Nitram15's LeaderHead gallery!

Wow, I didn't know you're registered here as well. :D Good to know WePlayCiv likes :whip:, though it is a pretty useless piece of art(?)...

Actually I didn't see WPC since a very loooong time. The main reason is that, I can't oversee two big forum simultaneously. Sorry, but maybe I'll return, one day...
Hey, just wanted to say thanks for making those cool LH. I needed a Hernan Cortes LH and i found one here thanks to you. I just made a BUTTON image for him and I think it turned out pretty good.

Spoiler :

If anyone feels its worth it i can upload the DDS,
Thanks again!
It's been a long time since I've last written here. No, I won't return to lh creating, I've completely abandoned my projects, but I wanted to ask my fellow followers to help my cause.

Hungary has been left out from the game once again. I've made a petition which would be nice to be signed by you all. Thank you for your humble aid for this important goal.

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