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No Treasure for Pirates


Dec 19, 2006
Ohio (-5 GMT)
Game started June 11, 2016

France's Louis XIV (Eclipse) (Takhisis)
Britain's Lord Oliver Cromwell (Lanzelot)
Spain's Don Juan Rajado (Jarovid)
Dutch's Peter Van Deerk (AI)
PegLegs' Captain Mad Jack Rackhem (Lanzelot)
Swashbucklers' Black Henry Scarlett (Eclipse)
The Undead Pirates' Dead Captain Bernard Fokke (AI)
Portugal's Isabella (AI)

Activity Spoiler
Spoiler :
Apr. 1656 Swashbucklers extort gold from France and Spain
Nov. 1656 Takhisis Takes over France
Dec. 1656 Diplomacy between the Kings on the subject of Piracy

use this link to DOWNLOAD FILES, this folder goes in Scenarios. also the current map itself is attached



Here are a few rules to get us started:
1. You never use exploits of the games mechanics. Example, if you give a worker an order to build a mine you must allow the worker the set turns to complete this task, you may not select this worker before this time and change his orders to build a road and get both built in less time, this may/may not be an actual exploit but you do understand what I mean.

2. You may not gift cities to another player human or AI for reasons of troop movements/warp to another area but is allowed to settle a dispute or create peace or ceasefire (extortion).

3. Officer/Captain type units must not be killed unless they go down in a ship! In this case please Report this loss. If Captured he may be ransomed or remain captive until captor is satisfied, if said officer/captain has done you great harm he maybe tried for War Crimes and with 2 of 3 votes can be put to death.

4. Game must be saved and game exited between Leader turns

Spoiler :
No Treasure for Pirates Re-worked and Overhauled by “The Guardian”
No Treasure for Pirates

Originally Pirates Aarrrr !!!


[ Game is currently accepting new players! ]

This is Pirates! Yarr! by Paasky re-done

Host: Eclipse4449

1. Player: Spain (Jarovid)

2. Player: England + Peglegs (Lanzelot)

3. Player: France + Swashbucklers (Eclipse)
Portugal, Netherlands and Undead Pirates set to AI
Spoiler :
Please consider this scenario as very Volatile. Is EVERYONE up for a Bloody lawless game?

You maybe just about to deposit your hard earned treasure in your Capitol and out of no where it’s taken from you! Or you lose Cities to your Rivals or Allies, or worst your Navy completely destroyed.

For the Consideration of the other players don’t quit or don’t play if your not in it 100%.

Piracy, (Treasure Hunting) is a dirty business and it will get messy, you will lose units to ""no-one" Which could cause bad feelings with friends more than any other type of scenario.

No alliances, no coalitions.... It is a FREE-FOR-ALL… If an alliances is somehow formed you can bet it won’t be for your own benefit!

Please let us know of significant events about your turn, excluding the obvious Privateer Assaults and Bombardments (Hidden Nationality) as this would defeat the purpose of the unit.
If you attack with a (Hidden Nationality) unit, and NO WITNESSES, by all means, hide it.
If you have witnesses, as in, there are still ships afloat, declare it as a witnessed event ?
At the very least, PM the victim to let him know. Remember these units are available to all.
Then again, pirate attacks can be UNDECLARED. As this would cause trouble.

Make sure everyone knows the "win" conditions. This will be POST #3

This to be updated asap
I'm not really a navy builder, but the game looks fun. I'm really swamped right now too. Gonna check out the Crusader Kings game.

Love to be in this but I'm anti RaR which is sad for me.

Anyway Good hunting & I hope to see some pix & read
some tales in this one.

Psstt... Might want to put this in http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=38619 :D

But you know I like the Nips & God save the German King!!!

Sorry if your PC & don't like Nips... I'll say Japs next time. :lol:

Blaze Injun
took me a while to understand you, Blaze.
there still room for you to change your mind.

oh, and if you havent yet seen Clint Eastwoods' latest movie: Gran Torino, do watch it.
i do believe you'll enjoy his character.
if its not screening anywhere near you, PM or EMAIL me, and ill hook you up with a copy to watch.

back to topic...
when do we start?
posted a notice in the pbem game registry to lure some hapless people in.
let me know if you want it removed or what not.

