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[GS] No more mods are working


Aug 2, 2002
Hi all,

A week ago i updated my Civilization 6 (i have both expansions R&F and GS) to the most recent patch (September 2019 it seems).
Previously i had noted the mods list that i used, and that worked with the previous version.
At the same time, i downloaded new mods through the workshop to try them and add more features to the game (wonders etc...)
I tried the mods to find the ones that did not work with each other.
And after several tests, with a small map (standard map), i found the combination of mods that worked.
When i wanted to use larger map size (with perfect world, detailled world or the standard maps), i always had the error message (lua.log).
Soon, even the mods (tested one by one) that worked before brought me the error message.
Having spent several hours above it, i desperately thought of using the legacy version of Civilization via steam beta.
The first time it worked, the list of mods that worked before the September patch launched without problem. So I started to want to add other mods. And there the same error message.
Now, even the mods that worked, no longer starts (even one at a time) !!!!
I do not know what to do, i prefer to play modded Civilization 6, because some game mechanics do not suit me as implemented).
Has anyone ever encountered this problem and can help me ? Is there a log or cache file to delete ?
Thank you
Hi all,

A week ago i updated my Civilization 6 (i have both expansions R&F and GS) to the most recent patch (September 2019 it seems).
Previously i had noted the mods list that i used, and that worked with the previous version.
At the same time, i downloaded new mods through the workshop to try them and add more features to the game (wonders etc...)
I tried the mods to find the ones that did not work with each other.
And after several tests, with a small map (standard map), i found the combination of mods that worked.
When i wanted to use larger map size (with perfect world, detailled world or the standard maps), i always had the error message (lua.log).
Soon, even the mods (tested one by one) that worked before brought me the error message.
Having spent several hours above it, i desperately thought of using the legacy version of Civilization via steam beta.
The first time it worked, the list of mods that worked before the September patch launched without problem. So I started to want to add other mods. And there the same error message.
Now, even the mods that worked, no longer starts (even one at a time) !!!!
I do not know what to do, i prefer to play modded Civilization 6, because some game mechanics do not suit me as implemented).
Has anyone ever encountered this problem and can help me ? Is there a log or cache file to delete ?
Thank you
maybe @leif erikson or @Gedemon can help point you in the right direction
Here the files.
The mods on this file are these that work previously (before september patch).
(Pourrons nous continuer en français ?)


From "Warfare Expanded Complete" description:
NOT COMPATIBLE with MOAR Units or Steel & Thunder: Unit Expansion.

choose one.
I check and this mod is desactived, but Steel and Thunder is activated.

Je comprends pas trop d'où vient le problème, Warfare Expanded est bien désactivé. Est ce que ça veut dire qu'il apparaît activé dans un des fichiers log ?

D'ailleurs, même en testant les mods un seul à la fois, rien n'y fait je n'arrive même pas à la narration de la Civilisation.
Je ne vais pas pouvoir aider, ca ressemble plus a un problème d'installation que de mods.

Essaie de réinitialiser en effaçant le fichier mods.sqlite dans "\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization VI"

(Can't help if it's an installation issue, but try to delete the mods.sqlite file in \Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization VI)
I try it and tell you. The game seems correctly installed and work properly without mod.

J'essaierai ça. Le jeu se lance pourtant normalement sans les mods activés. Il parait donc bien installé correctement.
I delete the file, but no change, same effect, the game not launch and same error message about mod compatibility.
Warfare Expanded was active, make sure to NOT load a previous configuration (which include mods) from the setup screen.
No, Warfare Expanded is not active in the mod menu. If the logs file i have upgraded i don't understand. You tell me to start a new game without any mod activated ? And after that to create a game with mods activated ?

Je ne comprends pas, j'ai bien pris soins de désactiver Warfare Expanded. S'il apparaît actif dans les logs, je comprends pas du tout.
Tu me conseille de lancer une partie avec aucun mod actif ? Puis après de relancer une partie où je pourrais activer les mods ?
J'avais essayé ça (mais sans avoir effacé le fichier sqlite.

Désolé d'utiliser le français, mais c'est plus facile et j'ai besoin de vraiment bien comprendre.
Translating my previous message

Lancer un jeu en ne rechargeant surtout pas une config pre-enregistrée sur l'ecran de setup. Sinon même les mods soigneusement désactivées sont réactivés au moment de recharger la configuration. Parce que oui, Warfare Expanded était bien activé quand tu as lancé le jeu.
Je comprends mieux. Effectivement je chargeait à chaque fois une configuration que j'avais sauvegardé (type de carte, taille etc). Je pensais que ça ne conservais que le type de carte. Je vais donc essayer sans charger une configuration et voir si j'arrive au jeu. Je pense que tu as cerné le problème. En tout cas, c'est certain que j'aurais surement pas pensé à ça. Je pensais gagner du temps pour le test des mods avec la sauvegarde de configuration. Je me trompais lourdement.
Je testerais ça et je te dirais ce qu'il en est.

EDIT : Sorry, here the translation :

I understand better. Indeed I loaded each time a configuration that I had saved (type of map, size etc). I thought it only kept the type of map. So I will try without loading a configuration and see if I get to the game. I think you have identified the problem. In any case, it is certain that I have thought of that. I thought I would save time for testing mods with the loading a previous configuration. It was a big mistake. I'll test your suggestion and tell you what happen.
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I tested and it works. Thank you so much.


I wrote too fast, it doesn't work anymore. Late last night I was able to create a game with the mods that I liked and worked together. I played forty turned and saved. I just tried to load my saved game and I have the error message about mods. So I tried to try to create a new game and was unable to start a game, I have the same error message as before, while I did not load a configuration, but create a new game as you explained to me. I really don't understand what the problem is now.

Here the logs.

J'ai écris trop vite, ça ne fonctionne pas.
Tard hier soir j'ai pu lancer créer une partie avec les mods qui me plaisaient et fonctionnaient ensembles.
J'ai joué une quarantaine de tours et sauvegardé.
Je viens d'essayer de charger ma sauvegarde et j'ai le message d'erreur des mods, comme avant.
J'ai donc tenté d'essayer de créer une nouvelle partie et impossible de lancer une partie, j'ai le même message d'erreur qu'auparavant, alors que je n'ai pas chargé une configuration, mais bien créé une nouvelle partie comme tu m'as expliqué.
Je comprends vraiment pas quel est le problème maintenant.

Je te mets les logs, parce que je désespère de pouvoir rejouer à civ :
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I think I managed to find, after several tests, the combination of mods that work. I had to use less mods, but I was able to play and reload the game on several tries. I hope it will continue to work. Thanks for the help.
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