Oh yes! In
Baldur's gate 2, I've used a Vorpal sword ... I remember now!
So here's how you do it:
First click on the standard "Trade with Settlement" icon:
You will then see this magnificent screen:
The most important part of the Trade screen is the "scroll" on main-panel. You, will know the name of the settlement (e.g. Wahpekute), the settlement owner (e.g. Sitting Bull) and last but not least, the settlements desired goods.
In this case, the natives want
Silver, Sugar, Indigo, Cocoa, Cloth, Coats, Tools, Horses, and
Trade Goods.
I brought 25 units of food, and 35 tools (lower right panel). They don't want any food, so my food is useless. Hopefully the will trade tools with me...
But, there's a limit. In this case they will only trade up to 25 tools :
(You can simply move you mouse over the "Tools" icon to see how much Tools they want)
Then you can ask them what they will give you in exchange by clicking on "Proposal?"
Here's what they answered:
Of course this really doesn't sound like a deal ! But you must really be careful...
You only have to choices: Either you agree "Sounds like a deal", and you get 3 worthless units of fur against your high quality tools... Or you can click on "Close". But I really think the "Close" game-text isn't clear at all. If you click on Close you actually tell Sitting Bull "We refuse your lousy offer!".
You mustn't repeat doing this. If you do that twice (or maybe three times, I don't know) they will refuse trading with you. I asked Dazio and M07 to add a "Counter-proposal" option, but they didn't seem to like it. Again, "3 fur" for "25 tools" is unacceptable. The best is to click on "exit" immediately when you see they only have 3 furs in their warehouse...