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No 'e' in this post


back to normal?
Aug 30, 2001
First of all, what joy I find in odd posts such as this that start from thoughts that contain no particular justification. It's all for fun and nothing but. Now, although that mark is in a condition of prohibition, forms containing said mark should not run afoul of that prohibition; "using" is okay, a variation of is not as solitary prohibition is against that mark and only that mark.

I was thinking about writing about our top man in Washington; I would not find this so difficult had Donald Trump won, but his victory was not and thus I cannot put him in this post.
Day-by-day a task whilom so light, is growing tough by hour.
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It was. A book with this particular prohibition, a fictional story, was similarly brought out long in our past, but contains that mark. That author, who I cannot bring to mind, had valiantly did work in such a way so as to avoid its utilization.
In Russia, an author similarly valiant, also did a book with no signs of "o" in all of it. How did you do so good to find a similar compassion?
What am I looking at?
You stand in front of a joyous, artful doing that will go on until I can say that it has no utility.

In Russia, an author similarly valiant, also did a book with no signs of "o" in all of it. How did you do so good to find a similar compassion?
I found information about that book, by which I must say not in Russian, in my youth. Now, I try to apply it at this point in our forum.
I found information about that book, by which I must say not in Russian, in my youth. Now, I try to apply it at this point in our forum.
Which is of big notation on this forum my good sir. Such book was it by Wright, was it not?

Just you wait until our local champion of fr-- sp--ch finds out about this!
A ch-at-r in our group! Do hang him mods :P
If it wasn't so, daunting, I might call it spam. :)

I think a four plus six word minimum is important.
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^^^That post calls for fixing its compilation of squiggly marks.
Just you wait until our local champion of fr-- sp--ch finds out about this!
Wait, is that fanatics of franks and spinach whom you point out? That sounds flavorful
hmmm....I spy 1 on top :mischief:
^^^^^ Violator!!! ^^^^^
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