

Councilor & Merlot Noble
Aug 8, 2005
Washington State (GMT -8)
Welcome to the

Governing Statement:
The Daimyo of State shall create and maintain a Nexus thread for the collection of the most up-to-date general information about every opponent for ease of reference – particularly for citizens of Team SANCTA who cannot access the PitBoss server.

Please keep any discussion in the embassy threads.
(links will be provided when the opponent is met and their embassy is opened for business)

However - if you find a mistake or would like to offer additional information, feel free to do so here! :thanx:

NEXUS report on:

Team Kazakhstan

Elizabeth of England
Play Order: #1 (two before us)

Updated: Turn 70

Team Kazakhstan
  • Civ: Elizabeth of England
  • Traits: Philosophical, Financial
  • Unique Unit: Redcoat (16 strength +25% vs Gunpowder and Mounted Units. Replaces rifleman which is only 14 strength with +25% against Mounted units)
  • Unique Building: Stock Exchange (+65% gold instead of +50% for Bank)
  • Contact: – not yet met -

Current Trades: None
Resources Available for Trade: No Route Established

Technology to Trade: – unknown -
Missing Technology: – unknown -

Gold to Trade: – unknown -

Known towns:
* Hazrat-E [Size 6 - founded: t1]
Pavlodar [Size ? - founded: pt60]
Aktau [Size ? - founded: pt60]
Oskemen [Size ? - founded: pt60]

Kazakhstan Foreign Dealings:
  • With Team Saturn: - unknown -
  • With Team Cavaleiros: Open Borders Deal.
  • With Team Mad Scientists: No Contact Yet

Treaties and Agreements with SANCTA:
Spoiler :
– none yet -

Click HERE to visit the Team Kazakhstan Embassy for Discussion.

NEXUS report on:

Team Saturn

Darius of Persia
Play Order: #2 (right before us)

Updated: Turn 31
No Contact Yet
Spoiler :

Team Saturn
  • Leader Name: ?
  • Civ: Darius of Persia
  • Traits: Oranized, Financial
  • Unique Unit: Immortal (4 strength, 2 Move, +50% vs Archery units, +100% vs Axemen, + 30% withdrawal chance. Replaces chariot which is only has Axeman bonus and 10% withdrawal)
  • Unique Building: Apothecary (+2 Health in addition to Grocery benefits… +25% gold, +1 Health from Banana, Spices, Sugar, Wine)
  • Contact: – not yet met -

Current Trades: None
Resources Available for Trade: No Route Established

Technology to Trade: – unknown -
Missing Technology: – unknown -

Gold to Trade: – unknown -

Known towns:
Capital <unknown name> [Size 2-4?]

Saturn Foreign Dealings:
  • With Team Kazakhstan: - unknown -
  • With Team Cavaleiros: - unknown -
  • With Team Mad Scientists: - unknown -

Treaties and Agreements with SANCTA:
Spoiler :
&#8211; none yet -

Click HERE to visit the Team Saturn Embassy for Discussion.

NEXUS report on:

Team Cavaleiros

Joao II of Portugal
Play Order: #4 (right after us)

Updated: Turn 70

Team Cavaleiros
  • Civ: Joao II of Portugal
  • Traits: Imperialistic, Expansive
  • Unique Unit: Carrack (3 strength, 3 moves. +1 Cargo Space. Can carry any unit. Replaces Caravel which only has 1 cargo space and can only carry non-combat units, and can't even carry settlers or workers.)
  • Unique Building: Feitoria (+1 Commerce on water tiles in addition to Customs House benefits&#8230; +50% commerce from foreign trade routes)
  • Contact: Turn 70

Current Trades: None
Resources Available for Trade: No Route Established

Technology to Trade: Polytheism, Monarchy, Writing
Missing Technology: Hunting, Metal Casting

Gold to Trade: &#8211; unknown -

Known towns:
* Ohlo Serpentem [Size 7] * Founded late: t2 (3960 BC)
Sombra do Ceu [Size 7 &#8211; founded: t39 (2440 BC)]
Serpente [Size ? &#8211; founded: pt70]
Cimeira Louca [Size ? &#8211; founded: pt70]

Cavaleiros Foreign Dealings:
  • With Team Kazakhstan: Open Borders Deal.
  • With Team Saturn: - unknown -
  • With Team Mad Scientists: Open Borders Deal.

Treaties and Agreements with SANCTA:
Spoiler :
&#8211; none yet -

Click HERE to visit the Team Cavaleiros Embassy for Discussion.

NEXUS report on:

Team Mad Scientists

Pacal II of the Maya
Play Order: #5 (two after us, last)

Updated: Turn 70

Team Mad Scientists
  • Civ: Pacal II of the Maya
  • Traits: Financial, Expansive
  • Unique Unit: Holkan (4 strength, 1 move. +50% vs Mounted Units. Immune to first strikes. Replaces Spearman which is actually +100% vs. Mounted units, but requires access to Iron or Copper.)
  • Unique Building: Ball Court (+2 Happy in addition to Coliseum benefits&#8230; +1 happy and +1 happy per 20% culture rate = for a total of +3 happy)
  • Contact: Turn 69

Current Trades: None
Resources Available for Trade: No Route Established

Technology to Trade: &#8211; unknown -
Missing Technology: &#8211; unknown -

Gold to Trade: &#8211; unknown -

Known towns:
Capital <unknown name> [Size? &#8211; founded: t1] <- Not in the Top 5!
Perimeter [Size ? &#8211; founded: pt69]
Entropia [Size ? &#8211; founded: pt69]
Gottingen [Size ? &#8211; founded: pt69]

Mad Scientists Foreign Dealings:
  • With Team Kazakhstan: No Contact Yet
  • With Team Saturn: - unknown -
  • With Team Cavaleiros: Open Borders Deal.

Treaties and Agreements with SANCTA:
Spoiler :
&#8211; none yet -

Click HERE to visit the Team Mad Scientists Embassy for Discussion.

~ Reserved for Tech Trade Options Grid ~
~ Reserved for Resources Trade Options Grid ~
~ Reserved just-in-case ~
# Unique Building: Stock Exchange (+65% commerce instead of +50% for Bank)
Gold, not commerce

# Unique Unit: Carrack (3 strength, 3 moves. +1 Cargo Space. Can carry any unit. Replaces Caravel which only has 1 cargo space and can only carry non-combat units)
A caravel also can't carry settlers and workers, while a carrack can.
Thanks Dutchfire! :salute:

I also got the capital city sizes very wrong. Will fix those also...

Wow, size 5! They must not like settlers :p

Perhaps they're building a wonder...
If I'm correct, wasn't Caveliros the team that founded late (and the one that we think is building a wonder) and not Mad Scientists?
Team Mad Scientists...
*Founded Late: 3960BC
And for the last two teams, you put "Team Saturn" in the smaller print under their real name, leaderhead, and unit flag.
Yeah; and yeah, but all that is conjecture. I've been considering over the past few days if they didn't get a granary (ignoring BW until after pottery) and are about to start slaving out settlers and workers alarmingly fast (being IMP/EXP it would be the best way to go about things). No proof, atleast not until we see the pop numbers start changing.
No reason to slave it...just build then at max tile use. But yes, worker>settler>???
Thanks for catching those errors Ron & Civplayah.
They are now fixed :salute:

I'll update this thread again once we actually meet someone and get some more solid intel.
Team Kaz updated.

I'm thinking I'm going to request a sticky for this thread so I don't have to bump it each time I update?

Opinions on that?
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