Well I saw the post and was about to join but not so sure you want a "hapless" player... :p

:joke: Actually, I'd love to play but not sure yet if I should commit. It be pretty good scenario but all you maties are gonna wanna be sure to get this to fix several bugs/crashes. Savvy?
Thanks for the invite Eclipse! I'd like France if it is open
Signing up here was easy

I'm game to try this as the Cherokee, possibly, if you'll have me.

How often would there be turns to play?

I guess the best way to get a feel for it is to play it, beyond the general sense I got from the thread(s).



I'm game to try this as the Cherokee, possibly, if you'll have me.

How often would there be turns to play?

I guess the best way to get a feel for it is to play it, beyond the general sense I got from the thread(s).


welcome to CFC Onan and Natuland!

typical PBEM turnaround is about 1 a day (if we are lucky), but it will slow down a bit.
you are expected to pass the recieved turn within 24 hours, but we wont kill anyone for being a little late.
a certain "ranter" seems to have declined, so no real raves about lateness here ;)
my advise, play the mod a couple of times. get a feel for it.
also, if youre not used to playing humans, its much more intense.
you will enjoy it.
Sorry eclipse after thinking about the length and time this would take, this would take to much time, I cram for my exams as it is
Thanks for the welcome, Soul Warrior.

Civ without other humans playing is a cold dead thing. :eek: I first found MP with play the world I think, and was a 'ladder player' for some time thereafter, even moving into playtesting civ4 and playing a bit of BTS MP.

It looks like I should be Britain, France, or Spain, not Cherokee as I said above--I always did like being the underdog. I suppose I'd opt for the Brits of those three.

The scenario looks like a modified Age of Sail / colonization scenario. I know I'm not getting it quite right but there you go.

I'll give it a whirl sometime. Looks like we won't start too soon as we need at least two more players?

Why are you moving to Oz? I live over the ditch. :p

over the ditch, eh ;)

im moving there to get married.
the missus is australian, and we think that life there would be MUCH easier than in Israel.
we'll be staying in sydney, which is fine.
i have some friends there, while she has her family :eek:

didnt try yet playing the euro civs.
they are the underdogs?
i thought i picked the underdog by going pirate.
ill give the brits a try this weekend.

its up to eclipse to say when we start, but if we have 4 thats plenty... imo
over the ditch, eh ;)

im moving there to get married.
the missus is australian, and we think that life there would be MUCH easier than in Israel.
we'll be staying in sydney, which is fine.
i have some friends there, while she has her family :eek:

didnt try yet playing the euro civs.
they are the underdogs?
i thought i picked the underdog by going pirate.
ill give the brits a try this weekend.

its up to eclipse to say when we start, but if we have 4 thats plenty... imo
From what I can see from the first few weeks in the game the Pirates have an advantage speed, power and invisiblity but not long after, the strength of the European economics, the land that they are left with and thier consolidated defense of thier cities start giving the Pirates a run for the money, you'll be faster threw the tech tree than the Pirates unless they are able to pick off a few profitable western cities, the European Capitols are extremely tough.

Civ without other humans playing is a cold dead thing. I first found MP with play the world I think, and was a 'ladder player' for some time thereafter, even moving into playtesting civ4 and playing a bit of BTS MP.

It looks like I should be Britain, France, or Spain, not Cherokee as I said above--I always did like being the underdog. I suppose I'd opt for the Brits of those three.

The scenario looks like a modified Age of Sail / colonization scenario. I know I'm not getting it quite right but there you go.

I'll give it a whirl sometime. Looks like we won't start too soon as we need at least two more players?

Why are you moving to Oz? I live over the ditch.

You can pick the one you want, each has thier own strengths and weeknesses.
And I'm glad your here!

I hope to fill the other 2 slots but I'm not completely opposed to a Euoropean playing 2 leaders, but its really not fair
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