Niklas°cubsfan6506 v Whomp°Beorn-eL-Feared GPS


Idiot riding pedals
Jan 30, 2005
R³ x T's nbhd of North singularity
KC has the map in hand.

Civs info:

Team Council

Name: Niklas
Formal: Council
Noun: Aztecs
Adjective: Aztec
Title: Lambda

Name: cubsfan
Formal: Council
Noun: Sumerians
Adjective: Sumerian
Title: Bear Hunter :scan:

Team Babe:

Name: Beorn
Formal: Babes with big ...
Noun: Romans
Adjective: Roman
Title: Bear

Name: Whomp
Formal: Babes with less ...
Noun: Iroquois
Adjective: Iroquois
Title: Panda

Although I'm in the Council I think the others should have the right to watch us beating the evil Babe aswell! :evil: :mischief:

We'll keep double spoiler threads then. One in the Council forum where we can do all the top-secret stuff, and one here that's just secret. :D

Still waiting for cubsfan to decide on a nation, and have we found the scent of a map yet?
What'd be wrong with a randomly generated map?

If anyone gets a bad start, you simply start over.
I can make you a map. I would want all spoilers out in the open though, here or at CDZ so I could read em.
Works for me!
If one of you wants a duplicate civ, that can be done.
I will choose sumeria as my civ.

Team Council

Name: Niklas
Formal: Council
Noun: Aztecs
Adjective: Aztec
Title: Lambda

Name: cubsfan
Formal: Council
Noun: Sumeria
Adjective: Sumerian
Title: Coach?

Team Babe:

Name: Beorn
Formal: Babes with big ...
Noun: Romans
Adjective: Roman
Title: Bear

Name: Whomp
Formal: Babes with less ...
Noun: Iroquois
Adjective: Iroquois
Title: Panda
Bear Hunter.
Bear Hunter.
:lol: Why didn't I think of that?

As for map parameters, apart from tiny pangea of course, I only ask that there are no goodie huts, to remove the random element. I would prefer to play on Emperor, but I suspect the BABEs would rather play on Regent. How about Monarch as a compromise? Barbs seem unnecessary for a deathmatch, but I'm open for anything there.
I'll go with 0 barbs as well.

Why would we want to play Emperor? There's always Sid in there ...
If you want Sid, I'm definitely all for it. I didn't dare suggest anything above Emperor. ;)
Im against barbs also. But let's play on sid.
Seriously though, emperor sounds good - unless you really want the corruption to slow it all down.
Corruption is unlikely to matter much in a game like this. But sure, emperor sounds good. Or demigod, or deity.
Emperor is pretty standard for a pbem. If Marsden wants to lay some cabbage ($) I might be able to talk my team into it making it a deal. Ready to step up Mr. Marsden?
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