) would have been more useful.

Voted WoW.
I think a lot of people voting for Red Alert expected the popular PC game.
You are quick to judge Azale, bombshoo, carmen510, Charles Li, Crezth, e350tb, EQandcivfanatic, erez87, Fëanor, Ninja Dude, silver 2039, Supermath, Tyrion, and Warhead!

I double my vote for WoW: all those countries will FALL to THE SCOURGE.
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