No-Installer Official 1.01f Patch


Mohawk Games Developer
Mar 14, 2002
There are many people who obtained Civ4 Colonization from other means than brick-'n-mortar who have been stuck without an update to the official patch 1.01f.

I've taken the time to create a zip file of all the files in the official patch and created a No-Installer patch.

1. Download the No-Installer official 1.01f patch from here [22 Meg]
2. Unzip to a temporary directory on your desktop
3. Copy into your installation directory over writing all files (default installation is usually C\Program Files\2K Games\Firaxis Games\Sid Meiers Civilization IV Colonization)

After patching up if you click Advanced --> About from the main menu you should see the attached screen.

Thanks :)
And once again, Dale comes through for us! :thanx:
Hi Dale

I have now downloaded the no installer zip file (it was reported as size 15.5 Mb!) and have installed it as per instructions.
I can confirm that the About screen was as you indicated.
The AoD2 game now completes to full loading and runs.
I'll look through the other many options over the next few days

Many thanks
Alan :goodjob:
Mr Dale, you are the best. Truly. Always.
Firaxis on the other hand... Don't even reply on emails it seems. :mad:

Again, thank you!
Thanks a lot Dale for making this patch available to us.
Although I personnaly bought the brick-'n-mortar version in order to get the patched version!
as I had no feed back from anybody :(
Dale, if I wasn't the man I was I'd kiss you!
On a semi-serious note are you planning to do this for all patches (assuming new patches are released).
I doubt new patches will be released. As was pointed out in a another topic, Colonization now doesn't require the disc to play, and this change usually only occurs if it is expected to be the last patch for the game.
Um, I installed the no installer zip file (15.5 Mb as noted by NF), to .../Firaxis Games/, then reinstalled (403592KB). But ... my about screen gives a build date of Feb 27, not Feb 28. Also, I have no diplomacy text.:confused:
I should perhaps mention that I obtained my no installer patch file from the link in the OP.
nvm: Reinstalled game, problem gone. Huh.
Dale - the link in your post seems to be broken.
edit: Never mind, it worked.
Hi guys, both links are now broken. Would you be so kind as to re-upload the file?
There are many people who obtained Civ4 Colonization from other means than brick-'n-mortar who have been stuck without an update to the official patch 1.01f.

I've taken the time to create a zip file of all the files in the official patch and created a No-Installer patch.

1. Download the No-Installer official 1.01f patch from here [22 Meg]
2. Unzip to a temporary directory on your desktop
3. Copy into your installation directory over writing all files (default installation is usually C\Program Files\2K Games\Firaxis Games\Sid Meiers Civilization IV Colonization)

After patching up if you click Advanced --> About from the main menu you should see the attached screen.

Thanks :)
Hey, the site didn't work. I can't go to the site, can you put it on another site so I can download it? Thank you for the patch, keep up the good work
This is an 8 year old thread so I'm not sure how much help you will get. The official patch should be still available from multiple sites - google 'colonization patch'. Otherwise consider buying a fully patched version of the game from Good Old Games for $5.99.
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