no coal to be found!


Jan 16, 2002
I just got steam power (as Babylonia), I'm miles ahead of every other civ in tech, i have an army of workers ready to build the railroads and what happens? No coal appears! ...
Eventually, I discover that thre is no coal in my territory, none on my continent, and finally 3 coal sites only , in the egyptian territory on a distant continent. I cannot trade for coal with the egyptians beacuse they cannot se it! I even try togive them steam power but I can't ' cos they arre to far behind in tech. Itb will take me 12 - 15 turns to get a force to the 'coal' city to conquer it.
Coal is one of the commonest resources in the world: much commoner than spices, incense and many of the other resources. In play terms it is also nonsense to make it so rare. I think this is a flaw in the game caused by lack of pre-release game play: something a good few reviewers pointed out. Any comments?
Your lucky you even found coal. 3 at that. Some games I never find coal. Or there is only one source on a HUGE map. Spices rare? Not for me I usuasally find them in groups of three bunched together. They need to make resources apperar more and they need to be evenly distributed.
Luxuries are bunched, Strategic Resources are spread around. That's intentional, and it works for me! :goodjob:

As far as sources of coal go, look closer! ctrl-shift-m (I think) removes all of the clutter. Cities and more likely mines may be built on tiles where coal eventually appears.
There is supposed to be a minimum of one source of each strategic resource per civ in the game. (And a maximum of one of each luxury resource per civ.) I've never seen reason to doubt that! Not that everything in the game works as advertised, or anything! :lol:
Originally posted by Peteus
. . .There is supposed to be a minimum of one source of each strategic resource per civ in the game. (And a maximum of one of each luxury resource per civ.) . . .

"Suppoosed" to be.

And one per civ per game means you get one for a 6,000 year period!! Worse, they can disappear at any time forcing you into an immediate invasion of whomever has it as it is very unlikely they will trade you for it.

I consider the excessively rare strategic resources (especially iron) to be non-historical and a deterement to playability. I suggest you Edit up somewhat their likelihood of appearing, and Edit down their chance of disappearing, especially with iron. Works for me!
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