no doc for 2.00?


Venturing in Erebus
Mar 25, 2008

Congrats to the team in releasing 2.00! Now, I'm trying to understand things, but many things are beyond my grasp, hey I can't even manage to trade with natives!! :eek:

So... a mod without a doc is not a good thing imho!

Plus, is the mod still in development, it seems the devs are gone missing since almost a month, or perhaps they take a well deserved break?
Hi Vorpal+5,

Don't worry, Dazio and M07 told me they were working on it. You'll see the docs one day or another!
Feel free to ask, someone might no the answer to you question.

In version 2.00 Dazio and M07 changed the native trade mechanisms. You can only barter (I don't know if the word is correct, exchanging goods without any money involved, is that it?)

If they seem missing, it's probably because they're working on it by the way!

OFFTOPIC: your nickname, "Vorpal" seems familiar. Does it mean something?
And sand-worms seem cool! Are you part of Dune Wars team?
Happy to know that a doc will come, as I don't quite figure out how to barter (correct yes :) ) and the subtleties of the colonists waiting to be boarded in Europe.

Vorpal is the name of a sword that always behead when it hits, from AD&D of the late G. Gigax. The sword is a +6 to hit bonus one normally.
Oh yes! In Baldur's gate 2, I've used a Vorpal sword ... I remember now!

So here's how you do it:
First click on the standard "Trade with Settlement" icon:

You will then see this magnificent screen:

The most important part of the Trade screen is the "scroll" on main-panel. You, will know the name of the settlement (e.g. Wahpekute), the settlement owner (e.g. Sitting Bull) and last but not least, the settlements desired goods.

In this case, the natives want Silver, Sugar, Indigo, Cocoa, Cloth, Coats, Tools, Horses, and Trade Goods.
I brought 25 units of food, and 35 tools (lower right panel). They don't want any food, so my food is useless. Hopefully the will trade tools with me...
But, there's a limit. In this case they will only trade up to 25 tools :

(You can simply move you mouse over the "Tools" icon to see how much Tools they want)
Then you can ask them what they will give you in exchange by clicking on "Proposal?"
Here's what they answered:

Of course this really doesn't sound like a deal ! But you must really be careful...
You only have to choices: Either you agree "Sounds like a deal", and you get 3 worthless units of fur against your high quality tools... Or you can click on "Close". But I really think the "Close" game-text isn't clear at all. If you click on Close you actually tell Sitting Bull "We refuse your lousy offer!".

You mustn't repeat doing this. If you do that twice (or maybe three times, I don't know) they will refuse trading with you. I asked Dazio and M07 to add a "Counter-proposal" option, but they didn't seem to like it. Again, "3 fur" for "25 tools" is unacceptable. The best is to click on "exit" immediately when you see they only have 3 furs in their warehouse...
Of course that's what happens if you want to choose which yield you want to give the natives. I encourage you to avoid this method. You should rather choose the yields you want from them.
I've reloaded my game (;) !) and put 25 tools in my wagon. I selected 3 fur, 22 ore and 10 food. They offered me those goods for 13 tools.


This time the trade seems fair!
So I agreed. As you can see, I now have 10 food, 3 fur, 22 ore and 12 tools in my wagon:


Having four different types of goods in one small wagon, is that even possible? With Dazio and M07's Dawn of a New Era it is! You can put up to 60 (2*30) goods in one wagon. But you can have as many types as you want. Dawn of a New Era is surely the only Civ4Col mod to allow you do do so. So, Dazio ant M07, I must say:
Thank you !:love:
Hi! A big thank you Robert Surcouf for all your posts.
I have a lot of work with my studies. That's why I don't really present on this forum.
Even, i don't have enough time, i try to fix some mistakes I did in the previous version.
I asked Dazio and M07 to add a "Counter-proposal" option, but they didn't seem to like it.
He he, I disagree with you. :p You can have a couter-proposal, but you need to be on good terms with them to have it.
I'm working on it.
There are too many little things I have to ask M07 yet so it will be included in the next version of the mod.
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