
Mar 11, 2014
1. Each settlement over the settlement cap increase unhappiness by 5 in all settlements up to a maximum of 35

2. If a settlement stays in negative happiness for too long it flips to another civ

So unless a settlement can overcome 35 unhappiness or there is good way to increase the cap(like 1 per settlement) we won’t be able to settle and conquer as much as we want. Please tell me i’m wrong or I won’t buy this game
Looks like there are plenty of ways (depending on civ choice) to increase settlement limit. But also what we've seen from the preview videos is that it's fairly easy to keep your core developed cities happy, less so the undeveloped towns. Also it's not clear the flipping happens outside of a particular crisis.
1. Each settlement over the settlement cap increase unhappiness by 5 in all settlements up to a maximum of 35

2. If a settlement stays in negative happiness for too long it flips to another civ

So unless a settlement can overcome 35 unhappiness or there is good way to increase the cap(like 1 per settlement) we won’t be able to settle and conquer as much as we want. Please tell me i’m wrong or I won’t buy this game

There are ways to increase the cap, like civics and attribute points. There are also lots of ways to add happiness. So it is possible to conquer as much as you want, you just have to manage your happiness carefully.
It does seem like every time a new Civ applies a new way (or variation on an old one) of soft-capping expansion, people treat it like a hard-cap that will force them to restrict expansion drastically and not allow them to play how they like. And in the end, all they are is, well, variations on a mechanism to limit unfettered expansion, not an attempt to prevent it entirely.

For Civ VII, unless you've avoided spoilers and reading about games mechanics, and all you know is that there is a number called a "settlement cap", this is very clearly a trade-off / balancing act that others here have detailed.
There are some leaders that can be pretty good at generating more happiness (to overcome the penalty for going over the cap). The longest game I played so far was as Ashoka World Renouncer - and with him, all your buildings gain a +1 happiness adjacency for all improvements. If you combine him with a civilization that can get extra happiness from their unique building or some other mechanic, you can potentially generate a lot of happiness. I was able to stay 3 or even 4 settlements over the limit. Overcoming a -35 penalty would be hard though.
I believe Rome and Mongols get a bonus to the cap. In Quill 18's game he was I believe 2 or 3 over the cap with no real problems. Maybe you don't get a celebration as often, big deal. The 3 extra cities (towns I mean, have to get used to the terminology) more than make up for that I'm guessing. He had completely conquered Rome in his game, and took one of the Greek cities I believe.

Will you be able to conquer the "known" world in antiquity? Probably not. But I'm guessing you can do it in the modern age.
Thanks for the replies, feeling slightly more hopeful
Hopefully there will be so many sources to increase the cap that it won't limit you too much
To add on to what was said above, this also feels like something super simple to modify, if the modding is like Civ6. I did a bunch of mini changes in Civ6, to make the game better for me.
To add on to what was said above, this also feels like something super simple to modify, if the modding is like Civ6. I did a bunch of mini changes in Civ6, to make the game better for me.
Numbers - as in, Settlement Cap numbers - are easy to modify in a computer. And since expanded Settlement caps are already in the game for some Civs, they can probably be extended to others.

All that in addition to the 'built in' Settlement cap manipulations from attributes, civics, etc that are already in the game. Even without Modding, the Settlement Cap appears to be a very soft cap.
Thanks for the replies, feeling slightly more hopeful
Hopefully there will be so many sources to increase the cap that it won't limit you too much

There do seem to be quite a lot of such sources. A very rough count on my end a few days ago got a potential city cap of about 20 by the end of the Exploration Era (if you take the right civs/leader), and you can go a few over that. Presumably, that means the Modern Era cap can get in the vicinity of 25-32. Which should be enough to satisfy my expansionist tendencies even in my more expansionist games. And I'm still of the opinion that wide vs tall is a fake dichotomy and tall doesn't exist (irl).
In this video at 12:12 he shows 16/8 settlements and says it isn't too hard to go well over the cap:
You can have a maximum penalty of 35 happiness, most streamers has 40-60 happiness. Seems totally reasonable that you can expand as much as you want, you'll juts get slower celebrations.
Maybe you don't get a celebration as often, big deal.
Celebrations ARE a big deal, as I understand it.

In addition to the 10 turns of production yield. Each Celebration unlock another government Policy Slot for the remainder of the Age (?or entire game). And Celebrations also trigger events for additional benefits.
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